
A Laravel Front End manager.

1.1.0 2022-03-27 09:42 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-08 11:39:44 UTC




Use the following command to install Cypress:

composer require zareismail/cypress


Defining component
Registering Components
Fallback Component
Customizing Uri
Attach Middleware
Resolvable Components

Defining component

By default, Cypress components are stored in the app/Cypress directory of your application. You may generate a new component using the cypress:component Artisan command:

php artisan cypress:component Blog

Registering Components

To register your component do it in the boot of a service provider; ike below:

    use Zareismail\Cypress\Cypress;
     * Bootstrap any application services.
     * @return void
    public function boot()

Once your components are registered with Cypress, you can browse to the /blog path to see the result. it will be a blank page. don't worry it will be filled via Layout, later.

Fallback Component

The fallback allows you to define a component that will be executed when no other component matches the incoming request. The return value of the fallback method in component determines that is a fallback or not.

     * Determine if the component is a fallback component.
     * @return boolean
    public static function fallback(): bool
        return true;

Customizing Uri

The uriKey method of a component enables you to customize its request path. The uriKey of a component using to prefix its corresponding laravel route. The uriKey key of a fallback component will be ignored on the route prefixing.

     * Get the URI key for the resource.
     * @return string
    public static function uriKey()
        return Str::kebab(class_basename(get_called_class()));

Attach Middleware

With the middlewares method of a component, you can attach some middlewares into the component corresponding routes.

     * Get the route middlewares.
     * @return string
    public static function middlewares(): array
        return [];


The canSee method of the component allows you to authorize certain requests. You can use this on the resolveable components

     * Resolve the resoruce's value for the given request.
     * @param  \Zareismail\Cypress\Http\Requests\CypressRequest  $request 
     * @return void
    public function resolve($request): bool
        $this->canSee(function($request) {
            return boolval(rand(0, 1));
        return true;

Resolving Component

Each component that implements the Zareismail\Cypress\Contracts\Resolvable interface; allows you to do more on a component like authorization and passing data. The resolve method of a component allows you access to the component instance after its creation, so any component configuration should be inserted into this method. The return value of the resolve method determines the Cypress should respond with 404 or not which means the component is accessible or not.

     * Resolve the resoruce's value for the given request.
     * @param  \Zareismail\Cypress\Http\Requests\CypressRequest  $request 
     * @return void
    public function resolve($request): bool
        $this->canSee(function($request) {
            return boolval(rand(0, 1));
            'user' => 'Say hello to blog',
        return ! app()->isDownForMaintenance();


Defining fragments
Registering Fragments
Fallback Fragment
Customizing Uri
Resolvable Fragment

Defining Fragments

Cypress component works like a router group with default route /. to deep in routing you should use fragments. the following command create new fragment in the app/Cypress/Fragments directory.

    php artisan cypress:fragment Post

Registering Fragments

When a fragment defined, you need to attach it to a component. Each component generated by Cypress contains a fragments method. To attach a fragment to a component, you should simply add it to the array of fragments returned by this method:

    use App\Cypress\Fragments\Post;
     * Get the component fragments.
     * @return string
    public function fragments(): array
        return [

After fragment registration, navigate to the blog/posts. you can see a new blank page. dont worry; this page also will be filled with the Layout

Fallback Fragment

Like fallback components ; The fallback allows you to define a fragment that will be executed when no other fragment matches the incoming request. The return value of the fallback method in component determines that is a fallback or not.

     * Determine if the fragment is the fallback.
     * @return boolean
    public static function fallback(): bool
        return false;

Each Cypress can have only one fallback component but have a fallback fragment on each component.

Customizing Uri

The uriKey method of a fragment enables you to customize its request path. But in this case; all the paths that started with the uriKey of the component + fragment will pass into it.

     * Get the URI key for the resource.
     * @return string
    public static function uriKey()
        return Str::kebab(class_basename(get_called_class()));


The canSee method of the fragment allows you to authorize certain requests. You can use this on the resolveable fragments

     * Resolve the resoruce's value for the given request.
     * @param  \Zareismail\Cypress\Http\Requests\CypressRequest  $request 
     * @return void
    public function resolve($request): bool
        $postId = Str::after($request->route('fragment'), 'posts/post-');

        $this->canSee(function($request) use ($postId) {
            return $postId > 10; 
        return true;

Resolving Fragment

Each fragment that implements the Zareismail\Cypress\Contracts\Resolvable interface; allows you to do more on a fragment like authorization and passing data. The resolve method of a fragment allows you access to the fragment instance after its creation, so any fragment configuration should be inserted into this method. The return value of the resolve method determines the Cypress should respond with 404 or not which means the fragment is accessible or not.

