binary-cube / carrot-mq
Carrot MQ :: Food for thought
- php: ^7.2.5
- ext-pcntl: *
- psr/log: 1.1.*
- queue-interop/amqp-interop: 0.8.*
- symfony/event-dispatcher: 5.*
Requires (Dev)
- ext-pcntl: Need for process signals.
- bunny/bunny: Alternative for AMQP-LIB
- enqueue/amqp-bunny: Enqueue for Bunny
- enqueue/amqp-ext: Need for AMQP when using the PECL extension.
- enqueue/amqp-lib: Enqueue for AMQP-LIB
~ Enjoy your ☕ ~
This package requires the following
- php ^7.2.5
- ext-bcmath
- ext-sockets
via "composer require":
composer require binary-cube/carrot-mq
via composer (manually):
If you're using Composer to manage dependencies, you can include the following in your
file:{ "require": { "binary-cube/carrot-mq": "0.*" } }
Example of usage
<?php use BinaryCube\CarrotMQ\CarrotMQ; use BinaryCube\CarrotMQ\Driver\AmqpDriver; use BinaryCube\CarrotMQ\Processor\Processor; use BinaryCube\CarrotMQ\Extension\SignalExtension; include __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php'; $config = [ 'connections' => [ 'default' => [ 'config' => [ 'extension' => AmqpDriver::EXTENSION_AMQP_LIB, 'host' => '', 'port' => '5672', 'username' => 'guest', 'password' => 'guest', 'vhost' => '/', 'persisted' => false, ], ], ], 'topics' => [ 'topic-id-1' => [ 'name' => 't1', 'connection' => 'default', ], ], 'queues' => [ 'queue-id-1' => [ 'name' => 'foo', 'connection' => 'default', 'config' => [ 'durable' => true, 'bind' => [ [ 'topic' => 't1', 'routing_key' => 'some-routing-key', ], ], ], ], ], 'publishers' => [ 'publisher-1' => [ 'topic' => 'topic-id-1', 'config' => [], ], ], 'consumers' => [ 'c1' => [ 'queue' => 'queue-id-1', 'processor' => function (\Interop\Amqp\AmqpMessage $message) { echo vsprintf('Message body size: %s', [mb_strlen($message->getBody())]) . PHP_EOL; return Processor::REQUEUE; }, 'config' => [ 'receive_timeout' => 30, 'qos' => [ 'enabled' => false, 'prefetch_size' => 0, 'prefetch_count' => 0, 'global' => false, ] ], ], ], ]; $carrot = new CarrotMQ($config); $consumer = $carrot->container()->consumers()->get('c1'); $extension = new SignalExtension(); /** * @var BinaryCube\CarrotMQ\Consumer $consumer */ $consumer->extensions()->add($extension::name(), $extension); $consumer->consume();
Bugs and feature requests
Have a bug or a feature request? Please first read the issue guidelines and search for existing and closed issues. If your problem or idea is not addressed yet, please open a new issue.
Contributing guidelines
All contributions are more than welcomed. Contributions may close an issue, fix a bug (reported or not reported), add new design blocks, improve the existing code, add new feature, and so on. In the interest of fostering an open and welcoming environment, we as contributors and maintainers pledge to making participation in our project and our community a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of age, body size, disability, ethnicity, gender identity and expression, level of experience, nationality, personal appearance, race, religion, or sexual identity and orientation. Read the full Code of Conduct.
Through the development of new versions, we're going use the Semantic Versioning.
Example: 1.0.0
- Major release: increment the first digit and reset middle and last digits to zero. Introduces major changes that might break backward compatibility. E.g. 2.0.0
- Minor release: increment the middle digit and reset last digit to zero. It would fix bugs and also add new features without breaking backward compatibility. E.g. 1.1.0
- Patch release: increment the third digit. It would fix bugs and keep backward compatibility. E.g. 1.0.1
- Banciu N. Cristian Mihai
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.