
Allows you to perform various development actions from CLI, e.g. redeploying X-Cart. Install it via `composer global require xcart/xcart-tools` command

v1.3.17 2022-03-15 13:02 UTC


Allows you to perform various development actions from CLI. Current list of commands is:

  • admin - Creates administrator profile using X-Cart DB connection
  • config - Creates X-Cart config by asking you a few questions
  • deploy - Deployes X-Cart from different sources. Available sources are repo, latest version and external server.
  • doctor - Checks & fixes X-Cart 5 store
  • dump - Creates database dump. Can be run on remote host. Use -m param to set dump mode.
  • module - Creates new empty module. Can be run on remote host.
  • pack - Creates module package by specified AuthorID-ModuleId name
  • product - Generates product entities into X-Cart DB
  • redeploy - Recreates X-Cart code cache and applies migrations\hooks
  • standUpload - [BETA] Uploads X-Cart project to stand. Not for production usage

Global command parameters

  • -s, --ssh_string[=SSH_STRING] - SSH user@host string to use in command
  • -P, --ssh_port[=SSH_PORT] - SSH port [default: 22]


Change working directory to the X-Cart installation or development repository and run:

> php <path-to-tools>/tools.php <command>

# e.g.
> php <path-to-tools>/tools.php redeploy

Remote command execution

To execute a command via SSH, you must have your public key on the remote server, and then you can run command as in example:

> tools <command> -s remote_user@remote_host

For instance, dump command will create a dump on the remote server and then automatically download it to the local machine.

How to install globally via Composer

Add the following line to your ~/.bash_profile script:

export PATH="$HOME/.composer/vendor/bin:$PATH"

And then simply run

> composer global require xcart/xcart-tools

After that the tools will be available in CLI as

> tools <command>

# e.g.
> tools redeploy

To view help on every command run

> tools <command> -h

> tools admin -h

Commands description and examples


Creates administrator profile using X-Cart DB connection.

Supports execution via SSH.

> tools admin

# with parameters
> tools admin -u admin@example.com -p master2356

# via SSH
> tools admin -u admin@example.com -p master2356 -s user@remote.com -P 22

# remove
> tools admin -u admin@example.com --remove=1


Creates X-Cart config by asking you a few questions.

Supports execution via SSH.

> tools config

# with parameters
> tools config -d my-store.com -w my_store

# via SSH
> tools config -s user@remote.com


Deployes X-Cart from different sources. Available sources are repo, latest version and external server. Command interacts with user by serveral questions

# deploy from latest or repo
> tools deploy

# deploy from remote server
> tools deploy -s user@remote.com


Checks & fixes X-Cart 5 store

The only action is available now is 'clear_rebuild'. It clears all the temporary files created by crashed rebuild process.

> tools doctor

# with parameters
> tools doctor -m clear_rebuild


Creates database dump. Can be run on remote host. Use -m param to set dump mode.

Supports execution via SSH.

> tools dump

# dump from remote server
> tools dump -s user@remote.com


Creates new empty module. Can be run on remote host.

Command interacts with user by serveral questions

Supports execution via SSH.

> tools module

# create new module on remote server
> tools module -s user@remote.com


Creates module package by specified AuthorID-ModuleId name

> tools pack <AuthorId>-<ModuleId>

# e.g.
> tools pack Qualiteam-MyModule


Generates product entities into X-Cart DB

> tools product

> tools product -a 5


Recreates X-Cart code cache and applies migrations\hooks

> tools redeploy