
Laravel nova ad manager to display advertise on site.

2.1.0 2023-08-06 11:06 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-06 14:33:19 UTC


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Laravel nova ad manager to display advertise on site.


You can install the package via composer:

composer require yaroslawww/nova-ad-director

# optional publish configs
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="NovaAdDirector\ServiceProvider" --tag="config"

# publish translations
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="NovaAdDirector\ServiceProvider" --tag="lang"


  1. Package supports only predefined sizes. That why developer should firstly specify "global" sizes
  2. Inherit or add to nova AdConfiguration Resource
  3. Inherit or add to auth service provider AdConfigurationPolicy
  4. If app uses configuration with "creatable==false" then developer need create new locations manually php artisan nova-ad-director:ad-config:create <key-name> <location-name>
  5. Then configure ads in your system
use NovaAdDirector\Facades\NovaAdDirector;

class FrontpageController extends Controller
    public function __invoke()
            'header' => NovaAdDirector::fallbackKey('header', 'frontpage'),
            'medium-posts-list' => NovaAdDirector::fallbackKey('medium', 'list', 'frontpage'),
            'footer-v2' => NovaAdDirector::fallbackKey('footer', 'frontpage'),

        return view('frontpage');

Key fallback search flow

In multiple situation good to have possibility to use same ad for multiple pages but with some specific ad on specific page, etc. Solution is using fallback flow:

Each key can be computed form multiple nested pointers and system will try to find parent key in case of child is empty.

For example site has multiple pages and multiple posts. That why different pages and posts will search keys like these:

  • header:page:frontpage
  • header:page:contact-us
  • header:post:12
  • header:post:654

each this keys will search fallbacks:

  • header:page:frontpage => header:page => header
  • header:page:contact-us => header:page => header
  • header:post:12 => header:post => header
  • header:post:654 => header:post => header

Administrator in admin can specify only header configuration and in any moment add some specific AD item like header:page:contact-us to override ad only for contact us page or header:post to use specific ad only on posts.

Override default fallback separator

class AppServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
    public function register()


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