
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

PHP client for Producteev

0.0.1 2016-12-16 07:04 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2022-10-21 21:07:38 UTC


PHP client for the Producteev API.

This PHP client makes use of the Producteev API, authenticating using OAuth2 and depends on Guzzle.


Beta (aka it might be ready for production). This API client is used by ourselves to integrate various other systems with Producteev, for instance to create complete projects (including tasks and subtasks) through batch-scripts.

This package is also listed on Packagist: https://packagist.org/packages/yireo/producteev-client


This client is installed via composer:

composer config repositories.yireo-producteev vcs git@github.com:yireo/producteev-client.git
composer require yireo/producteev-client:dev-master


First of all, see the documentation of Producteev on the usage of their API: https://www.producteev.com/api/doc/#Introduction

Read their instructions on how to create a new app. Write down the client ID and client secret of this app. In the example below these are the $clientId and $clientSecret variables.

Now, setup a webpage, add the code below, and access it. In the example, the URL will be http://example.com:

// Include all composer packages
require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

// Initialize the client with its ID and secret
$client = new \Yireo\ProducteevClient\Client($clientId, $clientSecret);

// Retrieve a current access token from cookie, if there

// Set the redirect URL
$redirectUrl = 'http://example.com/';

// When authenticating via OAuth2, Producteev will redirect back to us with a "code" set
if (!empty($_REQUEST['code'])) {

    // Redirect to our same page again, removing the "code" part
    header('Location: ' . $redirectUrl);

// When there is no valid access token, this will initiate OAuth2 authentication including a redirect to the Producteev webpage
if($client->isAccessTokenValid() === false) {

// Example call
echo '<pre>';
echo '</pre>';


The access token is in this code sample stored in a cookie in the browser. Alternative storage can be used if you prefer.

API calls

The following calls have been made accessible so far:

Show all available networks:

$networks = $client->getResource('networks')->items();

Get current user:

$me = $client->getResource('users')->me();

Search for specific user:

$exampleUser = $client->getResource('users')->findByEmail('info@example.com');

Get the default project of the current user:

$defaultProject = $client->getResource('users')->getMyDefaultProject();

Create a project

$projectData = ['title' => 'Test Project', 'description' => 'Test description'];
$projectId = $client->getResource('projects')->create($projectData);

Create a task for an existing project, set the deadline to tomorrow, add some subtasks, assign the task to $exampleUser and remove the current user from the task:

$taskDeadline = date('c', strtotime('tomorrow'));
$taskSubtasks = [['title' => 'Some subtask', 'status' => 1], ['title' => 'Another subtask', 'status' => 1]];
$taskData = ['title' => 'Test task', 'deadline' => $taskDeadline, 'subtasks' => $taskSubtasks, 'responsibles' => [$exampleUser], 'project' => ['id' => $projectId]];
$taskId = $client->getResource('tasks')->create($taskData);
$client->getResource('tasks')->removeResponsible($taskId, $me);

List all projects:

$projects = $client->getResource('projects')->items();

Search for projects with the word "office" in their title:

$projects = $client->getResource('projects')->search('office);