
PHP library to retrieve server info from any webpage like installed cms, webserver, etc

v1.0.2 2015-01-22 22:43 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-01 00:13:23 UTC


Build Status

PHP library to retrieve server information like installed cms, webserver, dns lookup, etc... from any webpage


Install the library

The preferred way to install this library is to use Composer.

$ php composer.phar require zeichen32/website-info ~1.0


// Create a new WebsiteInfo instance with all default parser
$ws = \WebsiteInfo\Factory::createWithDefaultParser();

// OR
$ws = \WebsiteInfo\Factory::create(array(
            new \WebsiteInfo\Parser\Webserver\Apache(),
            new \WebsiteInfo\Parser\Webserver\Nginx(),
            new \WebsiteInfo\Parser\Webserver\IIS(),
            // ...

// Retrieve informations about wordpress.com
$result = $ws->get('http://wordpress.com');

    [headers] => Array
            [request] => Array
                    [Host] => Array
                            [0] => wordpress.org

                    [user-agent] => Array
                            [0] => WebsiteInfo


            [response] => Array
                    [Server] => Array
                            [0] => nginx

                    [Content-Type] => Array
                            [0] => text/html; charset=utf-8



    [webserver] => Array
            [name] => Nginx
            [version] => unknown
            [score] => 1
            [raw] => nginx

    [embed] => Array
            [title] => WordPress Blog Tool, Publishing Platform, and CMS
            [description] =>
            [url] => https://wordpress.org/
            [type] => link
            [embed_code] =>
            [images] => Array
                    [collection] => Array
                            [0] => http://wpdotorg.files.wordpress.com/2012/10/red-negative-w-crop.jpg

                    [base] => Array
                            [image] => http://wpdotorg.files.wordpress.com/2012/10/red-negative-w-crop.jpg
                            [width] => 264
                            [height] => 354
                            [aspect_ration] =>


            [author] => Array
                    [name] =>
                    [url] =>

            [provider] => Array
                    [name] => wordpress
                    [url] => https://wordpress.org
                    [icon] => https://s.w.org/favicon.ico?2
                    [icons] => Array
                            [0] => https://wordpress.org/favicon.ico
                            [1] => https://wordpress.org/favicon.png



    [lookup] => Array
            [ip] => Array
                    [0] =>
                    [1] =>

            [hostname] => wordpress.org
            [dns] => Array



Available parser

Parser Class Description
Apache WebsiteInfo\Parser\Webserver\Apache Try to find information about apache webserver
Nginx WebsiteInfo\Parser\Webserver\Nginx Try to find information about nginx webserver
IIS WebsiteInfo\Parser\Webserver\IIS Try to find information about Microsoft IIS webserver
Drupal WebsiteInfo\Parser\CMS\Drupal Try to find information about installed Drupal CMS
Joomla WebsiteInfo\Parser\CMS\Joomla Try to find information about installed Joomla! CMS
Magento WebsiteInfo\Parser\CMS\Magento Try to find information about installed Magento system
phpBB WebsiteInfo\Parser\CMS\PHPBB Try to find information about installed phpBB system
Shopware WebsiteInfo\Parser\CMS\Shopware Try to find information about installed Shopware system
Typo3 WebsiteInfo\Parser\CMS\Typo3 Try to find information about installed Typo3 CMS
vBulletin WebsiteInfo\Parser\CMS\VBulletin Try to find information about installed vBulletin system
Wordpress WebsiteInfo\Parser\CMS\Wordpress Try to find information about installed Wordpress CMS
Google WebsiteInfo\Parser\Analytics\Google Try to find information about used google ads and analytics
Piwik WebsiteInfo\Parser\Analytics\Piwik Try to find information about used piwik analytics
Embed WebsiteInfo\Parser\Embed\Embed Try to find embed information
Lookup WebsiteInfo\Parser\Lookup Try to find lookup informations like dns, ip etc.

Create your own parser

  1. Create a new parser that do something with the response
namespace Acme\Parser;

use WebsiteInfo\Event\ParseResponseEvent;
use WebsiteInfo\Parser\AbstractParser;

class MyParser extends AbstractParser {

    public function onParseResponse(ParseResponseEvent $event)
        // Get response object
        $response = $event->getResponse();
        // Do something with the response
        $something = $this->doSomething( (string) $response->getBody() );

        // Add a new section to the output container
        $event->getData()->addSection('my_new_section', array(
            'foo' => 'bar',
            'version' => '1.0',
            'score' => 1,
            'raw' => $something
  1. Use your parser
// Create a new WebsiteInfo instance
$ws = \WebsiteInfo\Factory::createWithDefaultParser();

// Register your parser
$ws->addParser(new \Acme\Parser\MyParser());

// Retrieve informations about wordpress.com
$result = $ws->get('http://wordpress.com');

Using the result container cache

  1. Using the ArrayCache (Memory Cache)
// Create a new WebsiteInfo instance
$ws = \WebsiteInfo\Factory::createWithDefaultParser();

// Using the array cache
$ws->setCache(new \TwoDevs\Cache\ArrayCache());

// Retrieve informations about wordpress.com
$result = $ws->get('http://wordpress.com');
  1. If doctrine cache is installed, it can be used to cache the result container using the doctrine cache adapter.
// Create a new WebsiteInfo instance
$ws = \WebsiteInfo\Factory::createWithDefaultParser();

// Create a new DoctrineCache instance
$doctrineCache = new \Doctrine\Common\Cache\FilesystemCache('var/cache');

// Create a new DoctrineCache adapter
$cacheAdapter = new \TwoDevs\Cache\DoctrineCache($doctrineCache);

// Using the cache

// Retrieve informations about wordpress.com
$result = $ws->get('http://wordpress.com');
  1. If zend cache is installed, it can be used to cache the result container using the zend cache adapter.
// Create a new WebsiteInfo instance
$ws = \WebsiteInfo\Factory::createWithDefaultParser();

// Create a new ZendStorage instance
$zendCache = new \Zend\Cache\Storage\Adapter\Memory();

// Create a new ZendCache adapter
$cacheAdapter = new \TwoDevs\Cache\ZendCache($zendCache);

// Using the cache

// Retrieve informations about wordpress.com
$result = $ws->get('http://wordpress.com');

How to use a different HttpClient

This library use the Saxulum HttpClientInterface which allows you to simple change the used HttpClient.

For example you want to use Buzz as HttpClient:

  1. Add the Buzz adapter to your composer.json:
$ php composer.phar require saxulum-http-client-adapter-buzz ~1.0
  1. Create a new BuzzClient
    // Create a new Buzz Client 
    $buzz = new \Buzz\Browser();
    // Create the client adapter
    $client = new \Saxulum\HttpClient\Buzz\HttpClient($guzzle);
    // Create a new WebsiteInfo instance with all default parser and custom client
    $ws = \WebsiteInfo\Factory::createWithDefaultParser($client);
    // Retrieve informations about wordpress.com
    $result = $ws->get('http://wordpress.com');