
A solution for testing Drupal 7 using PhpUnit.

0.8.3 2019-11-02 19:39 UTC




This is a complete testing solution for using PhpUnit with Drupal websites. It provides Unit, Kernel, Client and End to End abstract test classes to use in writing your tests, a single test runner, testing for modules and themes, support for JsonSchema validation, as well as a set of guidelines and processes for better testing of Drupal modules and websites. All of this using a single test runner that can be divided by test suite or filtered by test class using normal PhpUnit options.

Finally, manual functional tests are supported as well.

Visit https://aklump.github.io/drupal-test for full documentation.

Quick Start

After installation (see below), follow instructions in the documentation (docs/index.html) to write and run tests.

Run All Tests

$ cd tests
$ export SIMPLETEST_BASE_URL=http://mysite.com; phpunit -c phpunit.xml

Run All Unit Tests

$ cd tests
$ phpunit -c phpunit.xml --testsuite Unit

Run All Kernel Tests

$ cd tests
$ phpunit -c phpunit.xml --testsuite Kernel

Run All Client Tests

$ cd tests
$ export SIMPLETEST_BASE_URL=http://mysite.com; phpunit -c phpunit.xml --testsuite Client

Run All End To End Tests

$ cd tests
$ export SIMPLETEST_BASE_URL=http://mysite.com; phpunit -c phpunit.xml --testsuite EndToEnd

Refer to the documentation for more info.


See documentation for more information about configuration.

  1. Open tests/drupal_test_config.yml and setup autoloading.
  2. From tests run composer update --lock.
  3. Open tests/phpunit.xml and add any JSON schema directories.


  • Composer
  • PHPUnit


If you find this project useful... please consider making a donation.


From inside the directory above the web root run this one-liner:

[ ! -d tests ] && git clone https://github.com/aklump/drupal-test.git tests && (cd tests && ./bin/install.sh) || echo "Installation error, nothing installed."

About the files in this project

The following files are considered core and should never be modified.


Additionally, do not add files to the following folders, which are replaced on every update. It is safe to add classes to src so long as you avoid src/DrupalTest.


Do not modify any of the files in bin, which are provided by this module. You may add your own files to bin, if you wish.

Update to the latest version

From inside the tests directory, run:


This will copy over the core files from the latest repository, but leave the non-core files alone, namely phpunit.xml, which you most-likely will have modified.