Packagist is the main Composer repository. It aggregates public PHP packages installable with Composer.
Asynchronous job components for Daikon-CQRS projects.
1 083 2
Daikon-CQRS bootstrap middleware with provisioning and tooling.
668 4
BotMan adapter for Daikon projects.
9 3
Interpolating configuration loader and provider.
1 016 4
CouchDB adapter for Daikon-CQRS projects.
1 010 3
Immutable data structures based on php/ds.
4 817 6
Database access components for Daikon-CQRS projects.
2 245 5
Elasticsearch7 adapter for Daikon-CQRS projects.
759 0
Boilerplate for well structured entities in Daikon-CQRS projects.
1 337 5
Ethereum adapter for Daikon projects.
53 6
Immutable CQRS/ES library for Daikon-CQRS projects.
2 796 7
Flysystem adapter for Daikon-CQRS projects.
814 2
Interoperability code used across Daikon-CQRS components.
5 319 3
Lightweight message bus for Daikon-CQRS projects.
3 325 5
Metadata components for Daikon-CQRS projects.
3 163 1