
Laravel Package for processing payments through ZoodPay BNPL.

1.0.1 2022-06-17 11:52 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-20 11:40:09 UTC


Software License Total Downloads


composer require zoodpay/laravel-package


Check that ZoodpayServiceProvider is added in the config/app.php, or Manually add it.

 'providers' => [

         * Laravel Framework Service Providers...

Add zoodpay credentials to the config/services.php config file as below.

return [

 'zoodpay' => [
        'merchant_key' => "",
        'merchant_secret' => "",
        'merchant_salt' => "",
        'merchant_api_url' => "",
        'merchant_api_ver' => "",
        'market_code' => "",
        'currency' =>"",
        'success_url' => "",
        'error_url' => "" ,
        'pending_url' => ""

Available functions:

//Return the ZoodPay Config settings

//Fetch the merchant configuration. 

//To verify if ZoodPay need to be shown in Checkout Page

//Fetch the credit balance of a customer.

//Return ZoodPay Signature for Transaction Signature Verification 
$this->app->zoodpay->getResponseSignature($amount, $merchant_reference_no, $transaction_id)

//Return ZoodPay Refund Signature for Refund Signature Verification 
$this->app->zoodpay->getRefundResponseSignature($merchant_refund_reference, $refund_amount, $status, $refund_id)

 * Create Transaction Using ZoodPay, it will return ZoodPay API response.
 * Initiate the Models and set Values
 * $billing = new Model\BillingShippingInfo();
 * $customer = new Model\CustomerInfo();
 * $items[] = new Model\ItemsInfo();
 * $order = new Model\OrderInfo();
 * $shippingService = new Model\ShippingServiceInfo();
 * $shipping = $billing;
$this->app->zoodpay->createTransaction($billing, $customer, $items, $order, $shipping, $shippingService)

 * Set Delivery Date for the Paid Transaction,  it will return ZoodPay API response.
 * Init the Model and set Values
 * Model\DeliveryDate();
 * */

 * Create Refund for the Paid Transaction,  it will return ZoodPay API response.
 * Init the Model and set Values
 * Model\CreateRefund()
 * */

 * Get Refund Status by Refund id,  it will return ZoodPay API response.
 * Init the Model and set Values
 * Model\CreateRefund()
 * */

Process: ZoodPay Flow ZoodPay Flow

/* 1)
 * To check if ZoodPay need to be Shown in Checkout Page, call this function
 * and based on the available response show the corresponding service

/* 2)
 * User Select ZoodPay Service and Click Pay, Prepare the request and Create Transaction 
 * and function will return ZoodPay API response.  
 * Initiate the Models and set Values
 * $billing = new Model\BillingShippingInfo();
 * $customer = new Model\CustomerInfo();
 * $items[] = new Model\ItemsInfo();
 * $order = new Model\OrderInfo();
 * $shippingService = new Model\ShippingServiceInfo();
 * $shipping = $billing;
 * API Response :
 * Transaction created: {"session_token":"YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY","transaction_id":"407879856581528","expiry_time":"2021-12-22T16:58:49Z","payment_url":"https://b2c.zoodpay.com/index.php?XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX","signature":"96496a0ae20cf58d936d195fd1d0b19526201313f7af97aae3e99610e314294dc3d66c9d3881d06994af273b25bb115bf5eef5b21806f24b5bd61b37f2387be7"}

$this->app->zoodpay->createTransaction($billing, $customer, $items, $order, $shipping, $shippingService);

 * 3)
 * Verify the Signature by  Calling below function and if the signature match, 
 * do necessary changes and save transaction_id as reference and redirect user to ZoodPay UI .
 * */
 $this->app->zoodpay->getResponseSignature($amount, $merchant_reference_no, $transaction_id)

 * 4)
 * User will be redirected to the Callback Http/Controller/Callback.php, 
 * change your Order Status Accordingly in each Action. 
  * 5)
 * Set Delivery Date for the Paid Transaction,  it will return ZoodPay API response.
 * Init the Model and set Values
 * Model\DeliveryDate();
 * */
  * 6)
 * Create Refund for the Paid Transaction,  it will return ZoodPay API response.
 * Init the Model and set Values
 * Model\CreateRefund()
 * */


Run the tests with: load the phpunit.xml and change

$ /usr/bin/php /path to laravel/vendor/phpunit/phpunit/phpunit --configuration /path to laravel/packages/zoodpay-laravel/phpunit.xml


Please see CHANGELOG for more information what has changed recently.


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.



If you discover any security-related issues, please email mohammadali.namazi@zoodpay.com instead of using the issue tracker.


The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.