A DataModel for a Url

v82.0.1 2025-02-16 15:19 UTC


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Parse and access url components with a class.


  • PHP 7.1 or higher.


Install Zerotoprod\Url via Composer:

composer require zero-to-prod/url

This will add the package to your project’s dependencies and create an autoloader entry for it.


Use the from() static method to map array keys to class properties.

It is recommended to extend your own Url class with the \Zerotoprod\Url\Url class.

class Url extends \Zerotoprod\Url\Url

$url = Url::from(

$url->host // 'example.com'

// Passing an array 
$url = Url::new()

$url->host; // 'example.com'

Helper Methods

The Url class includes several helper methods for constructing URLs with specific schemes and ports.


use Zerotoprod\Url\Url;

// Create a new URL instance and set the host
$url = Url::new()->set_host('example.com');

// Using the toProtocol method with custom schemes and ports
echo $url->toProtocol('http');  // Outputs: "http://example.com:8080"
echo $url->toProtocol('https', 8081);  // Outputs: "https://example.com:8081"

// Using different helper methods to generate URLs for various schemes
echo $url->toSsl();      // Outputs: "ssl://example.com:443"
echo $url->toFtp();      // Outputs: "ftp://example.com:21"
echo $url->toFtps();     // Outputs: "ftps://example.com:990"
echo $url->toSftp();     // Outputs: "sftp://example.com:22"
echo $url->toTcp();      // Outputs: "tcp://example.com:80"
echo $url->toUdp();      // Outputs: "udp://example.com:53"
echo $url->toTls();      // Outputs: "tls://example.com:443"
echo $url->toWs();       // Outputs: "ws://example.com:80"
echo $url->toWss();      // Outputs: "wss://example.com:443"
echo $url->toPop3();     // Outputs: "pop3://example.com:110"
echo $url->toImap();     // Outputs: "imap://example.com:143"
echo $url->toSmtp();     // Outputs: "smtp://example.com:25"

// Optionally, you can pass a custom port to any of these methods
echo $url->toSsl(8443);  // Outputs: "ssl://example.com:8443"
echo $url->toFtp(2121);  // Outputs: "ftp://example.com:2121"

Suggested Traits


The Parsable trait provides a method for parsing a URL string and ensuring that it starts with a supported protocol. This is useful when you want to handle various types of URLs and ensure they conform to a specific format before processing.


The Parsable trait is included within this package, so no additional installation is required.


To use the Zerotoprod\Url\Parsable trait in your class, simply include it:

class Url extends \Zerotoprod\Url\Url
    use \Zerotoprod\Url\Parsable;

Url::parse('example.com'); // Defaults to 'https://example.com'
Url::parse('example.com', 'custom://', ['http://', 'custom://']);


Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome! Feel free to check the issues page if you want to contribute.

  1. Fork the repository.
  2. Create a new branch (git checkout -b feature-branch).
  3. Commit changes (git commit -m 'Add some feature').
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin feature-branch).
  5. Create a new Pull Request.