zeichen32 / website-info
PHP library to retrieve server info from any webpage like installed cms, webserver, etc
2015-01-22 22:43 UTC
- php: >=5.4.0
- embed/embed: >=1.8.3 <1.9
- saxulum/saxulum-http-client-adapter-guzzle: ~1.0
- saxulum/saxulum-http-client-interface: ~1.0
- symfony/dom-crawler: 2.6.*
- symfony/event-dispatcher: 2.6.*
- twodevs/cache-interface: ~1.0
- webignition/url: ~1.9
Requires (Dev)
- desarrolla2/cache: ~1.8
- doctrine/cache: ~1.4
- illuminate/cache: ~4.2
- phpunit/phpunit: 4.4.*
- zendframework/zend-cache: ~2.3
- doctrine/cache: Allows to cache the response container
- zendframework/zend-cache: Allows to cache the response container
This package is auto-updated.
Last update: 2025-03-01 00:13:23 UTC
PHP library to retrieve server information like installed cms, webserver, dns lookup, etc... from any webpage
- PHP 5.4+
- Curl library installed
- allow_url_fopen: On
Install the library
The preferred way to install this library is to use Composer.
$ php composer.phar require zeichen32/website-info ~1.0
// Create a new WebsiteInfo instance with all default parser $ws = \WebsiteInfo\Factory::createWithDefaultParser(); // OR $ws = \WebsiteInfo\Factory::create(array( new \WebsiteInfo\Parser\Webserver\Apache(), new \WebsiteInfo\Parser\Webserver\Nginx(), new \WebsiteInfo\Parser\Webserver\IIS(), // ... )); // Retrieve informations about wordpress.com $result = $ws->get('http://wordpress.com'); print_r($result);
Array ( [headers] => Array ( [request] => Array ( [Host] => Array ( [0] => wordpress.org ) [user-agent] => Array ( [0] => WebsiteInfo ) ) [response] => Array ( [Server] => Array ( [0] => nginx ) [Content-Type] => Array ( [0] => text/html; charset=utf-8 ) ) ) [webserver] => Array ( [name] => Nginx [version] => unknown [score] => 1 [raw] => nginx ) [embed] => Array ( [title] => WordPress Blog Tool, Publishing Platform, and CMS [description] => [url] => https://wordpress.org/ [type] => link [embed_code] => [images] => Array ( [collection] => Array ( [0] => http://wpdotorg.files.wordpress.com/2012/10/red-negative-w-crop.jpg ) [base] => Array ( [image] => http://wpdotorg.files.wordpress.com/2012/10/red-negative-w-crop.jpg [width] => 264 [height] => 354 [aspect_ration] => ) ) [author] => Array ( [name] => [url] => ) [provider] => Array ( [name] => wordpress [url] => https://wordpress.org [icon] => https://s.w.org/favicon.ico?2 [icons] => Array ( [0] => https://wordpress.org/favicon.ico [1] => https://wordpress.org/favicon.png ) ) ) [lookup] => Array ( [ip] => Array ( [0] => [1] => ) [hostname] => wordpress.org [dns] => Array ( ... ) ) )
Available parser
Parser | Class | Description |
Apache | WebsiteInfo\Parser\Webserver\Apache | Try to find information about apache webserver |
Nginx | WebsiteInfo\Parser\Webserver\Nginx | Try to find information about nginx webserver |
IIS | WebsiteInfo\Parser\Webserver\IIS | Try to find information about Microsoft IIS webserver |
Drupal | WebsiteInfo\Parser\CMS\Drupal | Try to find information about installed Drupal CMS |
Joomla | WebsiteInfo\Parser\CMS\Joomla | Try to find information about installed Joomla! CMS |
Magento | WebsiteInfo\Parser\CMS\Magento | Try to find information about installed Magento system |
phpBB | WebsiteInfo\Parser\CMS\PHPBB | Try to find information about installed phpBB system |
Shopware | WebsiteInfo\Parser\CMS\Shopware | Try to find information about installed Shopware system |
Typo3 | WebsiteInfo\Parser\CMS\Typo3 | Try to find information about installed Typo3 CMS |
