
Yet another API framework


Code Climate



  1. Create a new composer application depending on apitude/apitude and run composer install
  2. Copy everything in vendor/apitude/apitude/install to your application root
  3. Set environment constants and other configuration in config/local.config.php
  4. Include any extra plugin modules you will want for your application (auth, etc)
  5. Create a tmp directory in your root application directory.
  6. Create tmp/proxies
  7. Create tmp/cache
  8. Ensure tmp directory and its children are writable by your web server user (www-data in most cases).
  9. Add tmp to your application's .gitignore file so none of its contents are added to your repository.
  10. Create a Migrations folder (must be capitalized) in your application's root.
  11. Set your web server to hit public/api.php for non-static content
  12. To run console commands use the vendor/bin/apicon command