
auth module for rapyd-livewire application

Installs: 352

Dependents: 2

Suggesters: 0

Security: 0

Stars: 1

Watchers: 1

Forks: 0

Open Issues: 0


0.11.20 2024-10-15 15:54 UTC


This is the auth module of Rapyd Admin, a Laravel application bootstrap for your projects

It embed:

  • login, registration, two factor authentication
  • role/permission management
  • user management
  • impersonation features.
  • component permissions, and priority "role based"

Login / Registration & Two factor authentication

This module give you out of the box a fortify implementation https://laravel.com/docs/10.x/fortify#main-content with a bootstrap layout and default configuration you can customize on ./config/fortify.php

Permissions & Models

Two Models will be provided by this module:

  • Role
  • Permission

As you can imagine the role is a characteristic you can associate with a user, permissions are the "actions granted" for that role.

The module has a configuration file that allows you to define roles, permissions, and the relationship between them.

The editable configuration is provided in ./config/permission.php Then you need to run the provided seeder.

these features are based on the library: https://github.com/spatie/laravel-permission


One of the necessary features in the implementation of a backend is to impersonate other users/customers, this module has this functionality built in

This module include a trait App\Modules\Auth\Traits\Impersonate to check roles if user can impersonate other and to check if user can be impersonated.

By default, this trait add check if You are admin and the user you want to impersonate is not an admin (using roles).

for a custom implementation override canImpersonate() and canBeImpersonated() in your model

use App\Modules\Auth\Traits\Impersonate;

class User extends Model
  use Impersonate;

this features is based on the library https://github.com/lab404/laravel-impersonate

Component roles & permissions

Authorize trait

This module include a trait App\Modules\Auth\Traits\Authorize to check roles or permissions before build/render/execute component actions.

you can just include the trait, then add authorize check at booted time in your components:

use App\Modules\Auth\Traits\Authorize;

class CompaniesEdit extends Component
    use Authorize;

    public function booted()
        $this->authorize('admin|edit users');

this will check if one of role or permission is applied to the logged-in user, otherwise it gives a permission error.

Limit trait

This module include a trait App\Modules\Auth\Traits\Limit to add global scopes in your application, specific for role you need to jailroot eloquent models to specific query scopes.


namespace App\Modules\Companies\Livewire;

use App\Models\Company;
use App\Modules\Auth\Traits\Limit;
use Livewire\Component;

class CustomersTable extends Component
    use Limit;

    public function booted()

limit inside booted method will deal with all classes in Modules/*/Limits/LimitName.php to add specific global scopes. In the example below a global scope is added on Company model to be sure to bind queries on companies to those that are either the same as the logged-in user or are "daughters" of the one to which the logged-in user belongs.


namespace App\Modules\Companies\Limits;

use App\Models\Company;
use Illuminate\Contracts\Database\Eloquent\Builder;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\DB;

class CompanyLimit
    public static function limit($except = [])
        $user = auth()->user();

        Company::addGlobalScope('onlyMine', function (Builder $builder) use (auth()->user()) {
            $builder->where('parent_id', $user->company_id)
                ->orWhere('id', $user->company_id)


Component priority role based

This module include a middleware out of the box, that search for priority component instead of the one defaulted by the route.

By "priority component" we mean a component that is prefixed with the "Rolename" of the logged-in user e.g., despite the defined route :

Route::get('/companies/view/{company:id}', CompaniesView::class)

Customer role user the middleware looks for CustomerCompaniesView::class and dispenses that if it exists.

this allows you to extend livewire components and adapt features and views potentially for each role to be managed (if you need to do so).

Just configure your prefixes in the config:

    'role_to_component_prefix' => [
        'customer' => 'customer'

add the middleware in your app/Http/Kernel.php

    protected $middlewareGroups = [
        'web' => [

Component role to component specific routes

assuming you're using Ticket open source module, you can customize that a custom role i.e. "customer" can open ticket using:

    'role_to_component_class' => [
        'customer' => [
            'tickets.tickets.table' => \App\Components\Tickets\UserTicketsTable::class,
            'tickets.tickets.view' => \App\Components\Tickets\UserTicketsView::class


this way the routes tickets.tickets.table and tickets.tickets.view will be server by your custom implementation of components (which can extend the default ticket module components)

Installation & configuration

This module is part of Rapyd Admin package