
Simple deployment helper

Installs: 18

Dependents: 0

Suggesters: 0

Security: 0

Stars: 0

Forks: 1


v1.0 2024-07-04 20:31 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-04 18:56:52 UTC


Simple deployment helper. This script:

  • clones the given repository and branch to a new directory (ie. without affecting live processes during the process)
  • symlinks files shared between deployments (like logs directory or .env)
  • executes deployment commands (defaulting to make deploy)
  • cleans up files that are unnecessary after a finished deployment (like .git, node_modules)
  • cleans up old releases (by default it keeps 3 most recent ones)
  • symlinks the latest release as the current directory
  • (optionally) runs extra commands at specific stages of the deployment.


composer global require avris/deployer

In order to execute globally installed composer binaries, add the following to your ~/.bashrc / ~/.zshrc:

export PATH="$(composer config -g home)/vendor/bin:$PATH"


Create a folder to which you will deploy, and initialise Deployer there:

mdkir project_name
cd project_name
deployer init <repo_url>

This command will create a directory shared. Put there all the files that are supposed to be shared between deployments.

It will also create deploy.php file. This file holds all the configuration of the deployment, and it looks like this:


return new class extends \Avris\Deployer\Config
        public function repositoryUrl(): string
                return 'git@gitlab.com:Avris/OurSong.git';

        public function sharedFiles(): iterable
                yield '.env';
                yield 'keys';
                yield 'server/.env.local';
                yield 'server/var/geo.json';
                yield 'server/var/log';

        public function finish(): iterable
                yield ['sudo', 'service', 'php8.3-fpm', 'restart'];

By default, the command that's gonna be executed to build the release is make deploy. To make it work like that, create a Makefile in your project's repository, eg.

    composer install --no-dev --optimize-autoloader
    bin/console doctrine:migration:migrate -n
    yarn build

Methods that can be specified in the config file:

  • repositoryUrl (required)
  • branch (defaults to main)
  • keepReleases (defaults to 3) – how many directories should be kept in the release folder (allows for quickly reverting to a previous version)
  • sharedFiles – a list of files or directories (relative paths) which should be shared between releases (by symlinking them from shared to each release)
  • removeFiles – a list of files or directories (relative paths) that should be removed after the build step is complete
  • build (defaults to [make deploy]) – a list of commands that build (compile etc.) the project
  • hooks – lists of commands to be executed at various stages:
    • before – runs at the very beginning of a deployment
    • after – runs right after build
    • beforeRemove – runs right before cleaning up an older release (in the cwd of that release)
    • finish – runs at the end of deployment
    • beforeSwitchVersion – runs right before switching to a different release
    • afterSwitchVersion – runs right after switching to a different release
    • reload – runs at the very and of both deployments and switches (intended eg. for reloading apache)

You can now execute a deployment: just run deployer (or deployer <branch> if you want to overwrite the default branch).

To switch between versions run deployer version list|prev|next.
