
An extensible and configurable php library for phone verification

v1.0.6 2023-09-12 18:35 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-20 18:49:55 UTC


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Signing in or signing up on a modern website or mobile app typically follows these steps:

  • A user initiates verification by submitting a phone number
  • The user receives an SMS or a call with a one-time password (OTP)
  • The user completes verification by submitting the OTP

This extensible and configurable library allows to set this up just with a few lines of code



composer require alexgeno/phone-verification

Note: All supported storage clients and sender SDKs are in require-dev section. In a production environment you must manually install only what you use.

Basic Usage


Predis as a storage and Twilio as a sender are used for the demonstration

use AlexGeno\PhoneVerification\Storage\Redis;
use AlexGeno\PhoneVerification\Sender\Twilio;
use AlexGeno\PhoneVerification\Manager;

$storage = new Redis(new \Predis\Client('tcp://'));
$sender = new Twilio(new \Twilio\Rest\Client('ACXXXXXX', 'YYYYYY'), ['from' => '+442077206312']);
$manager = new Manager($storage);

There are two stages in the verification process

Initiation - a storage and a sender are required for this stage. A user submits a phone and as a result receives an otp


Completion - only a storage is required for this stage. The user submits the otp to verify the phone

$manager->complete('+15417543010', 1234);

That's basically it. More advanced usage including otp length customization, rate limiters, messages customization you can derive from the following sections.



php example/initiate.php --storage redis --sender messageBird --to +15417543010


php example/complete.php --storage redis --to +15417543010 --otp 1111

Note: See as an option for how to set up a development environment


To add a new sender just create a new class

namespace AlexGeno\PhoneVerification\Sender;

class Plivo implements I

To add a new storage just create a new class

namespace AlexGeno\PhoneVerification\Storage;

class DynamoDb implements I

Advanced usage

Rate limit params and otp params might be customized


use AlexGeno\PhoneVerification\Storage\Redis;
use AlexGeno\PhoneVerification\Sender\Twilio;
use AlexGeno\PhoneVerification\Manager;
use AlexGeno\PhoneVerification\Exception\RateLimit;

$config = [
    'rate_limits' => [
        'initiate' => [
            'period_secs' => 86400,
            'count' => 10,
            'message' =>
                fn($phone, $periodSecs, $count) =>
                    sprintf('You can send only %d sms in %d hours.', $count, $periodSecs / 60 / 60)
    'otp' => [
        'length' => 4, // 1000..9999
        'message' =>  fn($otp) => sprintf('Your code is %d', $otp) // The text a user receives

$storage = new Redis(new \Predis\Client('tcp://'));
$sender = new Twilio(new \Twilio\Rest\Client('ACXXXXXX', 'YYYYYY'), ['from' => '+442077206312']);

try {
    (new Manager($storage, $config))->sender($sender)->initiate('+15417543010');
} catch (RateLimit $e) {
    echo $e->getMessage(); // 'You can send only 10 sms in 24 hours'


use AlexGeno\PhoneVerification\Storage\Redis;
use AlexGeno\PhoneVerification\Manager;
use AlexGeno\PhoneVerification\Exception\RateLimit;
use AlexGeno\PhoneVerification\Exception\Otp;

$config = [
    'rate_limits' => [
        'complete' => [
            'period_secs' => 300,
            'count' => 5,
            'message' =>
                fn($phone, $periodSecs, $count) =>
                    sprintf('You are trying to use an incorrect code %d times in %d minutes', $count, $periodSecs / 60)
    'otp' => [
        'message_expired' =>
            fn($periodSecs, $otp) =>
                sprintf('Code is expired. You have only %d minutes to use it.', $periodSecs / 60),
        'message_incorrect' =>  fn($otp) => 'Code is incorrect'
$storage = new Redis(new \Predis\Client('tcp://'));

try {
    (new Manager($storage, $config))->complete('+15417543010', 1234);
} catch (RateLimit | Otp $e) {
    // 'Code is incorrect' ||
    // 'Code is expired. You have only 5 minutes to use it.' ||
    // 'You are trying to use an incorrect code 5 times in 5 minutes'
    echo $e->getMessage();

Note: Of course, you can define all $config options and instantiate all classes at the same place in your code. It is split here just to make it more clear what belongs to the initiation stage and what to the completion stage
Note: Each $config option has a default value. You should redefine only what you need.

MongoDb indexes

If you use MongoDb as a storage you may have noticed that the expiration functionality is based on indexes. They can be created automatically. It's recommended though to use this option only in a non-production environment. It's disabled by default.

use AlexGeno\PhoneVerification\Storage\MongoDb;

$storage = new MongoDb(new \MongoDB\Client('mongodb://'), ['indexes'=> true]);




See as an option for how to set up a development environment


The code for Phone Verification is distributed under the terms of the MIT license.