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Webpress product manager

3.1.87 2022-06-17 10:29 UTC


Product management package for managing product in laravel framework



To include the package in your project, Please run following command.

composer require vicoders/product_management

Service Provider

In your config/app.php add the following Service Providers to the end of the providers array:

'providers' => [

Config and Migration

Run the following commands to publish configuration and migration files.

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="VCComponent\Laravel\Product\Providers\ProductServiceProvider"
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Dingo\Api\Provider\LaravelServiceProvider"
php artisan vendor:publish --provider "Prettus\Repository\Providers\RepositoryServiceProvider"

Create tables:

php artisan migrate


In .env file, we need some configuration.

API_NAME="Your API Name"


URL namespace

To avoid duplication with your application's api endpoints, the package has a default namespace for its routes which is product-management. For example:


You can modify the package url namespace to whatever you want by modifying the PRODUCT_COMPONENT_NAMESPACE variable in .env file.


Model and Transformer

You can use your own model and transformer class by modifying the configuration file config\product.php

'models'          => [
    'product' => App\Entities\Product::class,

'transformers'    => [
    'product' => App\Transformers\ProductTransformer::class,

Your Product model class must implements VCComponent\Laravel\Product\Contracts\ProductSchema and VCComponent\Laravel\Product\Contracts\ProductManagement


namespace App\Entities;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use Prettus\Repository\Contracts\Transformable;
use Prettus\Repository\Traits\TransformableTrait;
use VCComponent\Laravel\Product\Contracts\ProductManagement;
use VCComponent\Laravel\Product\Contracts\ProductSchema;
use VCComponent\Laravel\Product\Traits\ProductManagementTrait;
use VCComponent\Laravel\Product\Traits\ProductSchemaTrait;

class Product extends Model implements Transformable, ProductSchema, ProductManagement
    use TransformableTrait, ProductSchemaTrait, ProductManagementTrait;

    const STATUS_PENDING = 1;
    const STATUS_ACTIVE  = 2;

    protected $fillable = [

Auth middleware

Configure auth middleware in configuration file config\product.php

'auth_middleware' => [
        'admin'    => [
            'middleware' => 'jwt.auth',
            'except'     => ['index'],
        'frontend' => [
            'middleware' => 'jwt.auth',
            'except'     => ['index'],

If your has additional fields, just add the schema to the Product model class.

public function schema()
    return [
        'regular_price' => [
            'type' => 'text',
            'rule' => ['nullable'],

Query functions provide


List of query functions

Find By Field

public function findProductByField($field, $value)

Find products by condition array

public function findByWhere(array $where, $number = 10, $order_by = 'order', $order = 'asc');

public function findByWherePaginate(array $where, $number = 10, $order_by = 'order', $order = 'asc')
// Find products by condition array withPaginate

Get product by id

public function getProductByID($product_id);

Get product image list by size

public function getProductMedias($product_id, $image_dimension= '');

Get product link

public function getProductUrl($product_id);

Get related products in the same category

public function getRelatedProducts($product_id, array $where = [], $number = 10, $order_by = 'order', $order = 'asc');

public function getRelatedProductsPaginate($product_id, array $where = [], $number = 10, $order_by = 'order', $order = 'asc');
// get related products of the same category with pagination

get products by category

public function getProductsWithCategory($category_id, array $where = [], $number = 10, $order_by = 'order', $order = 'asc', $columns = ['*']);

public function getProductsWithCategoryPaginate($category_id, array $where = [], $number = 10, $order_by = 'order', $order = 'asc', $columns = ['*']);
// get products by pagination category

Search product by keyword

public function getSearchResult($key_word,array $list_field  = ['name'], array $where = [], $category_id = 0,$number = 10,$order_by = 'order', $order = 'asc', $columns = ['*']);

public function getSearchResultPaginate($key_word, array $list_field  = ['name'], array $where = [], $category_id = 0,$number = 10,$order_by = 'order', $order = 'asc', $columns = ['*']);
// Search product by keyword with pagination


At controller use PostRepository and add function __construct

use VCComponent\Laravel\Product\Repositories\ProductRepository;
public function __construct(ProductRepository $productRepo) 
    $this->productRepo = $productRepo;

For example

$product = $this->productRepo->findProductByField('name','product hot');
// get a product named hot product

$productWhere = $this->productRepo->findByWhere(['name'=>'product hot','status'=>1]);
// get a product named hot product and status = 1

$productWhere = $this->productRepo->findByWherePaginate(['name'=>'product hot','status'=>1]);
// get a product named hot product and status = 1 with paginate

