
a query builder for elasticsearch database

V4.2.2 2023-12-10 15:01 UTC


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This package can build queries for elasticsearch database and provides an easy way to add Eloquent models to an elasticsearch index.

It is not trying to provide Eloquent-like api to work with elasticsearch. instead, it will give you methods that are much like writing a query in elasticsearch but in a more object-oriented and nicer way.

this package contains the queries that I needed on my projects. so if you feel the need of a method or feature please open an issue, and I will try to implement it as soon as possible.


to install this package, require it via composer:

composer require alirzaj/laravel-elasticsearch-builder


define indices

first you need to define index classes. an index class must extend the Alirzaj\ElasticsearchBuilder\Index class. here is an example:


namespace Alirzaj\ElasticsearchBuilder\Tests\Indices;

use Alirzaj\ElasticsearchBuilder\Index;

class Users extends Index
    public string $name = 'users_index';

    public array $propertyTypes = [
        'text' => 'text',
        'user_id' => 'keyword',
        'ip' => 'ip',
        'created_at' => 'date',

    public array $fields = [
        'text' => [
            'hashtags' => [
                'type' => 'text',
                'analyzer' => 'hashtag',
    public array $dateFormats = [
        'created_at' => 'strict_date_optional_time||strict_date_optional_time_nanos||yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss',

    public array $analyzers = [
        'hashtag' => [
            'type' => 'custom',
            'tokenizer' => 'hashtag_tokenizer',
            'filter' => ['lowercase'],
        'hashtag_2' => [
            'type' => 'custom',
            'tokenizer' => 'hashtag_tokenizer',
            'filter' => ['lowercase'],

    public array $tokenizers = [
        'hashtag_tokenizer' => [
            'type' => 'pattern',
            'pattern' => '#\S+',
            'group' => 0,

    public array $propertyAnalyzers = [
        'text' => 'hashtag',

    public array $searchAnalyzers = [
        'text' => 'hashtag_2',

    public array $normalizers = [
        'my_normalizer' => [
            'type' => 'custom',
            'char_filter' => ['special_character_strip'],
            'filter' => ['lowercase',]

    public array $propertyNormalizers = [
        'ip' => 'my_normalizer'

    public array $characterFilters = [
        'special_character_strip' => [
            'type' => 'pattern_replace',
            'pattern' => '[._]',

    public array $tokenFilters = [
        '4_7_edge_ngram' => [
            'min_gram' => '4',
            'max_gram' => '7',
            'type' => 'edge_ngram',
            'preserve_original' => 'true',
    public array $staticIndexSettings = [
        'number_of_shards' => 1,

    public array $dynamicIndexSettings = [
        'number_of_replicas' => 1,

if you don't define $name index name will equal to class name.

$propertyTypes array is a map of property names and their data type. key is name of field and value is data type.

$fields is other definitions of a field. for example, you want to save another version of text field to match hashtags (with another analyzer).

$analyzers is custom defined analyzers for index.

$tokenizers contains config for tokenizers. For understanding $staticIndexSettings and $dynamicIndexSettings you can check here:

the only property that you must define is $properties.

If you don't know what other properties do, please refer to doc comment of each property to read more about it.

create indices

to create the indices defined in previous step, run php artisan elastic:create-indices

delete indices

to delete all indices defined via this package, run php artisan elastic:delete-indices


publish the package's config file using php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Alirzaj\\ElasticsearchBuilder\\ElasticsearchBuilderServiceProvider" command. all options have description in file.

making models searchable

you can use Alirzaj\ElasticsearchBuilder\Searchable trait in Eloquent models. this trait will automatically add & update documents in elasticsearch on the corresponding index. you can override toIndex method on your models to control the attributes that will save on elasticsearch. default behaviour is array representation of the model (toArray).

indexing documents without eloquent models and using searchable trait

in some situations you may need to index or update a document without using searchable trait on Eloquent models. this package offers two jobs for indexing and updating.

                ['name' => 'alirzaj'] //an array that you want indexed in elasticsearch

               ['name' => 'alirzaj'] //an array that you want to add in your existing elasticsearch document

bulk indexing documents

            ['id' => 1, 'title' => 'abcd'],
            ['id' => 2, 'title' => 'efgh'],

update documents having a condition

            'condition-field' => 'condition-value',
            'condition-field-2' => null,
        ['my-field' => 'new-value'],

if you want to update a large field of documents having some condition, be sure to use 4th argument of UpdateDocumentsByCondition job.

            'condition-field' => 'condition-value',
            'condition-field-2' => null,
        ['text' => 'large-value'],

add an item to a nested field

        ['id' => 20, 'name' => 'php'],

add an item to an array field


update a document's nested field items having a condition

        ['id' => 20], // in document, we have a [nested] tags field. now we are looking for the ones with id of 20
         * we want all of those items having above condition to be updated to this item
         * note that if you have id key in conditions, and id key in document parameter, the values must be the same
         * in other words condition's value must not change in update.
         * in this example we find the tag via id and update its name. we couldn't find it via old name and set a new name
        ['id' => 20, 'name' => 'new-php']

update all documents' nested field items having a condition

        ['id' => 20], // in documents, we have a [nested] tags field. now we are looking for all documents with this criteria
         * we want all of those items having above condition to be updated to this item
         * note that if you have id key in conditions, and id key in document parameter, the values must be the same
         * in other words condition's value must not change in update.
         * in this example we find the tag via id and update its name. we couldn't find it via old name and set a new name
        ['id' => 20, 'name' => 'new-php']

