brookinsconsulting member since: Apr 10, 2015

brookinsconsulting's packages

  • PHP


    eZ Publish Legacy extension which provides a basic but flexible solution for quick and simple changing of a subtree of node objects primary language. Great for developers!

  • PHP


    eZ Publish Legacy extension which provides a flexible solution for quick and simple export of collected information content in csv or sylk formatted files with eZ Publish Legacy. Great for reports!

  • PHP


    eZ Publish Legacy extended attribute filter extension which provides a stable and flexible solution which allows for a datetime stamp filtering solution. Provides for greater fetch filtering by date time stamp!

  • PHP


    BC Document Reader bundle for eZ Publish Platform. Detects file download links and displays helper applications which can open the files.

  • PHP


    BC Error Pages Bundle for Symfony 3. Provides a basic solution to override the default Symfony error pages template code and styles with designer friendly alternatives. Great for developers seeking to override default error pages in Symfony.

  • CSS


    eZ Publish Legacy extension which provides a simple design override for the default eZ Publish Legacy Administration Design

  • PHP


    eZ Publish Legacy extension skeleton which provides a basic set of bash scripts to create the basic default documentation files with the new extension name within. Great for developers looking to speed up branding extension documentation.

  • JavaScript


    eZ Publish Legacy Stack (4.x), fork maintained by Brookins Consulting

  • PHP


    eZ Publish Legacy extension which provides a simple solution to regenerate static cache via command line or cronjob. Great for static html websites!

  • PHP


    BC GitHub Stars Bundle for Symfony 3. Provides a basic solution to import and display GitHub repository data with the most stars. Great for developers seeking to play with GithHub ReST API.

  • Smarty


    eZ Publish Legacy extension which provides a simple solution for storing latitude / longitude points with-in a object by using Google Maps to identify and mark location positions on map using a postal address. Great for smart developers!

  • PHP


    eZ Publish Legacy extension which provides a simple set of cron job cli scripts to generate sitemaps. Great for smart developers!

  • brookinsconsulting/bchourlyinvoicebundle

    BC Hourly Invoice bundle for eZ Symfony 3. Provides Hourly Invoice Manipulation and Generation. Great for developer time accounting to customers.

  • PHP


    eZ Publish Legacy extension which provides a basic but time tested kernel override class modified to offer flexible solution for storing share/icon theme icons within eZ Publish extensions instead of kernel hacking your eZ Publish installation. Great for smart developers!

  • PHP


    eZ Publish Legacy extension which provides an example project's share icons