Pohoda XML communication

v2.1.0 2024-12-23 01:01 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-23 01:27:52 UTC


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Library for manipulation with data, which came as XML from Pohoda mServer.

Pohoda is an accounting software for Czech Republic, Slovakia and probably few other countries.

What is different:

Usage of phpunit, extended tests, phpstan 1.12, deeper type checking


Add to composer.json:

composer.phar require alex-kalanis/pohoda

Example of order imports

Examples of importing each type - more in spec folder.

use Riesenia\Pohoda;

$pohoda = new Pohoda('ICO');

// create file
$pohoda->open($filename, 'i_obj1', 'Import orders');

// create order
$order = $pohoda->createOrder([
    'numberOrder' => $order_number,
    'isReserved' => true,
    'date' => $created,
    'text' => '...',
    'partnerIdentity' => [
        'address' => [
            'name' => $billing_name,
            'street' => $billing_street,
            'city' => $billing_city,
            'zip' => $billing_zip,
            'email' => $email,
            'phone' => $phone
        'shipToAddress' => [
            'name' => $shipping_name,
            'street' => $shipping_street,
            'city' => $shipping_city,
            'zip' => $shipping_zip,
            'email' => $email,
            'phone' => $phone

// add items
foreach ($items as $item) {
        'code' => $item->code,
        'text' => $item->text,
        'quantity' => $item->quantity,
        'payVAT' => false,
        'rateVAT' => $item->rate,
        'homeCurrency' => [
            'unitPrice' => $item->unit_price
        'stockItem' => [
            'stockItem' => [
                'id' => $item->pohoda_id

// add summary
    'roundingDocument' => 'none'

// add order to import (identified by $order_number)
$pohoda->addItem($order_number, $order);

// finish import file

Exporting stored goods

The creation of request to export goods is realized by creating ListRequest.

use Riesenia\Pohoda;

$pohoda = new Pohoda('ICO');

// create request for export
$pohoda->open($filename, 'e_zas1', 'Export stock');

$request = $pohoda->createListRequest([
    'type' => 'Stock'

// optional filter

$pohoda->addItem('Export 001', $request);


The rest of the processing itself is simple - just call next and got SimpleXMLElement with entity.

// load file

while ($stock = $pohoda->next()) {
    // access header
    $header = $stock->children('stk', true)->stockHeader;

    // ...

Example of deleting stock

When you delete stock you need to create an agenda with empty data and set them delete actionType.

use Riesenia\Pohoda;

$pohoda = new Pohoda('ICO');

// create request for deletion
$pohoda->open($filename, 'd_zas1', 'Delete stock');

$stock = $pohoda->createStock([]);

$stock->addActionType('delete', [
    'code' => $code

$pohoda->addItem($code, $stock);


Using ValueTransformer for value update

With interface ValueTransformer you can implement the transformation, which changes all the values. Example for change all values to uppercase:

use Riesenia\Pohoda;

class Capitalizer implements \Riesenia\Pohoda\ValueTransformer\ValueTransformerInterface
    public function transform(string $value): string
        return \strtoupper($value);

$pohoda = new Pohoda('ICO');

// Register the capitalizer to be used to capitalize values
$pohoda->getTransformerListing()->addTransformer(new Capitalizer());