vBulletin | WebsiteInfo\Parser\CMS\VBulletin | Try to find information about installed vBulletin system |
Wordpress | WebsiteInfo\Parser\CMS\Wordpress | Try to find information about installed Wordpress CMS |
WebsiteInfo\Parser\Analytics\Google | Try to find information about used google ads and analytics | |
Piwik | WebsiteInfo\Parser\Analytics\Piwik | Try to find information about used piwik analytics |
Embed | WebsiteInfo\Parser\Embed\Embed | Try to find embed information |
Lookup | WebsiteInfo\Parser\Lookup | Try to find lookup informations like dns, ip etc. |
Create your own parser
- Create a new parser that do something with the response
namespace Acme\Parser; use WebsiteInfo\Event\ParseResponseEvent; use WebsiteInfo\Parser\AbstractParser; class MyParser extends AbstractParser { public function onParseResponse(ParseResponseEvent $event) { // Get response object $response = $event->getResponse(); // Do something with the response $something = $this->doSomething( (string) $response->getBody() ); // Add a new section to the output container $event->getData()->addSection('my_new_section', array( 'foo' => 'bar', 'version' => '1.0', 'score' => 1, 'raw' => $something )); } }
- Use your parser
// Create a new WebsiteInfo instance $ws = \WebsiteInfo\Factory::createWithDefaultParser(); // Register your parser $ws->addParser(new \Acme\Parser\MyParser()); // Retrieve informations about wordpress.com $result = $ws->get('http://wordpress.com');
Using the result container cache
- Using the ArrayCache (Memory Cache)
// Create a new WebsiteInfo instance $ws = \WebsiteInfo\Factory::createWithDefaultParser(); // Using the array cache $ws->setCache(new \TwoDevs\Cache\ArrayCache()); // Retrieve informations about wordpress.com $result = $ws->get('http://wordpress.com');
- If doctrine cache is installed, it can be used to cache the result container using the doctrine cache adapter.
// Create a new WebsiteInfo instance $ws = \WebsiteInfo\Factory::createWithDefaultParser(); // Create a new DoctrineCache instance $doctrineCache = new \Doctrine\Common\Cache\FilesystemCache('var/cache'); // Create a new DoctrineCache adapter $cacheAdapter = new \TwoDevs\Cache\DoctrineCache($doctrineCache); // Using the cache $ws->setCache($cacheAdapter); // Retrieve informations about wordpress.com $result = $ws->get('http://wordpress.com');
- If zend cache is installed, it can be used to cache the result container using the zend cache adapter.
// Create a new WebsiteInfo instance $ws = \WebsiteInfo\Factory::createWithDefaultParser(); // Create a new ZendStorage instance $zendCache = new \Zend\Cache\Storage\Adapter\Memory(); // Create a new ZendCache adapter $cacheAdapter = new \TwoDevs\Cache\ZendCache($zendCache); // Using the cache $ws->setCache($cacheAdapter); // Retrieve informations about wordpress.com $result = $ws->get('http://wordpress.com');
How to use a different HttpClient
This library use the Saxulum HttpClientInterface which allows you to simple change the used HttpClient.
For example you want to use Buzz as HttpClient:
- Add the Buzz adapter to your composer.json:
$ php composer.phar require saxulum-http-client-adapter-buzz ~1.0
- Create a new BuzzClient
// Create a new Buzz Client $buzz = new \Buzz\Browser(); // Create the client adapter $client = new \Saxulum\HttpClient\Buzz\HttpClient($guzzle); // Create a new WebsiteInfo instance with all default parser and custom client $ws = \WebsiteInfo\Factory::createWithDefaultParser($client); // Retrieve informations about wordpress.com $result = $ws->get('http://wordpress.com'); print_r($result);