
AletPayment Laravel API Package.

v1.1.0 2024-01-16 07:01 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-25 12:28:30 UTC


AletPayment Laravel API Package.

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See the Developer API docs.


You can install the package via composer:

composer require alet-systems/alet-systems

For Laravel version <= 5.4

With version 5.4 or below, you must register your facades manually in the aliases section of the config/app.php configuration file.

"aliases": {
            "AletPayment": "AletPayment\\AletPayment\\Facades\\AletPayment"


The package needs to be configured with your account's API key, which is available in the AletPayment Dashboard. Require it with the key's value. After install the package. you can use as follow.

⚠️ Since V2 AletPayment->create() is deprecated and AletPayment->checkout->create() should be used.

use AletPayment\AletPayment\AletPayment;


$alet-systems = new AletPayment('your-api-key');

Creating Checkout Session

After importing the alet-systems package, use the checkout property of the AletPayment instance to create or fetch checkout sessions.

use AletPayment\AletPayment\AletPayment;
use AletPayment\AletPayment\Helper\AletPaymentSupport;
use AletPayment\AletPayment\Lib\AletPaymentBeneficary;
use AletPayment\AletPayment\Lib\AletPaymentCheckoutItem;
use AletPayment\AletPayment\Lib\AletPaymentCheckoutRequest;
use AletPayment\AletPayment\Lib\AletPaymentOptions;

use Illuminate\Support\Carbon;

$alet-systems = new AletPayment('your-api-key');
$d = new  Carbon::now();
$expired = AletPaymentSupport::getExpireDateFromDate($d);
$data = new AletPaymentCheckoutRequest(
    cancel_url: '',
    error_url: '',
    notify_url: '',
    expireDate: $expired,
    nonce: floor(rand() * 10000) . "",
    beneficiaries: [
            "accountNumber" => '01320811436100',
            "bank" => 'AWINETAA',
            "amount" => 10.0,
    paymentMethods: ["CARD"],
    success_url: '',
    items: [
            "name" => 'Bannana',
            "price" => 10.0,
            "quantity" => 1,
$session =  $alet-systems->checkout->create($data, new AletPaymentOptions(sandbox: true));
echo $session->session_id;

::Note you Must use use Illuminate\Support\Carbon instead of use Carbon\Carbon to get the expire date

After putting your building AletPaymentCheckoutRequest just call the create method. Note passing sandbox: true option will create the session in test environment.

This is session response object contains the following fields

  sessionId: string;
  paymentUrl: string;
  cancelUrl: string;
  totalAmount: number;

Getting Session by Session ID

To track the progress of a checkout session you can use the fetch method as shown below:

 $alet-systems = new AletPayment('API KEY...');
// A sessionId will be returned when creating a session.
 $session = $alet-systems->checkout->fetch('checkOutSessionID', new AletPaymentOptions(true));

The following object represents a session

  public int $id, 
  public AletPaymentTransaction $transcation, 
  public float $totalAmount, 
  public bool $test,  
  public string $uuid, 
  public string $created_at, 
  public string $update_at

Cancel Session by Session ID

If the merchant want to cancel a checkout session. it's now possible as shown below.

 $alet-systems = new AletPayment('API KEY...');
// A sessionId will be returned when creating a session.
 $session = $alet-systems->checkout->cancel('checkOutSessionID', new AletPaymentOptions(true));

The AletPaymentCheckoutSession class is returned.


learn more about DirectPay here

DirectPay for telebirr

     $session = $alet-systems->checkout->create($data, new AletPaymentOptions(true));

    return $alet-systems->directPay->telebirr->pay($session->session_id);

DirectPay for awash wallet

     $session = $alet-systems->checkout->create($data, new AletPaymentOptions(true));

    return $alet-systems->directPay->awash_wallet->pay($session->session_id);

DirectPay for awash

     $session = $alet-systems->checkout->create($data, new AletPaymentOptions(true));

    return $alet-systems->directPay->awash->pay($session->session_id);

Change Log

Released Date: v1.0.0 June 09, 2022

  • Initial Release

Released Date: v1.2.0 June 30, 2022

  • Name space changed. use AletPayment/AletPayment
  • Exception Handling Improved

Released Date: v1.3.0 June 30, 2022

  • expiredate parameter in checkout session create formate changed to LocalDateTime format
  • Exception Handling For Non Exsisting Session

Released Date: v2.0.0 Aug 10, 2022

  • DirectPay added for Telebirr and Awash payment options

More Information



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.