
There is no license information available for the latest version (v0.2) of this package.

v0.2 2022-05-12 06:03 UTC


This package helps you to speed up your development if you have been given a technical assignment.

Kit features:

  • PHPUnit
  • Laravel ORM and Migrations (default database is SQLite)
  • Laravel Routings
  • Laravel Controllers and validators
  • Guzzle Http client
  • Fractal
  • PHP dotenv

Application configuration

This app is using .env file to define it's configurations. you can find it in the root of the project.

APP_URI=localhost:8000 # used to run integration tests suite, this should be same for application
DB_CONNECTION= #sqlite or mysql

Run Application (With Docker)

Make sure you have Docker installed. all configurations (dockerfile, nginx) are located inside of build/ folder. Also you can find docker-composer.yaml in root of the project. you may run below commands to up and run your application

  • docker-compose build && docker-compose up -d
  • docker exec -it project-php-fpm bash -c "composer install && composer dump-autoload -o"

Run tests (integration & unit)

To run integration tests, first make sure you have run above commands to boot the app first, then run vendor/bin/phpunit tests. which runs both unit and integration tests.

Dependency Injection

If you want to take advantage of dependency injection, you may define an array of dependencies as below in bootstrap/providers.php

$providers = [
    'Foo' => Foo::class,
    'Bar' => Bar::class

by now whenever you need a dependency, you can inject it as a parameter.


You may define your database table structures in database/migrations directory. Just like laravel if your migration class name is AddUsersTable the corresponding file name would be add_users_table.

Run migrations

You may run all your migrations by run composer migrate command.