zaius / zaius-php-sdk
The Zaius SDK for PHP. Validated for use in zaius-magento-2, users in custom environments are encouraged to test and validate thoroughly (and note any issues via the GitHub issue tracker).
Installs: 60 419
Dependents: 3
Suggesters: 0
Security: 0
Stars: 5
Watchers: 9
Forks: 2
Open Issues: 3
- php: >=5.5
- ext-curl: *
- ext-json: *
- aws/aws-sdk-php: ^3.85
- seatgeek/djjob: ^1.0
Requires (Dev)
- phpunit/phpunit: ~4.0
This package is auto-updated.
Last update: 2025-01-19 21:52:09 UTC
Getting Started
The Zaius SDK provides a programmatic interface for the Zaius API as documented at .
To get started, include the library in your project:
composer require zaius/zaius_sdk
You can get an instance of the Zaius client using:
$zaiusClient = new \ZaiusSDK\ZaiusClient($apiKey);
The API key can be obtained from your Zaius account at . Click on the "Private" tab and use the private API key.
Available methods
Customer management
Create/update a customer
The method takes in a single array with the customer object or an array of customer objects
$profile = array(); $profile['email'] = ''; $ret = $zaiusClient->postCustomer($profile);
Get a customer
This method takes in a filter array with the following possible keys:
- vuid
- customer_id
Note that you need to pass only one of the above. Also, the API supports only exact matches for each field.
$filter = ['email'=>'']; $profile = $zaiusClient->getCustomer($filter);
Post an event
Posts an event. The event array object method must have the following keys:
- type - the type of the event (i.e. product)
- action - the event's action (i.e. add_to_cart)
- identifiers - an array with the identifiers. Valid keys are vuid and email
- data - an array with the event-specific data. The full list of the supported values is available at
You can pass an array of events for bulk upload.
$event = array(); $event['type'] = 'test'; $event['action'] = 'test'; $event['identifiers'] = ['vuid'=>'test']; $event['data'] = ['a'=>'b']; $ret = $zaiusClient->postEvent($event);
List management
Create a list
Creates a list with the given name.
$list = array(); $list['name'] = uniqid(); $zaiusClient->createList($list);
Get all lists
Returns all lists.
$lists = $zaiusClient->getLists();
Update a list
Updates a list's name. The method expects the following parameters:
- $listId - the ID of the list to change (get it with a getLists() call)
- $newName - the new name for the list
$zaiusClient->changeListName('madison_island_newsletter','Renamed list');
Subscription management
Get subscriptions
Gets subscriptions based on a filter. The lists of accepted filters is available at .
$filters = ['email'=>'']; $subscriptions = $zaiusClient->getSubscriptions($filters);
Update subscription
Updates a subscription. The subscription array can have three keys:
- list_id (optional) - the list for which to update the subscription
- email - the email to update the subscription for
- subscribed - true/false - whether to subscribe or unsubscribe the user
The method also supports passing an array of subscriptions for bulk updates.
$subscription = array(); $subscription['list_id'] = 'zaius_all'; $subscription['email'] = ''; $subscription['subscribed'] = true; $ret = $zaiusClient->updateSubscription($subscription);
Update channel opt-in
Updates a subscription. Parameters:
- optedIn - true/false
- email - email address
Export all objects
Exports all objects. Parameters:
- objects - array with objects type to export, i.e. array('orders','products'). Leave empty to export all object types
- format - one of csv, parquet. Defaults to csv
- delimiter - one of comma,tab, pipe. Defaults to comma.
Export filtered objects
Export objects given a filter.
- filter - an array with the filter as described at
- format - one of csv, parquet. Defaults to csv
- delimiter - one of comma,tab, pipe. Defaults to comma.
Get the export status
Gets the status of an export. Parameters:
- exportId - the export id
Schema API
Get all available objects
Returns an array with all available objects schemas.
Get object schema
Returns the schema for the specified object.
- objectType - a valid object type. Get all object types with the getObjects() method
Create a new object type
Creates a new object type. Parameters:
- object (unique) id
- object name
- alias
- field definition array
- relation definition array
$fields = [ [ 'name' => 'object_id', "display_name"=> "New Object Identifier", "type"=> "string", "primary"=> true ], [ "name"=> "another_field", "display_name"=> "Another Fields", "type"=> "string" ], [ "name"=> "child_id", "display_name"=> "Child Identifier", "type"=> "number" ] ]; $relations = [ ]; $zaiusClient->createObjectSchema('test_objects', 'Test Object', 'test_object', $fields, $relations);
Get an object's fields
Gets the fields for an object. Parameters:
- object id
Create a new field for an object
Creates a new field for an object. Parameters:
- object id
- field id
- field type
- field name
- field description
$zaiusClient->createObjectField('products','test_field','string','Test field','Test description');
Get all object's relations
Gets all relations for an object. Parameters:
- object id
Posting objects
Post a product
$product = array(); $product['name'] = "Test product"; $product['sku'] = 'test-sku'; $product['product_id'] = 32; $ret = $zaiusClient->postProduct($product);
This method also supports passing an array of products for bulk updates.
Post a customer
$profile = array(); $profile['email'] = ''; $ret = $zaiusClient->postCustomer($profile);
This method also supports passing an array of customers for bulk updates.
Post an order
$order = array(); $order['name'] = "Test customer"; $order['order_id'] = '11111'; $order['total'] = 32; $order['items'] = [[ "product_id"=>"765", "sku"=>"zm64", "quantity"=>"1", "subtotal"=>"59.95" ]]; $ret = $zaiusClient->postOrder($order);
This method also supports passing an array of orders for bulk updates.
