
Validates JWT from Azure OAuth2

v2.1.0 2024-10-01 07:08 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-01-17 03:24:09 UTC


License: MIT GitHub Workflow Status (event) PHP Version Latest release codecov


This package does OAuth2 token validation. For now, it only validates client credentials.

Documentation, Installation, and Usage Instructions


1. Install the Package

Run the following command to install the package:

composer require yayasanvitka/azure-oauth2-validator
composer require rootinc/laravel-azure-middleware

2. Publish the Package

Run the following command to publish the package:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Yayasanvitka\AzureOauth2Validator\AzureOauth2ValidatorServiceProvider"

Then run command below to migrate published table.

php artisan migrate

3. Add Configurations to Database Seeder

Add the following array to Database/Seeders/ConfigTableSeeder@SettingList:

    'key' => 'system.employee.allowed_domains',
    'name' => 'Allowed domain to login',
    'description' => '',
    'value' => '[{"domain":"btp.ac.id"},{"domain":"iteba.ac.id"},{"domain":"yayasanvitka.id"}]',
    'field' => '{"name":"value","label":"Value","type":"repeatable","fields":[{"name":"domain","type":"text","label":"Domain"}]}',
    'active' => 1,
    'created_at' => now('Asia/Jakarta'),
    'updated_at' => now('Asia/Jakarta'),
    'key' => 'azure.client.id',
    'name' => 'Azure OAuth2 Application (client) ID (UUID)',
    'description' => 'Application (client) ID (UUID) for Azure Authentication',
    'value' => '',
    'field' => '{"name":"value","label":"Azure OAuth2 Application (client) ID","type":"text"}',
    'active' => 1,
    'created_at' => now('Asia/Jakarta'),
    'updated_at' => now('Asia/Jakarta'),
    'key' => 'azure.client.secret',
    'name' => 'Azure OAuth2 Application (client) Secret',
    'description' => 'Application (client) Secret for Azure Authentication',
    'value' => '',
    'field' => '{"name":"value","label":"Azure OAuth2 Application (client) Secret","type":"text"}',
    'active' => 1,
    'created_at' => now('Asia/Jakarta'),
    'updated_at' => now('Asia/Jakarta'),
    'key' => 'azure.tenant_id',
    'name' => 'Directory (tenant) ID (UUID)',
    'description' => 'Directory (tenant) ID (UUID) for Azure Authentication',
    'value' => '',
    'field' => '{"name":"value","label":"Directory (tenant) ID","type":"text"}',
    'active' => 1,
    'created_at' => now('Asia/Jakarta'),
    'updated_at' => now('Asia/Jakarta'),
    'key' => 'azure.resource',
    'name' => 'Azure OAuth2 Resource',
    'description' => 'Valid resource to authenticate to Azure',
    'value' => '',
    'field' => '{"name":"value","label":"Resource","type":"text"}',
    'active' => 1,
    'created_at' => now('Asia/Jakarta'),
    'updated_at' => now('Asia/Jakarta'),
    'key' => 'azure.scope',
    'name' => 'Azure OAuth2 Scope',
    'description' => 'Valid scope to authenticate to Azure',
    'value' => '',
    'field' => '{"name":"value","label":"Scope","type":"text"}',
    'active' => 1,
    'created_at' => now('Asia/Jakarta'),
    'updated_at' => now('Asia/Jakarta'),

Then run command below to seed the new configuration.

php artisan db:seed --class=ConfigTableSeeder

And dont forget to register the azure config at App\Providers\ConfigServiceProvider@overrideConfigValues

Note: You may need to log in to the app as a sysadmin (non-Microsoft account) first to ensure the config is loaded.

