
Agile Toolkit 4 Symfony Bundle


WIP Beta Repository


composer create-project symfony/skeleton:"^6.3.8" my_project_directory
cd my_project_directory

by default symfony sets to stable

composer config minimum-stability dev
composer require abbadon1334/atk4-symfony-bundle:"*"

will add bundle config + bundle files in public folder

in bin/console there is a useful command to rebuild the database during development the rebuild is based on models

bin/console models:rebuild -p src/Models

Atk controllers can be created easy using attribute #[Atk4Controller]

a simple controller can be created in this way:

use Atk4\Symfony\Module\Atk4App; use Atk4\Symfony\Module\Atk4Controller; use Atk4\Symfony\Module\Atk4App; use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController; use Atk4\Ui\Header;

#[Atk4Controller] class Homepage extends AbstractController { // Symfony built in injection public function __construct( protected Atk4App $atk4app, protected Security $security ) { }

#[Route('/', name: 'homepage')]
public function index(): Response
    $app = $this->atk4app->getApp();

    Header::addTo($app, ['Demo']);
