
OAuth2 server based on BShaffer OAuth2, utilizing Doctrine

v1.9.0 2017-01-06 23:20 UTC


Implementation of the OAuth2 server using Doctrine ORM.

The package forks BShaffer's OAuth2 implementation and adapts it to use Doctrine, PSR4 and PSR7.





  1. Add the ConfigProvider to the config/container.php file:

    $aggregator = new ConfigAggregator([
    ], $cacheConfig['config_cache_path']);
  2. In the config/autoload/local.php add an array for oauth2:

    return [
        'oauth2' => [
                'db' => [
                    'dsn'      => '', // For example "mysql:dbname=oauth2_db;host=localhost"
                    'username' => '', // Database username
                    'password' => '', // Database password
                'allow_implicit'    => true, // Default (set to true when you need to support browser-based or mobile apps)
                'access_lifetime'   => 3600, // Default (set a value in seconds for access tokens lifetime)
                'enforce_state'     => true,  // Default
                'always_issue_new_refresh_token' => true, // Set to true in order to receive a refresh token always
                'keys_folder' => './config/keys', // Public and private keys folder location
                'user_entity'       => '', // MANDATORY user entity, must implement UserInterface
                'client_service'       => '', // OPTIONAL client service, must implement ClientInterface

    Alternatively you can copy the data\oauth2.local.php.dist file in the config/autoload folder and change the values inside it accordingly.

    You must specify an entity for the user_entity config entry. The user_entity class must implement the interface:


    Optional, if you wish to change the get client details, scope or grant type check, you can specify a client service in the client_service settings parameter. The client service must implement the interface

  3. Create a folder keys in the config folder and inside it generate the private and public keys:

    1. Create a private key openssl genrsa -out private.key 1024
    2. Create a public key openssl rsa -in private.key -pubout > public.key

    Alternatively, you can copy the pre-generated keys from the data folder

    The pre-generated key were generated without a password.

    Alternatively, you can generate the key anywhere in the project structure and specify the location of the keys in the config array under the key 'keys_folder'


In the routes.php file add the following entries:

$app->post('/authorize', \OAuth2Server\Middleware\Authorize::class, 'authorize');
$app->post('/access_token', \OAuth2Server\Middleware\Token::class, 'access_token');

Create the database schema using the included migration file: 20171107115657_oauth.php

Add a client:

client_id: test
client_secret: test 
grant_types: authorization_code password refresh_token


For the authorize method, performing a GET on the


will validate the URL and redirect to an authorize/deny page

Authorizing will redirect to the provided redirect URI with an authorization token

Posting to the /authorize URI with the following body fields:



will return a valid token which you can use multiple times, example:

    "access_token": "7b2d00806e938ad976071c4d4d5cd1fe6bc680e9",
    "expires_in": 3600,
    "token_type": "Bearer",
    "scope": "test",
    "refresh_token": "471cae69cf042921348f284881de0477528017c7"


Add a user with

username: test
password: test

For the password method, performing a POST on the /access_token route with the following body:



will return an access token, example:

    "access_token": "0d5e4bf51129e0fe2c94f9ecb91786ffab0018b2",
    "expires_in": 3600,
    "token_type": "Bearer",
    "scope": "test",
    "refresh_token": "1f67452221c02257ca39f7934906bf92db8cd51f"

Access token usage

Piping the \OAuth2Server\Middleware\VerifyResource middleware to a route will verify the access token validity

$app->get('/', [ \OAuth2Server\Middleware\VerifyResource::class, App\Action\HomePageAction::class ], 'home');

A valid GET for


would have to contain the Authorization header. Example:

Authorization: Bearer <TOKEN>