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BliczkaPaczka API Client


Build Status

BliskaPaczka API Client

This package is PHP API client for API.


Client has support for API actions:

  • order
    • save
    • get waybill
  • pricing
    • get

For more information pleas see Bliskapaczka API documentation


Initialize client

$apiKey = 'xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx';
$apiClient = new Bliskapaczka\ApiClient\Bliskapaczka\Order($apiKey, 'test');

Create new order

$orderData = [
    "senderFirstName" => "string",
    "senderLastName" => "string",
    "senderPhoneNumber" => "606555433",
    "senderEmail" => "",
    "senderStreet" => "string",
    "senderBuildingNumber" => "string",
    "senderFlatNumber" => "string",
    "senderPostCode" => "54-130",
    "senderCity" => "string",
    "receiverFirstName" => "string",
    "receiverLastName" => "string",
    "receiverPhoneNumber" => "600555432",
    "receiverEmail" => "",
    "operatorName" => "INPOST",
    "destinationCode" => "KRA010",
    "postingCode" => "KOS01L",
    "codValue" => 0,
    "insuranceValue" => 0,
    "additionalInformation" => "string",
    "parcel" => [
        "dimensions" => [
            "height" => 20,
            "length" => 20,
            "width" => 20,
            "weight" => 2


How to run unit tests?

php vendor/bin/phpunit --bootstrap tests/bootstrap.php tests/unit

How to run SCA?

php vendor/bin/phpcs --standard=PSR2 src/ tests/
php vendor/bin/phpmd src/ text codesize
php vendor/bin/phpcpd src/
php vendor/bin/phpdoccheck --directory=src/ 
php vendor/bin/phploc src/

How to run API tests as a Client?

php vendor/bin/phpunit --bootstrap tests/bootstrap.php tests/pact/

Setup Pact Mock

Via gem

gem install pact-mock_service
pact-mock-service --port 1234

or use docker

docker run -p 1234:1234 -v /tmp/log:/var/log/pacto -v /tmp/contracts:/opt/contracts madkom/pact-mock-service

How to run unit tests on docker

docker build -t bliskapaczka_docker_php5 .
docker run -v $(pwd):/app --rm bliskapaczka_docker_php5 --bootstrap tests/bootstrap.php tests/unit