
PHP Framework for the Ascio-API. Sync, AutoQueue, Update, REST-API

v0.1 2021-09-15 08:46 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-01 00:29:40 UTC


A php framework with docker to sync and connect to the ascio-api. Scalable, based on docker and kafka.

It makes make domain-management-processes easear like:


The only requirement is docker. It can be downloaded here:


  1. Clone repository: git clone ascio-framework
  2. cd ascio-framework
  3. chmod u+x bin/
  4. Run bin/ <<github token>>. The github-token can be used optionally to extend quotas (Could not authenticate against It can be obtained here:
  5. Set missing passwords in the .env
  6. Enter the ascio-credentials in config/accounts/default.json
  7. Run bin/

Initial database sync: ascio > local

At the beginning the database is empty. As Ascio-messages are sent, when something changes, an initial sync must be done at the beginning. The sync-orders script syncs all orders and data that belongs to the orders, like Domains or SSL-Certificates.

  • make sure the installation is complete, and default.json contains valid credentials and environment
  • run bin/

Testing the installation

At the beginning there will be a Kafka exception in the logs. This will be gone as soon as Kafka has fully loaded. There is no dependancy on Kafka, because the Kafka could run somewhere else.

  • run bin/ Look for 401 Authentification failed
  • run bin/php sandbox/create-order.php
  • observe the logs for poll complete.
  • check the database: http://localhost:8001/



  • Init framework, create tables, build: bin/
  • Initials sync orders: bin/
  • Start: bin/
  • Stop: bin/
  • Restart framework: bin/
  • View logs: bin/
  • Docker shell: docker exec -it ascio-framework-php bash
  • Execute php: docker exec ascio-framework-php php sandbox/my-example.php

Example Code

Examples are in the sandbox directory. Here some examples:

Autoqueue the next order when blocked

First a register-order is created and a domain is registered. By setting $submitOptions->setQueue(false) the order is directly submitted. After that a expire-order is sent. But as the asynchronous register orders is still running, the expire order is queued in the database and started when the register is completed.

namespace ascio\lib;
use ascio\v2\TestLib;
use ascio\lib\SubmitOptions;
use SoapFault;

// an alternative can be set here
// get Test-Domain
$domain = TestLib::getDomain("testme-".uniqid().".com");
try {
    $submitOptions = new SubmitOptions();
    // direct submit if possible
    // register the domain
    $order = $domain->register($submitOptions);
    echo "Register: ". $domain->getDomainName()." Order: ".$order->getOrderId()." ".$order->db()->_id."\n";
    // as register is running, the expire order will be auto-queued
    $order = $domain->expire($submitOptions);
    echo "Expire: ". $domain->getDomainName()." Order: ".$order->getOrderId()." ".$order->db()->_id."\n";
} catch (SoapFault $e) {
    echo "error!";
    echo $e->getMessage();
    // view SOAP-Request
    echo ascio::getClientV2()->__getLastRequest();
} catch (AscioException $e) {
    // view Ascio-Errors and the result
    echo $e->getMessage();

The update() method

Normally it's required to know the order-type when changing data. With the update method of the domain, it's possible to change any data and the order-type will be automatically selected. If multiple order-types are required, orders are queued like in the example above.

Some order-types can change 2 different objects. Like the owner-change can change the registrant and the admin-contact in one request. In this case, the update method only uses necessary objects.

namespace ascio\lib;
use ascio\v2\TestLib;
use SoapFault;

// an alternative can be set here
// get Test-Domain
$domain = TestLib::getDomain("testme-".uniqid().".com");
try {
    // register the domain
    $order = $domain->register();
    echo "Register: ". $domain->getDomainName()." Order: ".$order->getOrderId()." ".$order->db()->_id."\n";
    // change domain data
    $domain->getRegistrant()->setAddress1("new adr. 123");
    // 3 orders are created: Registrant_Details_Update, Contact_Update and Nameserver_Update
} catch (SoapFault $e) {
    echo "error!";
    echo $e->getMessage();
    // view SOAP-Request
    echo ascio::getClientV2()->__getLastRequest();
} catch (AscioException $e) {
    // view Ascio-Errors and the result
    echo $e->getMessage();

Store data into databases

All data is auto-stored in the database. If data should be stored manually, please use $object->produce() to store data into all databases. This function should be use carefully, because data could get out of sync.

Read data from the database

Database can be read from any database. Objects like domains have a serialize and deserialize data. Please use $object->deserialize() to import data. And $object->serialize($data) or $object->toJson() to serialize.

Here an example of retrieving data from the database:

// get Domain by databaseId
// get Domain by ascio domain-handle
// get Domain by domain-name
// get Domain order by OrderId
// get Order by databaseId
// get related tables: Domain, Registrant
// custom lavarel-query 
// custom query
$domain->db()->raw("select * from domains where Status = 'Active'");

Example database connector

Database connectors listen on the Kafka-service and write data into the database. It's possible to include own connectors. Right now Redis and Couch are included as examples. This is the Redit-connector.

The process of creating connectors is:

  • create the connector in the docker/docker-compose.yml. Duplicate the redis-connector, and change the script-name to your file
  • create the connector file
  • bin/
  • bin/

This is an example Redis connector which is in the services directory.

namespace ascio\lib;
use Illuminate\Support\Str;


$client = new \Predis\Client([
    'scheme' => 'tcp',
    'host'   => 'redis',
    'port'   => 6379,

Consumer::object(function($payload) use($client) {
    $obj = $payload->object;
    echo $obj->getStatusSerializer()->console(LogLevel::Info,Str::ucfirst($payload->action));  

Read order from the API

Reads an Order from the API. When reading from the API, data is automatically synced to all databases.

use ascio\v2\Order;

$order = new Order();

Read domain by handle from the API

Reads an Domain from the API. When reading from the API, data is automatically synced to all databases.

use ascio\v2\Domain;
$domain = new Domain();

Read domain by domain-name from the API

Reads an Domain from the API. When reading from the API, data is automatically synced to all databases.

use ascio\v2\Domain;
$domain = new Domain();

Update data from the API

$order = new Order();

$domain = new Domain();

Workflow with AutoUnlock

Sometimes locks can prevent updates. This can be an issue when updating thousands of domains, and a few fail because they are locked. They would need to be unlocked and relocked again, after all operations are finished. The AutoUnlock makes this process easier

AutoUnlock before expiring (Delete_Lock)

namespace ascio\lib;

use ascio\v2\Domain;
use ascio\v2\TestLib;


$domain = new Domain();
$wf = new Workflow($domain);
// if the orders of the workflow require and unlock it will be done before submitting the orders.
// After the orders are finished the relock will be restored if possible.
// add the expire order-object
// submit all orders

AutoUnlock before update

This example is the same like the example above, only that the declarative way is used. Instead of adding a $domain->getOrderRequest()->expire() task, a $domain->getUpdateOrders() task is added. There could be more changes like $domain->getRegistrant()->setName("Manuel L") and an OwnerChange would be created. And the UpdateLock released if necessary.

namespace ascio\lib;
use ascio\v2\TestLib;


$domain = TestLib::getDomain("testme-".uniqid().".com");
// register domain
// set AutoRenew
$wf = new Workflow($domain);
// if the orders of the workflow require and unlock it will be done before submitting the orders.
// After the orders are finished the relock will be restored if possible.
// submit workflow