Packagist is the main Composer repository. It aggregates public PHP packages installable with Composer.
Xingyou single-sign-on
1 398 0
Customizable function composition for PHP.
10 10
Coroutine Apache Druid Client for Hyperf
2 4
Logger to ELK stack
2 367 2
mongodb driver via hyperf/gotask
68 251 87
A replacement for Swoole TaskWorker in Go
23 231
1 930 1
A lazy loader that plays nice with Hyperf DI.
13 4
Read basic info about an application from .apk file.
1 505 0
Send messages via sms!
1 943 0
Make Aliyun OSS SDK work with swoole CURL_HOOK.
19 169 33
A Zipkin bridge with OpenTracing
0 0