yonder / cloudmersive_barcode_api_client
2022-06-14 11:35 UTC
- php: >=8.0
- ext-curl: *
- ext-json: *
- ext-mbstring: *
- guzzlehttp/guzzle: ^7.4
Requires (Dev)
- friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer: ^3.8
- phpunit/phpunit: ^9.5
- squizlabs/php_codesniffer: ^3.6
Barcode APIs let you generate barcode images, and recognize values from images of barcodes.
Cloudmersive Barcode API provides advanced barcode generation, lookup and recognition capabilities.
- API version: v1
- Package version: 2.0.1
PHP 5.5 and later
Installation & Usage
To install the bindings via Composer, add the following to composer.json
"repositories": [
"type": "git",
"url": "https://github.com/cloudmersive/cloudmersive_barcode_api_client.git"
"require": {
"cloudmersive/cloudmersive_barcode_api_client": "*@dev"
Then run composer install
Manual Installation
Download the files and include autoload.php
To run the unit tests:
composer install
Getting Started
Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:
<?php require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php'); // Configure API key authorization: Apikey $config = Swagger\Client\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->setApiKey('Apikey', 'YOUR_API_KEY'); // Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed // $config = Swagger\Client\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->setApiKeyPrefix('Apikey', 'Bearer'); $apiInstance = new Swagger\Client\Api\BarcodeLookupApi( // If you want use custom http client, pass your client which implements `GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface`. // This is optional, `GuzzleHttp\Client` will be used as default. new GuzzleHttp\Client(), $config ); $value = "value_example"; // string | Barcode value try { $result = $apiInstance->barcodeLookupEanLookup($value); print_r($result); } catch (Exception $e) { echo 'Exception when calling BarcodeLookupApi->barcodeLookupEanLookup: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL; } ?>
Documentation for API Endpoints
All URIs are relative to https://api.cloudmersive.com
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
BarcodeLookupApi | barcodeLookupEanLookup | POST /barcode/lookup/ean | Lookup a barcode value and return product data |
BarcodeScanApi | barcodeScanImage | POST /barcode/scan/image | Scan an image for a barcode and turn the result. Supported barcode types include AZTEC, CODABAR, CODE_39, CODE_93, CODE_128, DATA_MATRIX, EAN_8, EAN_13, ITF, MAXICODE, PDF_417, QR_CODE, RSS_14, RSS_EXPANDED, UPC_A, UPC_E, All_1D, UPC_EAN_EXTENSION, MSI, PLESSEY, IMB |
GenerateBarcodeApi | generateBarcodeEAN13 | POST /barcode/generate/ean-13 | Validates and generate a EAN-13 barcode as a PNG file, a type of 1D barcode |
GenerateBarcodeApi | generateBarcodeEAN8 | POST /barcode/generate/ean-8 | Validates and generate a EAN-8 barcode as a PNG file, a type of 1D barcode |
GenerateBarcodeApi | generateBarcodeQRCode | POST /barcode/generate/qrcode | Generate a QR code barcode as a PNG file, a type of 2D barcode which can encode free-form text information |
GenerateBarcodeApi | generateBarcodeUPCA | POST /barcode/generate/upc-a | Validate and generate a UPC-A barcode as a PNG file, a type of 1D barcode |
GenerateBarcodeApi | generateBarcodeUPCE | POST /barcode/generate/upc-e | Validates and generate a UPC-E barcode as a PNG file, a type of 1D barcode |
Documentation For Models
Documentation For Authorization
- Type: API key
- API key parameter name: Apikey
- Location: HTTP header