Packagist is the main Composer repository. It aggregates public PHP packages installable with Composer.
48 1
Rector migration rules for PHPSpec to PHPUnit
4 565 2
Composer plugin for automatic installation of Rector extensions
1 179 673 15
Instant Upgrade and Automated Refactoring of any PHP code
60 486 331 8 690
Rector upgrades rules for Doctrine
1 479 543 57
Rector downgrade PHP rules
664 991 35
Rector upgrades rules for PHPUnit
1 421 455 65
320 157 98
Rector upgrades rules for Symfony Framework
1 486 924 184
The way we generate release notes for Rector repository
101 331 1
Swiss knife in pocket of every upgrade architect
201 462 90
Next level type declaration checks
436 867 74
Reveal Static bugs in Configs Files and Templates
13 4
Set of Symplify rules for PHP_CodeSniffer and PHP CS Fixer.
6 948 330 348
Convert Symfony YAML/XML format to PHP/YAML
954 954 204