
Composer package of the apie library: faker

dev-main 2025-03-18 22:52 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-18 22:52:27 UTC



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PHP Composer

This package is part of the Apie library. The code is maintained in a monorepo, so PR's need to be sent to the monorepo


This package adds a method to the library Faker to fake domain object and value object contents.

Because of the recursive nature this is the easiest setup:

use Apie\Faker\ApieObjectFaker;
use Faker\Factory;

$faker = Factory::create();

// returns a random Gender enum value.

class User implements EntityInterface
    // ...
    public function __construct(private Gender $gender, private FirstName $firstName, private LastName $lastName)
// creates a User with random constructor arguments.

String value objects with regular expressions.

String value objects that have the trait IsStringWithRegexValueObject and implement HasRegexValueObjectInterface will be faked easily by using the regular expression to make a valid value object.

Adding custom support

You can create a class implementing ApieClassFaker to make your own fake methods. You can reuse the methods available in Faker itself.

use Apie\Faker\Interfaces\ApieClassFaker;
use Faker\Generator;
use ReflectionClass;

class SpecificClassFaker implements ApieClassFaker
    public function supports(ReflectionClass $class): bool
        return $class->name === SpecificValueObject::class;
    public function fakeFor(Generator $generator, ReflectionClass $class): SpecificValueObject
        return new SpecificValueObject($generator->randomElement([1, 2, 3]));

Adding a createRandom method in the object itself.

Instead of making many ApieClassFaker methods you can make a method on the value object that will result in a random value object.

use Apie\Core\Attributes\FakeMethod;
use Apie\Core\ValueObjects\Interfaces\ValueObjectInterface;

class SpecificClass implements ValueObjectInterface
    public static function createRandom(): self
        return new self(rand(1, 3));

You can also provide arguments to this method or the Faker generator itself:

use Apie\Core\Attributes\FakeMethod;
use Apie\Core\ValueObjects\Interfaces\ValueObjectInterface;
use Faker\Generator;

class SpecificClass implements ValueObjectInterface
    public static function createRandom(Generator $generator, int $maximum): self
        return new self($generator->numberBetween(1, $maximum));

In this case calling $faker->fakeClass(SpecificClass::class); will run SpecificClass::createRandom() with the faker and a random integer.