
laravel paypal integration for payment processing

dev-main 2021-05-02 09:59 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-29 04:47:09 UTC


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By using this library you can process payment from PayPal and listen to events in your Laravel application.

This plugin supports the new paypal rest api.

PayPal API Credentials

This package uses the new paypal rest api. Refer to this link on how to create API credentials:



  • Use following command to install:

If you intend to use ExpressCheckout, please to the following README. v2.0 & v3.0 uses the new rest api.

composer require zenithcoder/laravel-paypal
php artisan vendor:publish --provider "zenithcoder\PayPal\PayPalServiceProvider"


  • After installation, you will need to add your paypal settings. Following is the code you will find in config/paypal.php, which you should update accordingly.
return [
    'client_id' => env('PAYPAL_CLIENT_ID'), //clientid from dashboard
    'client_secret' => env('PAYPAL_CLIENT_SECRET'),//client secret from dashboard
    'paymentUrl' => env('PAYPAL_PAYMENT_URL'),//payment url e.g. sandbox= https://api-m.sandbox.paypal.com
  • Add this to .env.example and .env
#PayPal Setting & API Credentials  

##General payment flow

Though there are multiple ways to pay an order, most payment gateways expect you to follow the following flow in your checkout process:

###1. The customer is redirected to the payment provider After the customer has gone through the checkout process and is ready to pay, the customer must be redirected to site of the payment provider.

The redirection is accomplished by submitting a form with some hidden fields. The form must post to the site of the payment provider. The hidden fields minimally specify the amount that must be paid,etc

###2. The customer pays on the site of the payment provider The customer arrived on the site of the payment provider and gets to choose a payment method. All steps necessary to pay the order are taken care of by the payment provider.

###3. Handle different Event We will post an event to the webhook URL set for your transaction's domain. If it was a live transaction, we will post to your live webhook url and vice-versa.

use Zenithcoder\Paypal\Paypal;

  public function redirectToPaypal(Request $request)
        return  $this->PaypalClient()->getAuthPaymentUrl()->redirectNow();

    public function handlePaypalWebhook()
        $paymentDetails =  $this->PaypalClient()->getPaymentData();

        $event_types = $paymentDetails['event_types'];

          switch ($event_types)
                case "PAYMENT.SALE.COMPLETED":
                    // Handle payment failed
                    // Handle other webhooks
                        // Handle subscription cancelled
                        // Handle subscription suspended
                        // Handle other webhooks

    public function PaypalClient(){
        return new Paypal();

    public function completedPayment()
        //update payment status

    public function processCheckout()
            $user = Auth::user();
            $subscription = Subscription::create([
                'user_id' => Auth::user()->id,
                'total'=> request()->query('amount')

            $cartItems = json_decode( request()->query('meta'),true);
            foreach($cartItems as $cartItem)
                    'qty' => $cartItem->qty,
                    'total' => $cartItem->qty*$cartItem->price
        } catch(\Exception $e) {

            return $e->getMessage();
Route::post('/pay', [
    'uses' => 'PaymentController@redirectToPaypal',
    'as' => 'pay'
Route::get('/paypal/webhook', 'PaymentController@handlePaypalWebhook');

A sample form will look like so:

<form method="POST" action="{{ route('pay') }}" accept-charset="UTF-8" class="form-horizontal" role="form">
        <div class="row" style="margin-bottom:40px;">
          <div class="col-md-8 col-md-offset-2">
            <input type="hidden" name="email" value="awonusiolajide@yahoo.com">  
           <input type="hidden" name="orderID" value="345">
            <input type="hidden" name="amount" value="800"> 
            <input type="hidden" name="quantity" value="3">
            <input type="hidden" name="currency_code" value="USD">
            <input type="hidden" name="metadata" value="{{ json_encode($array = ['key_name' => 'value',]) }}" > {{-- For other necessary things you want to add to your payload. it is optional though --}}
            {{ csrf_field() }} {{-- works only when using laravel 5.1, 5.2 --}}

             <input type="hidden" name="_token" value="{{ csrf_token() }}"> {{-- employ this in place of csrf_field only in laravel 5.0 --}}

              <button class="btn btn-success btn-lg btn-block" type="submit" value="Pay Now!">
              <i class="fa fa-plus-circle fa-lg"></i> Pay Now!


This version supports Laravel 6 or greater.

  • In case of any issues, kindly create one on the Issues section.
  • If you would like to contribute:
    • Fork this repository.
    • Implement your features.
    • Generate pull request.