     * Resolve the resoruce's value for the given request.
     * @param  \Zareismail\Cypress\Http\Requests\CypressRequest  $request 
     * @return void
    public function resolve($request): bool
        $postId = Str::after($request->route('fragment'), 'posts/post-');

        $this->canSee(function($request) use ($postId) {
            return $postId > 10; 
            'postId' => $postId
        return Str::startsWith($request->route('fragment'), 'posts/post-');


Defining Layouts
Registering Layouts
Layout View

Defining Layouts

Cypress layout is a way to fill the page for the components and fragments. following command create a new layout in app/Cypress/Layouts directory of your application.

    php artisan cypress:layout Simple

Registering Layouts

Each Cypress layout should be attached into a component. For this, you should override the $layout property of the component.

     * The display layout class name.
     * @var string
    public $layout = \App\Cypress\Layouts\Simple::class;

And now if you refresh the browser again, you see the blank page. To fill the layout with data you should following the widgets documents.

Layout View

Each layout generated by Cypress has a corresponding laravel view in the resources/views directory of your application. The viewName method of a layout accepts the name of your Laravel view that you want to render for it.

     * Get the viewName name for the layout.
     * @return string
    public function viewName(): string
        return 'simple';


Defining Widgets
Registering Widgets
Showing / Hiding Widgets
Widget Rendering
Widget Authorization

Defining Widgets

The Cypress widgets are the way to interacts with the views. The following command create a new widget in app/Cypress/Widgets directory of your application.

    php artisan cypress:widget Post

Registering Widgets

Once you have defined a widget, you are ready to attach it to a layout. Each layout generated by Cypress contains a widgets method. To attach a widget to a layout, you should simply add it to the array of widgets returned by this method. Each widget requires a specific name to registering. This is uriKey of the widget.

     * Get the widgets available on the entity.
     * @param  \Illuminate\Http\Request  $request
     * @return array
    public function widgets(Request $request)
        return [
            Post::make('Widget name is required'),

And now if you refresh the browser again, you see the content generated by the widget.


The boot method of a widgets allows you to pass data to the widget or intracts with Cypress layouts, components and fragments. This method call after component and fragment resolved. This means that you have access to the data generated by components and framengments easily.

     * Bootstrap the resource for the given request.
     * @param  \Zareismail\Cypress\Http\Requests\CypressRequest $request 
     * @param  \Zareismail\Cypress\Layout $layout 
     * @return void                  
    public function boot(CypressRequest $request, $layout)
            'psotId' => $request->resolveFragment()->metaValue('postId'),

Showing / Hiding Widgets

Often, you will only want to display a widget in certain situations. For example, you want only display slider on the site index. The following methods may be used to show / hide widgets based on the component requests or fragment requests:

  • hideFromComponent
  • showOnComponent
  • onlyOnComponent
  • hideFromFragment
  • showOnFragment
  • onlyOnFragment

You may pass a callback to this methods.

     * Get the widgets available on the entity.
     * @param  \Illuminate\Http\Request  $request
     * @return array
    public function widgets(Request $request)
        return [

Widget Rendering

The render method of widget helps you to display content of the widget. you are free to return view or any Htmlable, Renderable or string from this method.

     * Get the evaluated contents of the object.
     * @return string
    public function render()
        return view('review', $this->jsonSerialize());

Widget Authorization

The canSee method of the widget allows you to authorize certain requests. you may chain the canSee method onto your widget registration:

     * Get the widgets available on the entity.
     * @param  \Illuminate\Http\Request  $request
     * @return array
    public function widgets(Request $request)
        return [
                return true;


Defining Plugins
Registering Plugins
Rendering Asset

Defining Plugins

When you creating a tempalte for a site, you need to insert css, js and another meta tag into head or body. Cypress plugins allows you to do this. The following artisan command create a new plugin in the app/Cypress/Plugins directory of your application.

php artisan cypress:plugin Bootstrap

Registering Plugins

Once you have defined a plugin, you are ready to attach it to a layout. Each layout generated by Cypress contains a plugins method. To attach a plugin to a layout, you should simply add it to the array of plugins returned by this method.

     * Get the plugins available on the entity.
     * @param  \Illuminate\Http\Request  $request
     * @return array
    public function plugins(Request $request)
        return [

Rendering Asset

The render method of plugin allows you to insert some tag into the head or body of the corresponding html of the layout. For example to load the bootstrap assets in the template insert the following code into the created plugin.

     * Get the evaluated contents of the object.
     * @return string
    public function render()
        return '<link rel="stylesheet" href="" integrity="sha384-B0vP5xmATw1+K9KRQjQERJvTumQW0nPEzvF6L/Z6nronJ3oUOFUFpCjEUQouq2+l" crossorigin="anonymous">';

The asMetaData method of plugin allows you to determine where the plugin should be render. Returning true value from this method allows you render the plugin in the head of html.

     * Determine if the plugin should be loaded as html meta.
     * @return bool              
    public function asMetadata(): bool
        return true;