4. Add Routes for Azure Authentication

Add the following routes to routes/azure.php:


use App\Http\Middleware\AppAzureMiddleware;

Route::get('/login/azure', [AppAzureMiddleware::class, 'azure'])->name('auth.azure');
Route::get('/login/azurecallback', [AppAzureMiddleware::class, 'azurecallback'])->name('auth.azurecallback');
Route::get('/logout/azure', [AppAzureMiddleware::class, 'azurelogout'])->name('auth.logout');

5. Register Azure Routes

Add the following code to bootstrap/app.php to register the Azure routes:


6. Implement Middleware for Azure Authentication

Create a file app/Http/Middleware/AppAzureMiddleware.php and add the following content:


namespace App\Http\Middleware;

use App\Models\Role;
use App\Models\Setting;
use App\Models\User;
use Closure;
use Exception;
use GuzzleHttp\Client;
use GuzzleHttp\Exception\RequestException;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Auth;
use Illuminate\Support\Str;
use Illuminate\Validation\UnauthorizedException;
use Prologue\Alerts\Facades\Alert;
use RootInc\LaravelAzureMiddleware\Azure;
use Yayasanvitka\AzureOauth2Validator\WebToken;

class AppAzureMiddleware extends Azure
    public function handle($request, Closure $next)
        $webToken = new WebToken($request->user(), $request->getClientIp());

        try {
        } catch (Exception $exception) {

            return $this->redirect($request);

        return $next($request);

    protected function redirect(Request $request)

        return redirect()->guest($this->login_route);

    protected function success(Request $request, $access_token, $refresh_token, $profile): mixed
        try {
            $user = activity()->withoutLogs(function () use ($profile, $request) {
                $user = User::updateOrCreate(
                        'email' => $profile->upn,
                        'uuid' => $profile->oid,
                        'name' => trim($profile->name),
                        'password' => bcrypt(Str::random(18)),
                        'last_login_ip' => $profile->ipaddr,
                        'last_login_at' => now()->toDateTimeString(),
                        'azure_user' => true,

                if (User::all() == null) {

                Auth::login($user, true);

                (new WebToken(

                if (app()->environment('local') && User::count() == 1) {

                return $user;

        } catch (Exception $exception) {

            return $this->redirect($request);

        return parent::success($request, $access_token, $refresh_token, $profile);

    public function azurecallback(Request $request)
        $client = new Client();

        $code = $request->input('code');

        try {
            $response = $client->request('POST', $this->baseUrl.config('azure.tenant_id').$this->route.'token', [
                'form_params' => [
                    'grant_type' => 'authorization_code',
                    'client_id' => config('azure.client.id'),
                    'client_secret' => config('azure.client.secret'),
                    'code' => $code,
                    'resource' => config('azure.resource'),

            $contents = json_decode($response->getBody()->getContents());
        } catch (RequestException $e) {
            return $this->fail($request, $e);

        $profile = json_decode(base64_decode(explode('.', $contents->id_token)[1]));

        if (! $this->validateDomains($profile->upn)) {
            return $this->fail($request, new UnauthorizedException('You are not allowed to logon to this app!', 401));

        session()->put('_rootinc_azure_access_token', $contents->access_token);
        session()->put('_rootinc_azure_refresh_token', $contents->refresh_token);

        (new WebToken(new User(), $request->getClientIp()))->storeTokens($contents);

        return $this->success($request, $contents->access_token, $contents->refresh_token, $profile);

    private function validateDomains(string $email): bool
        [, $domain] = explode('@', $email);

        if (! in_array($domain, Setting::allowedDomains())) {
            return false;

        return true;

7. Update Setting Model

Add the following method to the Setting model:

public static function allowedDomains(): ?array
    return collect(json_decode(config('system.employee.allowed_domains'), true))

8. Update User Model

Add this method to define the relation with user web tokens:

public function webTokens(): \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\HasMany
    return $this->hasMany(AzureWebToken::class, 'user_id', 'id')
        ->where('revoked', 0);




Please see CHANGELOG for more information.


If you discover any security-related issues, please email adly@yayasanvitka.id instead of using the issue tracker.


The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.