Blackcube CMS Core system

Installs: 640

Dependents: 3

Suggesters: 0

Security: 0

Stars: 0

Watchers: 1

Forks: 0


3.2.1 2024-02-28 16:05 UTC


Blackcube Core

pipeline status coverage report


  • PHP 7.4+
    • Extension dom
    • Extension fileinfo
    • Extension intl
    • Extension json
    • Extension mbstring
  • Apache or NginX


Add blackcube core to the project

composer require "blackcube/core" 


Beware: Blackcube core can be used in stand alone but Blackcube admin is recommended

Inject Blackcube core in application

// main configuration file
   'container' => [
      'singletons' => [
         // local filesystem
         blackcube\core\components\Flysystem::class => [
            'class' => blackcube\core\components\FlysystemLocal::class,
            'path' => getstrenv('FILESYSTEM_LOCAL_PATH'),
         // or s3
         blackcube\core\components\Flysystem::class => [
            'class' => blackcube\core\components\FlysystemAwsS3::class,
           'key' => getstrenv('FILESYSTEM_S3_KEY'),
           'secret' => getstrenv('FILESYSTEM_S3_SECRET'),
           'bucket' => getstrenv('FILESYSTEM_S3_BUCKET'),
           'region' => getstrenv('FILESYSTEM_S3_REGION'),
           'version' => 'latest',
           'endpoint' => getstrenv('FILESYSTEM_S3_ENDPOINT'),
           'pathStyleEndpoint' => getboolenv('FILESYSTEM_S3_PATH_STYLE'),
// ...
    'bootstrap' => [
        // ... boostrapped modules
        'blackcube', // blackcube core
    'modules' => [
        // ... other modules
        'blackcube' => [
            'class' => blackcube\core\Module::class,
            'plugins' => [
               // additional plugins
            'cmsEnabledmodules' => [
               // additional modules
            'allowedParameterDomains' => ['],
            // override components if needed
            'components' => [
               'db' => ...
               'cache' => ...
               'fs' => ...
            /// end override
// ...

Update DB

Add needed tables in DB

php yii.php migrate

Init database with basic stuff

php yii.php bc:init

Blackcube core is now ready, you can use it