
Transform data into a class.

v71.2.0 2024-09-04 10:22 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-18 18:01:49 UTC


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The Zerotoprod\DataModel trait simplifies data handling by allowing developers to create class instances from arrays or JSON, dynamically assigning and casting property values based on type annotations.

Whether you’re managing simple strings or complex object types, this package ensures your data models are both flexible and reliable.

Perfect for developers looking to simplify their Data Transfer Objects (DTOs);


You can install the package via Composer:

composer require zerotoprod/data-model


Import the Zerotoprod\DataModel\DataModel trait in your class. Use the from() static method to map array keys to class properties.

It is recommended to extend your own DataModel trait with the Zerotoprod\DataModel\DataModel trait.

Basic Example

trait DataModel extends \Zerotoprod\DataModel\DataModel
    // Add additional utility methods and traits

class User
    use DataModel;

    public $name;
    public $email;
    /** @var \App\Address $Address */
    public Address;

namespace App;

class Address
    use DataModel;

    public $street;

$user = User::from(
        'name' => 'John Doe',
        'email' => '',
        'Address' => ['street' => '456 Memory Lane']

echo $user->name; // 'John Doe'
echo $user->email; // ''
echo $user->Address->street; // '456 Memory Lane'

Automatically Typecast Properties With Doc Comments

Use PHPDoc @var annotations to link and cast properties to their classes, ensuring accurate mapping and conversion, especially with nested objects.

/** @var Address $Address */
public $Address;

Inlining the fully qualified namespace is faster as a lookup does not have to be performed.

/** @var \App\Address $Address */

This directs the from() method to instantiate the Address class for $Address when mapping data.

Automatically casted types include:

  • string
  • array
  • int
  • bool
  • object
  • float
  • Classes with a from() method


  • The from() method will only assign values to existing properties in the class.
  • If a key does not correspond to a property in the class, it will be ignored.
  • Unions like this are ignored: /** @var Address|string $Address */.
  • Use the fully qualified namespace unless the class is in the same namespace: /** @var Address $Address */.

Suggested Traits


This will decode a valid json string and return the data model.


To use the Zerotoprod\DataModel\FromJson trait in your class.

class User
    use \Zerotoprod\DataModel\DataModel;
    use \Zerotoprod\DataModel\FromJson;

    public $name;
    public $email;

$user = User::fromJson('"name":"John", "email":""');
$user->name;  // 'John'
$user->email; // ''


The Transformable trait provides methods to convert an object’s properties into an array or a JSON string. This is particularly useful for serializing your data models.

composer require zerotoprod/transformable


To use the Zerotoprod\Transformable\Transformable trait in your class.

class YourDataModel
    use \Zerotoprod\DataModel\DataModel;
    use \Zerotoprod\Transformable\Transformable;

    public $name;
    public $email;

$model = new YourDataModel();

$array = $model->toArray();
$json = $model->toJson();