remove item from a nested field in a specific document

     * In tags field, remove all sub-fields with the key of id and value of 20
    RemoveItemFromNestedField::dispatch('blogs', 10, 'tags', 'id', 20);

remove item from a nested field by conditions

     * find documents that have id:20 in their tags field and delete id:20 from them
        ['id' => 20]

delete a document


delete all documents that meet some conditions

            'condition-field' => 'condition-value',
            'condition-field-2' => null,

querying indices

if you have searchable models you can begin to query the corresponding index like this:


you can also start querying indices by instantiating the Query class:

new \Alirzaj\ElasticsearchBuilder\Query();

include an index in query:

you can add an index to the indices that are being queried:


boost the score of some indices

Blog::elasticsearchQuery()->addIndex('blogs')->addIndex('posts')->boost(['blogs' => 2]);

determine search type


for more information visit

find a document by its id



you can use named arguments to only pass the options you need.

Blog::elasticsearchQuery()->match('field', 'value', 'analyzer', 'fuzziness');




Blog::elasticsearchQuery()->multiMatch(['field1', 'field2'], 'value', 'analyzer', 'fuzziness', 'type');


    fn (Query $query) => $query->match('field', 'value'), //query
    'driver.vehicle', //path
    'sum',//score mode
    true //ignore_unmapped




you can pass closures to the boolean method and type hint the type of query you want:

        fn (Must $must) => $must
            ->match('a', 'b')
        fn (MustNot $mustNot) => $mustNot
            ->match('a', 'b')
        fn (Filter $filter) => $filter
            ->match('a', 'b')
        fn (Should $should) => $should
            ->match('a', 'b')
            ->match('z', 'x', analyzer: 'custom-analyzer')
            ->multiMatch(['c', 'd'], 'e')
        fn(BooleanOptions $booleanOptions) => $booleanOptions->minimumShouldMatch(1)


Blog::elasticsearchQuery()->term('field', 'value', 1.5);


Blog::elasticsearchQuery()->terms('field', ['value-1', 'value-2']);


Blog::elasticsearchQuery()->range(field: 'field', gte: 10, lte: 20);


        fn (Query $query) => $query->match('a', 'b'),
        fn (Query $query) => $query->boolean(
            fn (Should $should) => $should
                 ->term('g', 'h')

aggregations (aggs)

you can build aggregation queries like this: (note that currently, when you use aggregations, you'll get raw elasticsearch results)

(new Query())
            fn(Must $must) => $must->term('published', true),
            fn(Should $should) => $should
                ->term('title', 'aaaa')
                ->term('title', 'bbbb'),
        ->aggregation('types', (new Terms('morph_type'))
            ->aggregation('latest', (new TopHits(source: ['title', 'morph_type', 'created_at'], size: 3))
                ->sort(field: 'created_at', direction: 'desc')

working with array fields

this package provides two jobs for updating/removing an item from an array field:

RemoveArrayItem::dispatch('index_name', 'array_field_name', 'value_to_remove');
UpdateArrayItem::dispatch('index_name', 'array_field_name', 'old_value', 'new_value');

getting results

after writing a query, you can call get() to get the results as a collection.

Blog::elasticsearchQuery()->match('title', 'ttt')->get(keyResultsBy: '_id'); //a collection including _source of the resulting documents

you can also hydrate the results as eloquent models:

Blog::elasticsearchQuery()->match('title', 'ttt')->hydrate(); //an Eloquent collection containing models filled with attributes from elasticsearch documents

note that the result collection's keys are _id of your documents.

determine a size limit for results

Blog::elasticsearchQuery()->match('title', 'ttt')->size(15)->get();

determine from option for getting results (pagination)

Blog::elasticsearchQuery()->match('title', 'ttt')->from(10)->get();

for more information visit

select specific fields

only() method will add "_source" to your query.

Blog::elasticsearchQuery()->match('title', 'ttt')->only(['title'])->get();

build queries based on conditions

the query builder uses Laravel's Conditionable trait under the hood which means you can do sth like this:

use Alirzaj\ElasticsearchBuilder\Query\Query;

    ->match('title', 'ttt')
    ->when(isset($select), fn(Query $query) => $query->only(['title']))


you can dump or die the query:

Blog::elasticsearchQuery()->match('title', 'ttt')->dump()->exists('field')->dump();
Blog::elasticsearchQuery()->match('title', 'ttt')->dd();

using the low-level elasticsearch client

this package will bind the Elastic\Elasticsearch\Client class to the service container as a singleton, so you can resolve it out of the container whenever you need to use it directly.


when the environment is testing or local, this package will log executed queries in storage/logs/elasticsearch.log file.

Testing Helpers

refreshing indices state

this package provides a RefreshElasticsearchDatabase trait that you can use to clean up the elasticsearch indices after each test.

first, you have to use this trait in your test case.

abstract class TestCase extends BaseTestCase
    use RefreshElasticsearchDatabase;

then you should call two methods. one in your setUp() method and one in tearDown()

public function setUp(): void

public function tearDown(): void



this package provides an InteractsWithElasticsearch trait that you can use in your test cases in order to make assertion on data in elasticsearch indices.

abstract class TestCase extends BaseTestCase
    use InteractsWithElasticsearch;

you can assert if a certain document exists in an elasticsearch index:

    ['title' => 'my title']

or make sure that a document is not indexed in elasticsearch:

    ['title' => 'my title']



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.