Packagist is the main Composer repository. It aggregates public PHP packages installable with Composer.
Admin module for Infuse Framework
1 514 0
Auth module for Infuse Framework
2 808 1
Subscription membership module for Infuse Framework powered by Stripe
2 141 1
Scheduled tasks module for Infuse Framework
2 770 1
Anti-CSRF module for Infuse Framework
198 1
Mailer module for Infuse Framework
3 621 1
Facebook integration for Infuse Framework
0 0
Modular PHP framework built with infuse/libs
14 5
Modular framework for building modern applications
4 233 4
Instagram integration for Infuse Framework
4 0
IronMQ module for Infuse Framework
1 717 0
Solid libraries for rapid PHP development
43 986 14
Migrations module for Infuse Framework
248 1
OAuth2 module for Infuse Framework
RESTful API scaffolding module for Infuse Framework
2 237 1