$productById = $this->productRepo->getProductByID(1);
// get product with id = 1

$productMedia = $this->productRepo->getProductMedias(2);
// get a list of images of product with id = 2

$product = $this->productRepo->getProductUrl(1);
// get the product link with id = 1

$productsRelated = $this->productRepo->getRelatedProducts(1);
// get all products in the same category as the product with id = 1

$productsRelatedPaginate = $this->productRepo->getRelatedProductsPaginate(1);
// get all products of the same category as the product with id=1 with pagination

$productsWithCategory = $this->productRepo->getProductsWithCategory(1);
// get all products in category id = 1 

$productsWithCategoryPaginate = $this->productRepo->getProductsWithCategory(1);
// get all products of category id = 2  with pagination

$productsResult = $this->productRepo->getSearchResult('hot',['name','description']);
// get all products that contain "hot" in name or description field 

$productsResult = $this->productRepo->getSearchResult('hot',['name','description'],['status'=>1],3);
// get all product that contain "hot" in name or description field and have status = 1 field and belong to category with id = 3

$productsResult = $this->productRepo->getSearchResultPaginate('hot',['name','description'],['status'=>1],3);
// get all product that contain "hot" in name or description field and have status = 1 field and belong to category with id = 3 with paginate


List of entity query function

Scope a query to only include products of a given type.

public function scopeOfType($query, $type)

Get product collection by type.

public static function getByType($type = 'products')

Get product by type with pagination.

public static function getByTypeWithPagination($type = 'products', $per_page = 15)

Get product by type and id.

public static function findByType($id, $type = 'products')

Get product meta data.

public function getMetaField($key)

Scope a query to only include hot products.

public function scopeIsHot($query)

Scope a query to only include in stock products.

public function scopeInStock($query)

Scope a query to only include publisded products.

public function scopeIsPublished($query)

Scope a query to sort products by order column.

public function scopeSortByOrder($query, $order = 'desc')

Scope a query to sort products by published_date column.

public function scopeSortByPublishedDate($query, $order = 'desc')

Scope a query to sort products by sold quanlity.

public function scopeSortBySoldQuanlity($query, $order = 'desc')

Scope a query to search products of given key word. This function is also able to scope with categories, or tags.

public function scopeOfSearching($query, $search, $with_category = false, $with_tag = false)

Scope a query to include related products. This function is also able to scope with categories, or tags.

public function scopeOfRelatingTo($query, $product, $with_category = false, $with_tag = false)

Use entity query function

Use Trait.

namespace App\Model;

use VCComponent\Laravel\Product\Traits\ProductQueryTrait;

class Product 
    use ProductQueryTrait;

Extend VCComponent\Laravel\Product\Entities\Product Entity.

namespace App\Model;

use VCComponent\Laravel\Product\Entities\Product as BaseProduct;

class Product extends BaseProduct

Entity query function example

$product = Product::isPublished()->inStock()->with('categories')->sortBySoldQuanlity()->first();
$products = Product::ofType('product')->isPublished()->inStock()->ofRelatingTo($product, true)->get();


Your ProductListController controller class must extends VCComponent\Laravel\Product\Http\Controllers\Web\ProductListController as BaseProductListController implements VCComponent\Laravel\Product\Contracts\ViewProductListControllerInterface;

class ProductListController extends BaseProductListController implements ViewProductListControllerInterface

Your ProductDetailController controller class must extends VCComponent\Laravel\Product\Http\Controllers\Web\ProductDetailController as BaseProductDetailController implements VCComponent\Laravel\Product\Contracts\ViewProductDetailControllerInterface;

class ProductDetailController extends BaseProductDetailController implements ViewProductDetailControllerInterface

If you want change view default, you must add the view your to the Product controller class.

protected function view()
    return 'view-custom';


The api endpoint should have these format:

Verb URI
GET /api/{namespace}/admin/products
GET /api/{namespace}/admin/products/{id}
POST /api/{namespace}/admin/products
PUT /api/{namespace}/admin/products/{id}
DELETE /api/{namespace}/admin/products/{id}
PUT /api/{namespace}/admin/products/status/bulk
PUT /api/{namespace}/admin/products/status/{id}
---- ----
GET /api/{namespace}/
GET /api/{namespace}/{id}
POST /api/{namespace}/
PUT /api/{namespace}/{id}
DELETE /api/{namespace}/{id}
PUT /api/{namespace}/status/bulk
PUT /api/{namespace}/status/{id}