
Starter for creating WordPress sites at XM Media

dev-master 2025-02-04 19:31 UTC


Initial Setup

  1. Create a new project:
    composer create-project xm/starter_wordpress project-name --stability=dev --no-install --remove-vcs
  2. Copy .env.example to .env.
  3. Update environment variables in the .env file:
  • Database: define DATABASE_URL for using a DSN (e.g. mysql://user:password@
  • WP_ENV - Set to environment (development, staging, production)
  • WP_HOME - Full URL to WordPress home (https://dev.example.com)
  • WP_SITEURL - Full URL to WordPress including subdirectory (https://example.com/wp)
  • WPCOM_API_KEY - Wordpress.com API key for Akismet and Jetpack (or other WordPress paid plugins)
  • ACF_PRO_KEY - add ACF key
  1. Server setup:
    1. If using InterWorx or CentOS, upload setup_dev.sh and run: sh ./setup_dev.sh
    2. Upload files to the server. Don't upload (most are listed in .gitignore):
      • /.git and /.idea
      • Plus the following (these will only exist if you've installed the JS or PHP packages):
        • /public/wp
        • /public/app/plugins/*
        • /vendor
        • /bin
        • /node_modules
    3. Install Composer (if not already installed)
    4. Add .env (copy .env.example and update).
    5. Install PHP packages/vendors: php composer.phar install
    6. Run . ./node_setup.sh (this will setup node & install the JS packages – requires yarn to be installed).
    7. Run yarn dev or yarn build (for production) to compile JS & CSS files.
    8. Link public to html: rm -rf html && ln -s public html
    9. Create a symlink between vendor and plugin directory for ACF: ln -s /home/<user>/dev.example.com/vendor/advanced-custom-fields/advanced-custom-fields-pro public/app/plugins/acf
    10. Add cron: */15 * * * * curl https://dev.example.com/wp/wp-cron.php (this is every 15 minutes). The automatic cron is disabled.
    11. Adjust permissions on the bin dir: chmod u+x bin/*
    12. Install WP: bin/wp core install --allow-root --url=https://<url> --title="<site-title>" --admin_user=<username> --admin_email=<email>
  2. Update composer.json: name, license (likely private & uncomment private) and description @todo-wordpress - ACF now needs an auth.json file to work with composer. Get the details from https://www.advancedcustomfields.com/my-account/view-licenses/ - HS
  3. Update package.json: name, version, git.url, license, private, script.dev-server
  4. Install PHP packages & update locally: composer install && composer update
  5. Run yarn && yarn upgrade locally.
  6. Upload composer.lock and yarn.lock and on the server, re-run php composer.phar install and . ./node_setup.sh again.
  7. Find and make changes near @todo-wordpress comments throughout the site. All changed files will need to uploaded to the server.
  8. Access WordPress admin at https://dev.example.com/wp/wp-admin/
  9. To activate all installed plugins: bin/wp plugin activate --all
  10. Delete or update README.md and LICENSE
  11. Add the Postmark API key
  12. Create new favicons: realfavicongenerator.net
  13. Consider the following WordPress settings:
    • Setting the homepage: create the page and then select the home page under Settings > Reading
    • Dev: Settings > Reading "Discourage search engines from indexing this site" (for Dev)

System Requirements

Adding Plugins/Themes using WPackagist

For packages that are found on WPackagist and support Composer install.

  1. Run composer require wpackagist-plugin/plugin-name or composer require wpackagist-theme/theme-name
  2. Upload the composer.json & composer.lock files to the server (if applicable).
  3. Run php composer.phar install on the server (if applicable).
  4. Activate and configure the plugin or theme in WordPress.

Note: for plugins installed this way, only the references to plugin in composer.json and composer.lock are committed to git. The actual plugin files are not committed to git.

Adding Plugins/Themes not on WPackagist

Download the archive of the plugin and put in the /public/app/mu-plugins/<plugin-name>/ dir. Add a line to .gitignore such as !public/app/mu-plugins/plugin/ so the plugin is detected/include by git. Commit the plugin to git. It will need to manually updated.

WordPress only looks for PHP files right inside the mu-plugins directory, and (unlike for normal plugins) not for files in subdirectories. You may need to create a proxy PHP loader file inside the mu-plugins directory (i.e. load.php). Only do this if it is not finding the plugin file on it's own, otherwise you'll get a duplication error.

<?php require WPMU_PLUGIN_DIR.'/my-plugin/my-plugin.php';

Referencing Assets

To reference assets (images, CSS files, etc) that are located in the theme, use the following function:

<?php echo ThemeHelpers::assetPath('/path/within/theme/dir.jpg'); ?>

This will use WordPress' internal path and URL generation to deal with the theme folder changing or moving. The slash at the beginning of the path is optional.

changing theme name

Updating WordPress & Plugins/Packages

To update WordPress core and all the plugins, run the following locally. Replace 5.2.3 with the current version.

composer update && composer require roots/wordpress:5.2.3

The latest version of WordPress available can be found here: https://github.com/roots/wordpress/releases

Changing the Theme Name/Path

To change the theme name from the default default to, for example, company:

  1. Rename the theme folder.
  2. In config/application.php, update the Config::define('WP_DEFAULT_THEME', 'default'); line.
  3. In webpack.base.config.js, update all the paths referencing the theme folder, ie, public/app/themes/default/...


  • Production JS/CSS build: yarn build
  • Dev JS/CSS build: yarn dev
  • Dev JS/CSS watch: yarn watch (files will not be versioned)
  • Dev JS/CSS HMR server: yarn dev-server (if configured)
  • JS Tests (Jest): yarn test:unit (if configured)
  • Linting:
    • JS (ESLint): yarn lint:js or yarn lint:js:fix
    • CSS: yarn lint:css or yarn lint:css:fix

Going Live / After Launch

  • Ensure "From" / "To" addresses in Contact Forms are correct
  • Remove Test Blog Post and Sample Page or Google will index these.
  • Ensure "Discourage search engines from indexing this site" is unchecked under Settings > Reading
  • If not using "Posts" turn off Post indexing in Yoast > Search Appearance > Content
  • If not using "Posts" turn off Author indexing in Yoast > Search Appearance > Archives - otherwise Google will index a page for each user/author, whether it is being used or not.