
MongoDB migration tool implementation for Whirlwind framework

v0.0.2 2023-06-26 11:54 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-03 19:39:32 UTC


MongoDB's migration tool

Implementation notes

  1. Bind MigrationPaths dependencies (paths to all your migration folders).
    fn (): \Whirlwind\MigrationCore\Config\MigrationPaths => new \Whirlwind\MigrationCore\Config\MigrationPaths([
        new \Whirlwind\MigrationCore\Config\MigrationPath(
  1. In case of using your own migration template file you have to bind Config dependency.
    fn () \Whirlwind\MigrationCore\Config\Config::class => new \Whirlwind\MigrationCore\Config\Config(
  1. Register MongoMigrationServiceProvider for your console application.
$container->addServiceProvider(new \WhirlwindFramework\MongoMigrations\MongoMigrationServiceProvider())


After registering MongoMigrationServiceProvider you have ability to manage your database migrations by console commands.

Create migration

Run this command for creating new migration file.

php /path/to/console/executable migrate:create MyMigration

The command require migration file name as the first argument. If you would like to specify migration path you can use option --path=/my/migration/path. Pay attention that such path must be registered in MigrationPaths dependency.

Install migration

The command will help you to install migrations.

php /path/to/console/executable migrate:install

You can control amount of migration that will be installed in your system by the limitation with the first argument. The value must be integer >= 0. By default, all migrations are installed.

Rollback migration

Rollback command helps to cancel changes made by migrations

php /path/to/console/executable migrate:rollback

The last migration will be rollback in case of running the command without arguments. You can specify amount of migrations for rollback by specifying limit with the first argument. Option --all will help you to rollback all migrations.


If you would like to see which migrations have run thus far, you may use the migrate:status command

php /path/to/console/executable migrate:status

The output will show you 10 last migrations that was applied. You can specify limit with the first argument or with the option --all.

Migration API

Migration has a set of useful methods for managing migration process.

class MyMigration111 extends \Whirlwind\MigrationCore\Migration
    public function up(): void {
        $this->createIfNotExists('orders', static function (\WhirlwindFramework\MongoMigrations\Blueprint $b) {
                'locale' => 'en',
                'strength' => 1,
                '$jsonSchema' => [
                    'bsonType' => 'object'
                    'required' => ['name', 'year'],
                    'properties' => [
                        'name' => [
                            'bsonType' => 'string',
                        'year' => [
                            'bsonType' => 'int',
                            'minimum' => 1990,
                            'maximum' => 3017,
        $this->modify('orders', static function (\WhirlwindFramework\MongoMigrations\Blueprint $b) {
            $b->setOption('unique', true);
    public function down(): void {
        $this->modify('orders', function (\WhirlwindFramework\MongoMigrations\Blueprint $b) {
  • create($collection, $callback) - used for creating new collection. In callback you can specify additional options that will be used during creation.
  • createIfNotExists($collection, $callback) - works as create, but in case of collection existence it skips creation
  • modify($collection, $callback) - used for modifying collection. In callback you can specify additional options and make extra operations such as renaming collection or creating new indexes. Pay attention if you require different options for different commands use modify method as much as need.
  • drop($collection) - delete the whole collection
  • dropIfExists($collection) - same as delete, but checks if the collection exist.

Blueprint Methods

  • create(callable) - used for configuring creation process.
  • setCapped(bool) - set capped option.
  • setSize(int) - set size option for capped collection.
  • setValidator(array) - set validator option for collection.
  • setValidationLevel(string) - set validatorLevel option for collection. Possible values are Blueprint::VALIDATION_LEVEL_OFF Blueprint::VALIDATION_LEVEL_STRICT, Blueprint::VALIDATION_LEVEL_MODERATE.
  • setValidationAction(string) - set validationAction option for collection. Possible values are Blueprint::VALIDATION_ACTION_WARN, Blueprint::VALIDATION_ACTION_ERROR.
  • setCollation(array) - set collatiob option for collection. Check MongoDB official documentation for more information.
  • setOption(string, mixed) - set any option by its name.
  • drop() - remove the whole collection.
  • dropIfExists() - remove the whole collection if it exists.
  • createIfNotExists(callable) - configure creation process for collection if it is not exists.
  • createIndex(array, ?string) - create new index for keys with name.
  • dropIndex(string) - delete index by name.
  • dropAllIndexes() - delete all collection indexes.
  • renameCollection(string) - rename collection.
  • insert(array) - insert new document.
  • batchInsert(array) - insert multiple documents.
  • update(array, array) - update documents by criteria with new data.
  • delete(array) - delete documents by criteria.