
PHP Library is a set of classes that contain the most useful attributes and methods that facilitate the development of Web applications

2.2.1 2021-07-31 12:47 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-29 05:01:31 UTC


PHP Library Logo


PHP Library is a set of classes that contain the most useful attributes and methods that facilitate the development of Web applications. Project is open-sourced under MIT licence on GitHub. Available over Composer and Packagist.

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Files and Folders

  • All source files are inside src folder.
  • All unit tests are inside tests folder.

PHP Library League

PHP Library League represents group of developers making everything about PHP Library to be even richer. Since main goal for this library is to stay as lightweight as possible, some of the functionalities for development and testing are created as separate projects.

  • Demo: PHP Library demonstrations scripts
  • Shell: PHP Library shell scripts
  • Outsource: PHP Library outsource folder
  • Assets: PHP Library official website assets
  • Logos: PHP Library and PHP Library League logos

Every single one of these projects has detailed instructions on how to integrate them inside PHP Library. Pay close attention to match release version of PHP Library with release version of desired project.


There are two ways of using PHP Library. First one is to install it inside another project, let's say framework like CodeIgniter or Laravel. Second one is to install it for development. Here's detailed list of PHP versions supported.

Production column shows on which versions PHP Library will work.
Development column shows on which versions PHP Library will work for development.


If you want the stable version, get the latest release from the releases page.


Install stable library version by using standard commands.

# Install PHP Library via Composer
composer require 90zlaya/php-library


If you want to develop this library and use GitHub instead of manual download, just clone repository to your machine.

# Clone repository via Git
git clone https://github.com/90zlaya/php-library.git


Coding Standard

PHP Library has it's own coding standard inspired by CodeIgniter. To contribute to development of this project, you must follow this standard. PHP_CodeSniffer checks those rules for you in development versions of PHP Library.

# Run coding standard check
composer run phpcs

If you want to find out more about specific rules, open phpcs.xml file.

Static Analysis

PHP Library has been tested with PHP Stan and approved as bug-free. It's recommended to run following command to check for bugs in project.

# Run static analysis
composer run phpstan

If you want to find out more about specific rules, open phpstan.neon file.

Unit Testing

PHP Library is covered with PHPUnit tests. They require outsource folder to perform specific tests.

# Run PHPUnit tests
composer run phpunit

If you want to find out more about specific rules, open phpunit.xml file.


Official PHP Library logo is designed by designseed.co - an unlimited custom graphic design service.