
Wunderbit Commerce plugin for Sylius.


Start accepting bitcoin payments from Sylius platform


  1. Run composer require wunderbit/sylius-wunderbit-commerce-plugin.

  2. Add our Bundle

    1) If you use Symfony 4 add new row into the bundles.php file:

     Wunderbit\SyliusWunderbitCommercePlugin\WunderbitSyliusWunderbitCommercePlugin::class => ['all' => true]

    2) If you use Symfony 3 add new row into the app/AppKernel.php $bundles array:

     class AppKernel extends Kernel
          // ...
          public function registerBundles()
              $bundles = array(
                  // ...
                  new Wunderbit\SyliusWunderbitCommercePlugin\WunderbitSyliusWunderbitCommercePlugin(),
              // ...
  3. Run the following commands to install all assets and yarn:

    yarn build

    php bin/console a:i

    php bin/console cache:clear

Use our thankYou.html.twig (vendor/wunderbit/sylius-wunderbit-commerce-plugin/src/Resources/views/SyliusShopBundle/Order/thankYou.html.twig) for auto redirect to invoice


Use our plugin to enable new payment method in Sylius Admin that allows your e-store create Wunderbit Commerce invoices.

  1. First of all create new Payment method that calls - Wunderbit Payment

  2. Secondary for start using our plugin you need to create new merchant account and generate API key (Merchant cabinet -> Settings -> API).

After that just copy your generated API key and paste it in API field in your Wunderbit Payment method

Now you can successfully use our service for generating Crypto invoices


Every kind of invoice need to special extra parameters, that you can overwrite as parameter with "capture.wunderbit.action.description" key

1) XML example:

<parameter key="capture.wunderbit.action.description" type="collection">
     <parameter key="Description">Wunderbit Commerce Sylius API</parameter>
     <parameter key="test">test</parameter>
     # Add as many parameters as you want

2) YAML example:

    Description: 'Wunderbit Commerce Sylius API'
    test: 'test'
    # Add as many parameters as you want

Also our bundle use default Symfony route parameters (router.request_context.host and router.request_context.scheme) that allows generate correct capture url to your site.

By default Symfony set router.request_context.host as 'localhost' and router.request_context.scheme as 'http'.

Overwrite them to your host name and scheme!