
YoRus Consulting - Common PHP components

dev-main 2024-05-30 22:14 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-01 00:41:55 UTC


This package provides additional features to the domain layer of a Symfony application:

  • Validation constraints
  • Faker providers
    • Uuid
  • Doctrine types for specific data types
    • jsonb
  • Repository interfaces to manage the data access layer
  • Console commands to generate DDD/CQRS classes


composer require yorus/domain-extra-library

Add a configuration file to your project to define the services and parameters needed by the library.

# config/packages/yorus_domain_extra_library.yaml

  namespace: YourNamespace\

This configuration will be used to generate the classes (DDD/CQRS generator) with the correct namespace (and only for the generator scope)

Activate the library in the config/bundles.php file of the project.

YoRus\DomainExtraLibrary\App\Bundle\YorusDomainExtraLibraryBundle::class => ['all' => true],


Validation constraints

The validation constraints are used to validate the data received by the controllers. The constraints are configurable which allows them to be used in different domains. We distinguish 2 types of constraints:

  • property constraint
  • class constraint

Property constraint

It is used to validate a single property of the request.

Contrainte de classe

It needs several properties of the request to do its validation work. This type of constraint will - most of the time - be placed within a validation group, and this group will be played first. Indeed, if the global validation fails, it is not useful to validate each of the properties.

Some constraints require the implementation of a specific interface at the level of the repository used. Configuration is to be placed in the config\services.yaml file of the project, or any other configuration file of the application.

For example:

        class: \YoRus\DomainExtraLibrary\Infra\Validator\Constraint\ResourceMustExistConstraintValidator
            - '@App\Infra\Repository\DoctrineORM\CategoryReader'
            - { name: validator.constraint_validator, alias: app.constraint.category }

  class: \YoRus\DomainExtraLibrary\Infra\Validator\Constraint\ResourceMustExistConstraintValidator
    - '@App\Infra\Repository\DoctrineORM\FormationReader'
    - { name: validator.constraint_validator, alias: app.constraint.formation }

The code above is used to make available the ResourceMustExistConstraint constraint for the Category resource. It will be used in the validation file of the command / query. It uses the CategoryReader service to check if the category exists in the database.

Constraints are used in the yaml file of the command / query validator. For example:

    - UpdateFormationCommand
    - resource
      - NotNull: ~
      - Uuid: ~
      - \YoRus\DomainExtraLibrary\Infra\Validator\Constraint\ResourceMustExistConstraint:
          reader: app.constraint.formation
          resource: Formation
          groups: [resource]
      - Collection:
              - NotNull: ~
              - NotBlank: ~
              - Length:
                  min: 3
              - NotNull: ~
              - NotBlank: ~
              - Length:
                  min: 10
              - NotNull: ~
              - Uuid: ~
              - \YoRus\DomainExtraLibrary\Infra\Validator\Constraint\ResourceMustExistConstraint:
                  reader: app.constraint.category
                  resource: Category
                  groups: [resource]
          allowExtraFields: false

See the official documentation for more details: https://symfony.com/doc/current/validation/custom_constraint.html

Available constraints


Check that the resource represented by the property on which the constraint is applied actually exists in the database.

  • Constraint type: property
  • Request type: create, retrieve, update, delete


  • reader: the id of the service representing the validator linked to the constraint
  • resource: the name of the current resource
  • code: the HTTP code returned in case the constraint is not validated

Configuration example:

        class: \YoRus\DomainExtraLibrary\Infra\Validator\Constraint\ResourceMustExistConstraintValidator
            - '@App\Stock\Infra\Repository\DoctrineORM\StockReader'
            - { name: validator.constraint_validator, alias: app.constraint.stock }

Usage example:

- YoRus\DomainExtraLibrary\Infra\Validator\Constraint\ResourceMustExistConstraint:
	reader: app.constraint.stock
	resource: Stock
	code: 400
	groups: [Resource]

Faker providers

The library provides a Faker provider to generate UUIDs, useful for generating test data, especially when creating fixtures.

        __construct: [ <uuidObject('69e4234a-b3c8-4322-aa7f-24164913269a')>, 'John', 'Doe' ]

Doctrine types

The library provides a Doctrine type for the jsonb data type.

Repository interfaces

The library provides interfaces to manage the data access layer. These interfaces are used to define the methods that the repository must implement.


This interface propose a findRequired method to find an entity by its identifier. Unlike the find method, it suggests to throws an EntityNotFoundException exception if the entity is not found.

Console commands

The library provides console commands to generate DDD/CQRS classes. The generated classes are the following:

  • Controller
  • Entity
  • Repository
  • Query
  • QueryHandler

To use the generator, run the following command:

php bin/console yorus:ddd-cqrs:generate

To obtain help on the command, run:

php bin/console yorus:ddd-cqrs:generate --help

The command accepts the following options:

  • --context: the context in which classes must be generated. Usefull to separate classes by domain or to manage some bounded contexts.
  • --dry-run: to simulate the generation of classes without writing them to the disk. It will display the generated files in the console.

The command will ask you to enter the following information:

  • The name of the domain to manage
  • The list of parameters to manage in the entity

The parameters have the following syntax:


The name is the name of the parameter. The type is the type of the parameter. The * indicates that the parameter will be managed as a primary key in the entity. The ? indicates that the parameter is optional

For example:


If no type is provided, the parameter will be managed as a string. It must have one and only one primary key.