
A library to get cycle time of trello cards

v0.7.2 2019-07-30 07:27 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-23 11:05:09 UTC


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This library is a PHP library to get cycle time of cards from a Trello board. With this tool you can seen how many times a card take to pass from a state to another state into the board.


You can install this package via composer like this:

composer require alessandrominoccheri/trello-cycle-time

How to use it?

To use this library you need to have:

  • Trello apikey
  • Trello token
  • Trello boardId to analyze

All Cards

To get all cards transitions column you can use this code for example

use TrelloCycleTime\Client\TrelloApiClient;

$client = new TrelloApiClient('apikey', 'token');
$board = new TrelloBoard($client, 'board-id');

$transitions = $board->getTransitions();


The response of getTransitions is an array that contains some information for example:

[0 => [
   'id' => 'cardId',
   'title' => 'cardName',
   'cycleTimes' => [
        0 => [
            'from' => 'Doing',
            'to' => 'Done',
            'days' => '6',
            'name' => 'Doing_DOne'
        1 => [
             'from' => 'ToDo',
             'to' => 'Doing',
             'days' => '1',
             'name' => 'ToDo_Doing'

In this case you can see that this card takes 1 day to pass from Todo to Doing and 6 days to pass from Doing to Done.

Specific card transition

To get only a specific card transition you can obtain it using its id like this:

use TrelloCycleTime\Client\TrelloApiClient;

$client = new TrelloApiClient('apikey', 'token');
$board = new TrelloBoard($client, 'board-id');

$transitions = $board->getCardTransitions('cardId');


The response of getTransitions is an array that contains some information only of that card for example:

[0 => [
   'id' => 'cardId',
   'title' => 'cardName',
   'cycleTimes' => [
        0 => [
            'from' => 'Doing',
            'to' => 'Done',
            'days' => '6',
            'name' => 'Doing_DOne'
        1 => [
             'from' => 'ToDo',
             'to' => 'Doing',
             'days' => '1',
             'name' => 'ToDo_Doing'

In this case you can see that this card takes 1 day to pass from Todo to Doing and 6 days to pass from Doing to Done.


You can filter column cards with some parameters. Here are some possible filters

From column to column

if you want to know only how much time alla cards or a single card passed from a column to column,

To do this you can use this code:

$transitions = $board->getTransitions(['fromColumn' => 'todo', 'toColumn' => 'done']);

or for a specific card:

$transitions = $board->getCardTransitions('cardId', ['fromColumn' => 'todo', 'toColumn' => 'done']);

From date to date

if you want to know only how much time alla cards or a single card passed filtered by from a date or to a date or together,

To do this you can use this code:

$transitions = $board->getTransitions(['fromDate' => '2019-01-01', 'toDate' => '2019-12-31']);
$transitions = $board->getTransitions(['fromDate' => '2019-01-01']);
$transitions = $board->getTransitions(['toDate' => '2019-12-31']);

or for a specific card:

$transitions = $board->getCardTransitions(['fromDate' => '2019-01-01', 'toDate' => '2019-12-31']);


Every contribution is welcome, remember to add tests and use psalm and phpstan:

./vendor/bin/phpstan analyse