
Symfony bundle to use FontAwesome svg icons as inline svg.

1.1.0 2024-04-01 20:30 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-31 20:51:30 UTC


This bundle enables the support of FontAwesome SVG icons as inline output within twig templates.

Packagist Version Donate


  • accessability: adds aria-hidden="true" role="img" or a title item with aria-labeledby as recommended by Font Awesome
  • supports Font Awesome composer package (contains only free icons) and manually provided icons (including pro icons)
  • no Font Awesome's css and javascript files necessarry (just css for icon size in your own stylesheet)


To install this package, you can just use composer. Open a command console, enter your project directory and execute:

composer require xenbyte/font-awesome-svg-twig-bundle

If you don't use Symfony Flex, enable the bundle by adding it to the list of registered bundles in the config/bundles.php file of your project:

// config/bundles.php
return [
    // ...
    Xenbyte\FontAwesomeSvgTwigBundle\FontAwesomeSvgTwigBundle::class => ['all' => true],

Set up Font Awesome

Option 1: Using the fortawesome/font-awesome package

composer require fortawesome/font-awesome

The composer package contains only the free icons.

Option 2: Provide the font files manually

Copy the files within node_modules/@fortawesome/fontawesome-pro/svgs to e. g. assets/fontawesome.


If you need to customize the global bundle configuration, you can create a /config/packages/font_awesome_svg_twig.yaml file with your configuration:

  icon_folder: assets/fontawesome
  svg_class: fa-icon

Usage examples

{{ fa("home") }}
{{ fa("fas home") }}
{{ fa("home", {style: 'solid') }}
{{ fa("home", {style: 'regular', color: '#330000', size: '2rem', class: 'icon') }}
{{ fa("home", {style: 'duotone', color: '#333', secondaryColor: '#999', 'title': 'Title', data-foo) }}

Default style is "solid". {{ fa("home") }} and {{ fa("home", {style: solid) }} will produce the same output.

As an alternative for adding the styles in the options, you can also add a short prefix for some styles, e.g. {{ fa("fat home") }} for {{ fa("home", {style: thin) }}.

The following prefixes are supported;:

  • fas = solid
  • far = regular
  • fad = duotone
  • fat = thin
  • fal = light
  • fab = brands

It is recommended to add some default css. All icons gets the class fa-icon:

.fa-icon {
  display: inline-block;
  height: 1em;
  overflow: visible;
  vertical-align: -0.125em;


  • resource_folder: Folder with the font awesome icons
  • svg_class: Class which is added to the svg element


Stacking items is currently not possible with this extension.