Packagist is the main Composer repository. It aggregates public PHP packages installable with Composer.
Transbank SDK for Laravel
26 2
Quickly and easily secure HTML text.
4 39
Preloader helper to create a PHP-ready preload script from Opcache.
590 106 431
A complete library for handling chilean RUTs and RUNs.
1 183 3
Easy-to-use Transbank SDK for PHP.
387 0
Set multiple alerts from your backend, render them in the frontend.
91 36
Manage multiple REST servers to make requests in few lines and fluently.
866 14
Remember your query results using only one method. Yes, only one.
52 565 256
Save items in a bucket, retrieve them later.
12 183 8
Discover and filter PHP Classes within a directory
5 3
Authenticate users through their email in 1 minute.
4 4
Don't find route models created after a moment in time.
3 1
Easily retrieve and manipulate `Json` across your application.
1 004 32
A Laravel Package helper for Laravel Packages
423 439 7
Let other developers customize your package model and migrations
214 969 0