
Magento 2 Doctrine extension

dev-master 2018-01-11 05:26 UTC

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Last update: 2024-10-19 17:14:45 UTC


Doctrine ORM support for Magneto2

Total Downloads Latest Stable Version Latest Unstable Version License Github: (https://packagist.org/packages/yong/magento2_doctrine)

Our system has some tables for exist system which developed by Laravel,

And we using Magento2 CE which not support multiple databases.

On the other side, Magento 2 encapsulates database model a little bit too complicated.

So we need a rapid solution to retrieve these data model from 3rd database, and we decided to use Doctrine ORM.

* It's packaged as Magento 2 Module, but you don't have to enable this module to use it.


1.Via Composer

run command:

composer require yong/magento2_doctrine dev

2. Download by git

Download this repo to the path app/code/Yong/Doctrine

    cd root_path_of_magento2
    git clone https://github.com/yongchengchen/magento2_doctrine.git app/code/Yong/Doctrine


1. Config Database Connection

Edit root_path_of_magento2/app/etc/env.php

Add your database connection configuration to 'db.connection' node

      'my_connection' =>
        array (
            'host' => 'mysql',
            'dbname' => 'mydb',
            'username' => 'root',
            'password' => 'root',
            'active' => '1',

2. Define Model

Define a model for your table.

namespace TestNameSpace;

class TestDoctrineModel extends \Yong\Doctrine\Model\Doctrine\Model
    public $connection = 'my_connection';   //define your connection
    public $primaryKey = 'id';              //define your primary Key
    public $timestamps = true;              //define if your table has timestamps(created_at and updated_at)

    /** @Id @Column(type="integer") **/
    protected $id;
    /** @Column(type="string") **/
    protected $name;
    /** @Column(type="integer") **/
    protected $foreign_key_id;              //For has many or has one
    /** @Column(type="string") **/
    protected $created_at;
    /** @Column(type="string") **/
    protected $updated_at;

     * relationship support
    public function foreignitem() {
        // return $this->hasMany(OtherTestDoctrineModel::class, 'id', 'foreign_key_id');
        return $this->hasOne(OtherTestDoctrineModel::class, 'id', 'foreign_key_id');

3. Supported Model Features

1. get/set property

Once you've defined fields, getter and setter is ready.

$test = new TestDoctrineModel();
$test->setcreated_at('2018-01-01 00:00:00')
echo $test->getcreated_at()
2. Relation ship support

So far it support hasOne and hasMany, you can define a relationship with hasOne and HasMany.

function hasOne($extra_classname, $extra_field, $self_field = null) 
function hasMany($extra_classname, $extra_field, $self_field = null)
2. Query builder combination

If you want to query your Doctrine Model, you can use your Doctrine directly. Here's an example.

$collection = TestDoctrineModel::select(['id', 'name', 'foreign_key_id', 'created_at', 'updated_at'])
    ->where('foreign_key_id', 'in', [1])
    ->whereLike('name', '%test%')
    ->where('id', 'notIn', [1])
    ->orWhere('id', 'in', [2])

print_r($collection);       //collection is an array or row array

$item = TestDoctrineModel::find(1); //if found, it will return TestDoctrineModel instance which id =1

$collection = TestDoctrineModel::findAll('created_at', '2018-01-01 00:00:00');
//if found, it will return an anrray of TestDoctrineModel instances which is created at '2018-01-01 00:00:00'
3. Update/Save/Fill data
  1. If you enable timestamps, it will auto update timestamps.
    public $timestamps = true;              //define if your table has timestamps(created_at and updated_at)
  1. You can call 'function fill' to fill data.
$test = new TestDoctrineModel();
$test->fill(['name'=>'test', 'foreign_key_id'=>2]);
  1. Use update/delete/save
$test = new TestDoctrineModel();
$test->fill(['name'=>'test', 'foreign_key_id'=>2]);

$test = TestDoctrineModel::find(1);
$test->fill(['name'=>'test', 'foreign_key_id'=>2]);