
A multi tenancy symfony bundle to support multi-tenant system that works with any symfony project

1.0.1 2024-12-06 10:52 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-06 11:26:17 UTC



Packagist Bundle:


A simple method for smoothly integrating multi-tenant databases into your Symfony application is provided by the Symfony Multi Tenancy Bundle. By managing numerous databases through a single entity manager, it facilitates the use of Doctrine and makes runtime switching between databases possible. This package includes a wide range of functionalities, including the simple switching between tenant databases according to an event.


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  • Supports all kinds of databases.
  • Supports multiple subdomains(tenant1.example.com, tenant2.example.com,..).
  • Easy to use and handle
  • Extendable bundle
  • Not affecting the application performance
  • Ability to switch between databases by dispatching a single event
  • Ability to auto-generate tenant database using one command
  • Ability to auto-generate migrations for each tenant database
  • Ability to Seed data into a specific tenant using seed bundle.
  • Ability to use messenger to run the processes in background.
  • It uses the default entity manager connection.


  • PHP 8.1+
  • Symfony 6+
  • Doctrine bundle
  • Doctrine Migrations bundle
  • Yaml
  • Apache
  • Virtual host


composer require wecansync/symfony-multi-tenancy-bundle


1. env requirements:

  • Add BASE_HOST to your .env file. Ex: BASE_HOST=yourmaindomain.com.

2. Add doctrine connection wrapper

  • open your config/packages/doctrine.yaml and add the wrapper_class
    # config/packages/doctrine.yaml
          wrapper_class: WeCanSync\MultiTenancyBundle\DBAL\MultiDbConnectionWrapper

3. Tenant Entity

  • Create Tenant Entity or use whatever Entity you want to configure the bundle with:.
  • use TenantConfigTrait inside your Tenant entity to implement the full db attributes requirements.
  • // src/App/Entity/Tenant
    namespace App\Entity;
    use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping as ORM;
    use WeCanSync\MultiTenancyBundle\Traits\TenantConfigTrait;
    class Tenant
      use TenantConfigTrait;
      private ?int $id = null;

4. Update wecansync_multi_tenancy.yaml

  • Add your Tenant entity path to config/packages/wecansync_multi_tenancy.yaml file.
      # config/packages/wecansync_multi_tenancy.yaml
        tenant_entity: App\Entity\Tenant # set your custom path for your Tenant entity created in step 2.

5. Tenant Entity Repository

  • Your TenantRepository should impements the TenantRepositoryInterface interface.
    namespace App\Repository;
    use App\Entity\Tenant;
    use Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepository;
    use Doctrine\Persistence\ManagerRegistry;
    use WeCanSync\MultiTenancyBundle\Model\TenantRepositoryInterface;
     * @extends ServiceEntityRepository<Tenant>
    class TenantRepository extends ServiceEntityRepository implements TenantRepositoryInterface{
    // your custom functions here
  • Define findBySubdomain and findByIdentifier functions in your repository
    public function findBySubdomain($subdomain){
        // subdomain is required here
        // you can add your specific filters here like "status","isActive",...
        return $this->findOneBy(["subdomain" => $subdomain]);
    public function findByIdentifier($identifier){
        // use your identifier (unique value) or whathever you want(email, username,id,...)
        return $this->findOneBy(["yourCustomIdentifier" => $identifier]);

6. Create first migration

  • create db migration using this command:
    bin/console doctrine:migrations:diff // default migrations folder is '%kernel.project_dir%/migrations'
  • update db schema using this command:
    bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate
  • you can update your migrations folder by editing doctrine_migrations.yaml
      # config/packages/doctrine_migrations.yaml
            # namespace is arbitrary but should be different from App\Migrations
            # as migrations classes should NOT be autoloaded
            'DoctrineMigrations\Main': '%kernel.project_dir%/migrations/main'
        enable_profiler: '%kernel.debug%'

7. Using evotodi/seed-bundle (optional)

  • follow this documentation to create a Seed class: https://packagist.org/packages/evotodi/seed-bundle
  • update you Seed class as following to create seeds for your tenant databases
      namespace App\Seeds;
      * The load method is called when loading a seed 
      public function load(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output): int
          * Doctrine logging eats a lot of memory, this is a wrapper to disable logging
          /** @var MultiDbConnectionWrapper $connection */
          $connection = $this->em->getConnection();
          $this->runSeeds(); // run your seeds for your main database; you should define the runSeeds() function before.
          $tenants = $this->getTenants(); // add a function to fetch tenants from your main database.
          if (!count($tenants)) {
              return 0;
          // loading seeds for each tenant
          foreach ($tenants as $tenant) {
              try {
              } catch (Exception $e) {
                  // error handling here
          * Must return an exit code.
          * A value other than 0 or Command::SUCCESS is considered a failed seed load/unload.
          return 0;

8. Create tenant instance and database

  • create a record in your tenant entity (email, name, subdomain, dbName):
      $tenant = new Tenant();
      $tenant->setName("First tenant");
  • use this command to create a database for a specific tenant
      php bin/console tenant:database:create
  • You will be prompted to enter the tenant identifier(username|id|email|..)

9. Add RouterSubscriber class to your project (optional)

  • Define a class that implements EventSubscriberInterface in order to switch between databases automatically based on subdomain assigned to a specific Tenant
    // src/EventSubscriber/RouterSubscriber.php
    namespace App\EventSubscriber;
    use Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventSubscriberInterface;
    use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Event\ControllerEvent;
    use WeCanSync\MultiTenancyBundle\Service\TenantService;
    class RouterSubscriber implements EventSubscriberInterface
        public function __construct(
            // inject the TenantService in your constructor
            private TenantService $tenantService
        public static function getSubscribedEvents()
            return array(
                KernelEvents::CONTROLLER => array(array('onKernelController', 1)),
        public function onKernelController(ControllerEvent $event)
          $request = $event->getRequest();
          // call the checkCurrentTenant function to detect the domain changes and switch to the tenant's specific database.

10. Manually switch between databases (optional)

  • you can manually switch between databases by calling this function
    // $em is the main entity manager
    $connection = $em->getConnection();
    $connection->changeDatabase("your database name");

Other Instructions will be added soon.