znerol / oauth2-server-storeauth-grant
Google Billing / Apple StoreKit OAuth2 Grant Extension for PHP OAuth 2.0 Server
- php: ^8.2
- lcobucci/jwt: ^5.3
- league/oauth2-server: ^9.0
- psr/http-client: ^1.0
- psr/http-factory: ^1.0
Requires (Dev)
- dg/bypass-finals: ^1.7
- laminas/laminas-diactoros: ^3.3
- lcobucci/clock: ^3.2
- phpstan/phpstan: ^1.11
- phpstan/phpstan-deprecation-rules: ^1.2
- phpstan/phpstan-phpunit: ^1.4
- phpstan/phpstan-strict-rules: ^1.6
- phpunit/phpunit: ^11.2
- slevomat/coding-standard: ^8.15
- squizlabs/php_codesniffer: ^3.10
- lcobucci/clock: >= 3.0
An OAuth 2 extension grant which validates a Google Billing purchase or an Apple StoreKit transaction and returns an access token restricted to the specified SKU/product.
Some PSR-18 HTTP client.
Flow (Android Billing)
The client sends a POST request with following body parameters to the authorization server:
with the valueurn:uuid:ea31e77f-cb72-486f-b5c4-deef43e839f3
with the client’s IDscope
with a space-delimited list of requested scope permissionspurchase_token
with the android billing purchase token
The authorization server will respond with a JSON object containing the following properties:
with the valueBearer
with an integer representing the TTL of the access tokenaccess_token
a JWT signed with the authorization server’s private key
Flow (Apple StoreKit)
The client sends a POST request with following body parameters to the authorization server:
with the value:urn:uuid:c7e545a5-d72b-4294-a173-bb1858aae099
with the client’s IDscope
with a space-delimited list of requested scope permissionstransaction_id
with the StoreKit transaction id
The authorization server will respond with a JSON object containing the following properties:
with the valueBearer
with an integer representing the TTL of the access tokenaccess_token
a JWT signed with the authorization server’s private key
Wherever you initialize your objects, initialize a new instance of the authorization server and bind the storage interfaces and authorization code grant:
// Init our repositories $clientRepository = new ClientRepository(); // instance of ClientRepositoryInterface $scopeRepository = new ScopeRepository(); // instance of ScopeRepositoryInterface $accessTokenRepository = new AccessTokenRepository(); // instance of AccessTokenRepositoryInterface // Path to public and private keys $privateKey = 'file://path/to/private.key'; //$privateKey = new CryptKey('file://path/to/private.key', 'passphrase'); // if private key has a pass phrase $encryptionKey = 'lxZFUEsBCJ2Yb14IF2ygAHI5N4+ZAUXXaSeeJm6+twsUmIen'; // generate using base64_encode(random_bytes(32)) // Setup the authorization server $server = new \League\OAuth2\Server\AuthorizationServer( $clientRepository, $accessTokenRepository, $scopeRepository, $privateKey, $encryptionKey );
For google non-consumables:
// Init non-consumable product repository $productRepository = ProductRepository() // instance of NonConsumableRepositoryInterface // Init google client factory $googleClientFactory = GoogleClientFactory() // instance of GoogleProductPurchaseFactoryInterface // Enable the Android purchases product grant on the server $packageName = 'com.some.thing'; $clientCredentials = // path to google api service account client credentials $server->enableGrantType( new \StoreAuth\OAuth2\Server\Grant\GoogleNonConsumable($productRepository, $googleClientFactory), new \DateInterval('PT1H') // access tokens will expire after 1 hour );
For apple non-consumables:
// Init non-consumable product repository $productRepository = ProductRepository() // instance of NonConsumableRepositoryInterface // Init apple client factory $appleClientFactory = AppleClientFactory() // instance of AppleMostRecentTransactionFactoryInterface // Enable the Apple transactions grant on the server $server->enableGrantType( new \StoreAuth\OAuth2\Server\Grant\AppleNonConsumable($productRepository, $appleClientFactory), new \DateInterval('PT1H') // access tokens will expire after 1 hour );