
Fork from Asciisd's Laravel Zoho API V3 Package, need to take over maintaining and improving this for my own personal purposes. Feel free to use and contribute, this is my first time doing something like this.

dev-main 2024-03-15 15:56 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-15 18:07:24 UTC


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This package used to integrate with the new Zoho V3 Api CRM


  • PHP >= 8.0
  • Laravel >= 8.0

Registering a Zoho Client

Since Zoho CRM APIs are authenticated with OAuth2 standards, you should register your client app with Zoho. To register your app:

  1. Visit this page https://api-console.zoho.com/
  2. Click on ADD CLIENT.
  3. Choose a Self Client.
  4. Enter Scope: aaaserver.profile.READ,ZohoCRM.modules.ALL,ZohoCRM.settings.ALL.
  5. Create grant token by providing the necessary scopes, time duration (the duration for which the generated token is valid) and Scope Description.
  6. Your Client app would have been created and displayed by now.
  7. Select the created OAuth client.


You can install the package via composer require:

composer require asciisd/zoho-v3

You'll need to add the following variables to your .env file. Use the credentials previously obtained registering your application.

ZOHO_CLIENT_ID="Code from Client Secrit Section"
ZOHO_CLIENT_SECRET="Code from Client Secrit Section"
ZOHO_TOKEN="Code Generated from last step"

# available datacenters (USDataCenter, EUDataCenter, INDataCenter, CNDataCenter, AUDataCenter)

You can publish the config file with:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="zoho-v3-config"

You can publish and run the migrations with:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="zoho-v3-migrations"
php artisan migrate


maybe in some cases you wish to enforce zoho to use one of zoho's environments, so you can go to AppServiceProvider and use Zoho::useEnvironment() method


So that will override config settings.


Imagine that you need to get all modules from Zoho system.

use Asciisd\Zoho\ZohoManager;

$response = ZohoManager::make(self::TESTING_MODULE);
$modules  = $response->getAllModules();

Model Can be used like this:-

Available only starting from v1.1.0

add Zohoable as extended class like this:-

use Asciisd\Zoho\Zohoable;
use Asciisd\Zoho\ZohoManager;

class Invoice extends Zohoable {
    // this is your Zoho module API Name
    protected $zoho_module_name = 'Payments';

    public function searchCriteria(){
        // you should return string of criteria that you want to find current record in crm with.
        return ZohoManager::make('Payments')
                            ->where('PaymentID', $this->payment_id)
                            ->andWhere('Order_ID', $this->order_id)

    public function zohoMandatoryFields() {
        // you should return array of mandatory fields to create module from this model
        // EX:
        return ['Base_Currency' => $this->currency];

so now you can use invoice like this

$invoice = \App\Invoice::find(1);

// to check if has zoho id stored on local database or not

// to return the stored zoho id

// that will search on zoho with provided criteria to find the record and associated your model with returned id if exist
// if you provided an `id` that will be used instead of searching on Zoho
$invoice->createOrUpdateZohoId($id = null);

// you can also send current model to zoho
// that wil use `zohoMandatoryFields` method to Serialize model to zohoObject
// Also you can pass additional fields as array to this method
$invoice->createAsZohoable($options = []);

Note: To use the Invoice like this, you must have the invoices table in your database just like you would for any Laravel model. This allows you to save data to the database and also be able to link it to the zohos table and use all the functions in Zohoable. Use the CRUD functions below if you do not intend to use the Zohoable model this way.

CRUD Can be used like this:-


use Asciisd\Zoho\ZohoManager;

// we can now deal with leads module
$leads = ZohoManager::useModule('Leads');

// OR

$leads = ZohoManager::make('Leads');

// find record by its ID
$lead = $leads->getRecord('3582074000002383003');


$record = new Record();

// Set value as field
$record->addFieldValue(Leads::FirstName(), 'Updated');
$record->addFieldValue(Leads::LastName(), 'Record');

// Set value as key value
$lead->setKeyValue('Phone', '5555555555552');

// Then call update() method
$response = $leads->update($record);


// create the record into zoho crm then get the created instance data
$response = $leads->create([
    'First_Name' => 'Amr',
    'Last_Name' => 'Emad',
    'Email' => 'test@asciisd.com',
    'Phone' => '012345678910',


// delete record by its id
$lead = $leads->delete('3582074000002383003');


use Asciisd\Zoho\ZohoManager;

$records = ZohoManager::useModule('Leads')->searchRecordsByWord('word to be searched');
$first_record = $records[0];
use Asciisd\Zoho\ZohoManager;

$records = ZohoManager::useModule('Leads')->searchRecordsByPhone('12345678910');
$first_record = $records[0];
use Asciisd\Zoho\ZohoManager;

$records = ZohoManager::make('Leads')->searchRecordsByEmail('nobody@asciisd.com');
$first_record = $records[0];
use Asciisd\Zoho\ZohoManager;

$records = ZohoManager::make('Leads')->searchRecordsByCriteria('(City:equals:NY) and (State:equals:Alden)')->get();
$first_record = $records[0];
use Asciisd\Zoho\ZohoManager;

$records = ZohoManager::make('Leads')
                    ->where('City', 'NY')

$first_record = $records[0];

International Versions

If you're using zoho.com, you don't have to change anything.

If you're using zoho.eu, add to .env:


If you're using zoho.com.cn, add to .env:





Please see CHANGELOG for more information on what has changed recently.


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.

Security Vulnerabilities

Please review our security policy on how to report security vulnerabilities.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.