
Integrates JqueryUpload into Symfony2 with OneUpFlySystem

Installs: 387

Dependents: 0

Suggesters: 0

Security: 0

Stars: 1

Watchers: 2

Forks: 7


1.0.1 2016-02-01 11:24 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-11 18:57:25 UTC


This bundle adds symfony2 integration to the BlueImp/Jquery Upload Plugin using 1up-lab/OneUpFlySystemBundle filesystem abstraction layer.

The project faparicior/FARSymfony2UploadDemo is a demo to test this Bundle.


Step 1: Download the Bundle

Open a command console, enter your project directory and execute the following command to download the latest stable version of this bundle:

$ composer require faparicior/far-symfony2-jquery-upload "~1"

This command requires you to have Composer installed globally, as explained in the installation chapter of the Composer documentation.

Step 2: Enable the Bundle

Then, enable the bundle by adding it to the list of registered bundles in the app/AppKernel.php file of your project:

// app/AppKernel.php

// ...
class AppKernel extends Kernel
    public function registerBundles()
        $bundles = array(
            // ...

            new faparicior\FARSymfony2UploadBundle\FARSymfony2UploadBundle(),

        // ...

    // ...

Step 3: Configure the Bundle

  1. Add this lines in the app/config/routing.yml
    resource: "@FARSymfony2UploadBundle/Controller/"
    type:     annotation
    prefix:   "/farupload"
  1. Add the config necessary for the bundle in app/config/config.yml
    prefix: "farupload"
    temp_path: "%kernel.root_dir%/../web/tmp"
    thumbnail_directory_prefix: "thumbnails"
    thumbnail_driver: "gd"
    thumbnail_size: "80x80"
    max_file_size: 100000
    max_files_upload: 2
    file_extensions_allowed: ["jpg", "png", "gif"]
    local_filesystem: "local_filesystem"
    remote_filesystem: "remote_filesystem"
  1. Enable the 1up-lab/OneUpFlySystemBundle

  2. Add the config necessary for the OneUpFlySystem bundle in app/config/config.yml

                directory: %kernel.root_dir%/../web/tmp
                writeFlags: ~
                linkHandling: ~
                directory: %kernel.root_dir%/../web/images
                writeFlags: ~
                linkHandling: ~
            adapter: local_adapter
            mount: local_filesystem
            adapter: remote_adapter
            mount: remote_filesystem
  1. You can see the new routes added to your development.
$ php app/console debug:router

farsymfony2upload_default_upload POST        ANY    ANY  /farupload/upload/{id_session}
farsymfony2upload_default_delete POST|DELETE ANY    ANY  /farupload/tmp/{php_session}/{id_session}/{image}_{action}


In the upload javascript action

Your javascript development needs an UID that identifies the upload. The bundle uses the php_session and the UID to generate the temporary directory structure.

In the save symfony2 action

This is te example of a save action for symfony2.

With the php_session and the UID that stores the id_session variable, you can get the files involved in the upload.

The getListFilesLocal function returns an array of files like this:

    "files": [
            "type": "file",
            "timestamp": 1451316072,
            "size": 66664,
            "pathOrig": "d0i8nvm9p9h3v9k08vn8jl1qs7/123/60aca821-0104-405c-8a3f-a1ac8a0041ff-original.jpeg",
            "dirnameOrig": "d0i8nvm9p9h3v9k08vn8jl1qs7/123",
            "basenameOrig": "60aca821-0104-405c-8a3f-a1ac8a0041ff-original.jpeg",
            "extensionOrig": "jpeg",
            "filenameOrig": "60aca821-0104-405c-8a3f-a1ac8a0041ff-original",
            "pathDest": "d0i8nvm9p9h3v9k08vn8jl1qs7/123/60aca821-0104-405c-8a3f-a1ac8a0041ff-original.jpeg"
            "dirnameDest": "d0i8nvm9p9h3v9k08vn8jl1qs7/123"
            "basenameDest": "60aca821-0104-405c-8a3f-a1ac8a0041ff-original.jpeg",
            "extensionDest": "jpeg",
            "filenameDest": "60aca821-0104-405c-8a3f-a1ac8a0041ff-original",

The setListFilesPathRemote function returns an array of files that establishes origin and destination to filesystems:

    "files": [
            "type": "file",
            "timestamp": 1451316072,
            "size": 66664,
            "pathOrig": "d0i8nvm9p9h3v9k08vn8jl1qs7/123/60aca821-0104-405c-8a3f-a1ac8a0041ff-original.jpeg",
            "dirnameOrig": "d0i8nvm9p9h3v9k08vn8jl1qs7/123",
            "basenameOrig": "60aca821-0104-405c-8a3f-a1ac8a0041ff-original.jpeg",
            "extensionOrig": "jpeg",
            "filenameOrig": "60aca821-0104-405c-8a3f-a1ac8a0041ff-original",
            "pathDest": "123/60aca821-0104-405c-8a3f-a1ac8a0041ff-original.jpeg",
            "dirnameDest": "123",
            "basenameDest": "60aca821-0104-405c-8a3f-a1ac8a0041ff-original.jpeg",
            "extensionDest": "jpeg",
            "filenameDest": "60aca821-0104-405c-8a3f-a1ac8a0041ff-original",

The syncFilesLocalRemote copy files from temporary to definitive storage. This function returns an array with the results. Include properties that
informs the duplicated or rewrited files.

    "files": [
            "type": "file",
            "timestamp": 1451316072,
            "size": 66664,
            "pathOrig": "d0i8nvm9p9h3v9k08vn8jl1qs7/123/60aca821-0104-405c-8a3f-a1ac8a0041ff-original.jpeg",
            "dirnameOrig": "d0i8nvm9p9h3v9k08vn8jl1qs7/123",
            "basenameOrig": "60aca821-0104-405c-8a3f-a1ac8a0041ff-original.jpeg",
            "extensionOrig": "jpeg",
            "filenameOrig": "60aca821-0104-405c-8a3f-a1ac8a0041ff-original",
            "pathDest": "123/60aca821-0104-405c-8a3f-a1ac8a0041ff-original.jpeg",
            "dirnameDest": "123",
            "basenameDest": "60aca821-0104-405c-8a3f-a1ac8a0041ff-original.jpeg",
            "extensionDest": "jpeg",
            "filenameDest": "60aca821-0104-405c-8a3f-a1ac8a0041ff-original",
            "saved": true,
            "duplicated": true

The deleteFilesLocal cleans the temporary files. And returns the same array that syncFilesLocalRemote.

You can modify pathDest, dirnameDest, basenameDest, extensionDest, filenameDest elements in the array before send to call syncFilesLocalRemote to save the files in another destination.

 * @Route("/save/{id_session}")
 * @Method("POST")
 * @param string $id_session
 * @return JsonResponse
public function saveAction($id_session)
    $php_session = $this->get('session')->getId();
    $FARUpload = $this->get('far_symfony2_upload_bundle.far_symfony2_upload_lib.service');

    $files = $FARUpload->getListFilesLocal($php_session, $id_session);
    $files = $FARUpload->setListFilesPathRemote($files, $id_session);

    $files = $FARUpload->syncFilesLocalRemote($files, true);
    $files = $FARUpload->deleteFilesLocal($files);

    return new JsonResponse(array('files' => $files));