Posting custom objects
Creates (or updates) an object. Parameters:
- object id
- array with the object data. Must include all required fields per the object's schema.
This method supports passing an array of objects for bulk updates.
$zaiusClient->postObject('products',['product_id'=>33,'name'=>'test product']);
Bulk upload objects to S3
The S3 client can be obtained from the Zaius Client:
$zaiusClient = new \ZaiusSDK\ZaiusClient($apiKey); $s3Client = $zaiusClient->getS3Client(ZAIUS_TRACKER_ID,ZAIUS_S3_KEY_ID,ZAIUS_S3_SECRET);
To get the needed keys, check
$event1 = array(); $event1['type'] = 'product'; $event1['action'] = 'addtocart'; $event1['identifiers'] = ['customer_id'=>99]; $event1['data'] = ['hostname'=>'','page'=>'Bar']; $event2 = array(); $event2['type'] = 'product'; $event2['action'] = 'addtocart'; $event2['identifiers'] = ['customer_id'=>99]; $event2['data'] = ['hostname'=>'','page'=>'Foo']; $events = [$event1,$event2]; $s3Client->uploadEvents($events);
$product1 = array(); $product1['product_id'] = 1; $product1['sku'] = '1234'; $product1['name'] = "Planet of the Apes"; $product1['category'] = 'Books'; $product2 = array(); $product2['product_id'] = 2; $product2['sku'] = '4321'; $product2['name'] = "Escape from Planet of the Apes"; $product2['category'] = 'Movies'; $products = [ $product1,$product2 ]; $s3Client->uploadProducts($products);
$customer1 = array(); $customer1['customer_id'] = 1100; $customer1['email'] = ""; $customer1['first_name'] = "Floyd"; $customer1['last_name'] = 'Dogg'; $customer1['foo'] = 'bar'; $customer2 = array(); $customer2['customer_id'] = 1200; $customer2['email'] = ""; $customer2['first_name'] = "Johnny"; $customer2['last_name'] = 'Zaius'; $customer2['foo']='bar'; $customers = [ $customer1,$customer2 ]; $s3Client->uploadCustomers($customers);
$orderData = []; $order1 = array(); $order1['order_id'] = '1009'; $order1['items']=[[ "product_id"=>"765", "sku"=>"zm64", "quantity"=>"1", "subtotal"=>"59.95" ]]; $order1['subtotal'] = 6.99; $order1['tax'] = 0; $order1['shipping'] = 25.75; $order1['total'] = 32.74; $order1['email'] = ''; $order1['first_name'] = 'Floyd'; $order1['last_name'] = 'Dogg'; $order1['phone'] = '123456780'; $orderData['order'] = $order1; $orderData['identifiers'] = ['ts'=>1460392935,'ip'=>'','email'=>'','action'=>'purchase']; $orders = [$orderData]; $s3Client->uploadOrders($orders);
Supported object types
All Zaius methods expect arrays in a specific format. Besides the keys listed for each object, any other key/value pair is accepted and will be sent as a custom field, if it was defined via the Zaius dashboard/schema API
To see the full list of available fields, access after logging in into your Zaius account.
$customer = array(); $customer['email'] = '';
$event = array(); $event['type'] = 'test'; $event['action'] = 'test'; $event['identifiers'] = ['vuid'=>'test']; $event['data'] = ['a'=>'b'];
$product = array(); $product['name'] = "Test product"; $product['sku'] = 'test-sku'; $product['product_id'] = 32;
$order = array(); $order['name'] = "Test customer"; $order['order_id'] = '11111'; $order['total'] = 32; $order['items'] = [[ "product_id"=>"765", "sku"=>"zm64", "quantity"=>"1", "subtotal"=>"59.95" ]];
Generic API calls
While the SDK covers all specific operations, it is possible to initiate a general call to the API by using the call() method. Three parameters are expected:
- $parameters - an array of parameters. For get calls, they will be sent as url parameters. For post / put calls, they will be sent as post fields
- $method - a valid http method name, i.e. post or get
- $url - the full endpoint url
The method returns the raw API response. Note that most of the time, this will be a json encoded string.
The method throws a ZaiusException in case the response code is any other than 20x or 404. A 404 response code returns a null body and represents the fact that no entry was found for the provided query.
$zaiusClient = $this->getZaiusClient(ZAIUS_PRIVATE_API_KEY); $filter = ['email'=>'']; $profile = json_decode($zaiusClient->call($filter,'get',ZaiusClient::API_URL_V3.'/profiles'),true);
Batch processing
While the Zaius API is fast, it is possible to completely decouple it by using batch processing. We are making use of DJJob, as a general queueing mechanism.
Initialize the mysql database:
mysql my_database < vendor/seatgeek/djjob/jobs.sql
Before making a call to push to the queue, you need to ensure that the mysql credentials were initialized:
$zaiusClient->setQueueDatabaseCredentials([ 'driver' => 'mysql', 'host' => '', 'dbname' => 'my_database', 'user' => 'my_user', 'password' => 'my_password', ]);
Push events to the queue
All posting methods have a queue bool parameter that you can set to push to the queue instead of processing instantly:
$profile = array(); $profile['email'] = ''; $ret = $zaiusClient->postCustomer($profile,true); $product = array(); $product['name'] = "Test product"; $product['sku'] = 'test-sku'; $product['product_id'] = 32; $ret = $zaiusClient->postProduct($product,true);
The returned value from the post calls will be the mysql insert id of the pushed object.
You can later process the queue with:
$worker = new \ZaiusSDK\Zaius\Worker(); $worker->processAll();