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Category management package for managing category in laravel framework



To include the package in your project, Please run following command.

composer require vicoders/categorymanager

Service Provider

In your config/app.php add the following Service Providers to the end of the providers array:

'providers' => [

Config and Migration

Run the following commands to publish configuration and migration files.

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="VCComponent\Laravel\Category\Providers\CategoryServiceProvider"
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Dingo\Api\Provider\LaravelServiceProvider"
php artisan vendor:publish --provider "Prettus\Repository\Providers\RepositoryServiceProvider"

Create tables:

php artisan migrate


In .env file, we need some configuration.

API_NAME="Your API Name"


URL namespace

To avoid duplication with your application's api endpoints, the package has a default namespace for its routes which is category-management. For example:


You can modify the package url namespace to whatever you want by modifying the CATEGORY_COMPONENT_NAMESPACE variable in .env file.


Model and Transformer

You can use your own model and transformer class by modifying the configuration file config\category.php

'models'          => [
    'category' => App\Entities\Category::class,

'transformers'    => [
    'category' => App\Transformers\CategoryTransformer::class,

Your Category model class must implements VCComponent\Laravel\Category\Contracts\CategorySchema and VCComponent\Laravel\Category\Contracts\CategoryManagement


namespace App\Entities;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use Prettus\Repository\Contracts\Transformable;
use Prettus\Repository\Traits\TransformableTrait;
use VCComponent\Laravel\Category\Contracts\CategoryManagement;
use VCComponent\Laravel\Category\Contracts\CategorySchema;
use VCComponent\Laravel\Category\Traits\CategoryManagementTrait;
use VCComponent\Laravel\Category\Traits\CategorySchemaTrait;

class Category extends Model implements Transformable, CategorySchema, CategoryManagement
    use TransformableTrait, CategorySchemaTrait, CategoryManagementTrait;

    const STATUS_PENDING = 1;
    const STATUS_ACTIVE  = 2;

    protected $fillable = [

Auth middleware

Configure auth middleware in configuration file config\category.php

'auth_middleware' => [
        'admin'    => [
            'middleware' => 'jwt.auth',
            'except'     => ['index'],
        'frontend' => [
            'middleware' => 'jwt.auth',
            'except'     => ['index'],

Query functions provide


List of query functions

Get the list of categories of post type

public function getCategoriesQuery(array $where, $number = 10, $order_by ='order', $order = 'asc', $columns = ['*']);

public function getCategoriesQueryPaginate(array $where, $number = 10, $order_by ='order', $order = 'asc', $columns = ['*']);
// Get a list of categories of a paginated post type

Get the category list of an article

public function getPostCategoriesQuery($post_id, array $where, $post_type = 'posts', $number = 10, $order_by = 'order', $order = 'asc');

public function getPostCategoriesQueryPaginate($post_id, array $where, $post_type = 'posts', $number = 10, $order_by = 'order', $order = 'asc');
// get the category list of a paginated article


At controller use CategoryRepository and add function __construct

use VCComponent\Laravel\Category\Repositories\CategoryRepository;
public function __construct(CategoryRepository $categoryRepo)
    $this->categoryRepo = $categoryRepo;

For example

public function index() {
    $categories = $this->categoryRepo->getCategoriesQuery(['type'=>'knowledge'],0);
    // get all categories of post type knowledge (with $number = 0 get all records)
    $categoriesPaginate = $this->categoryRepo
    // get categories of paginated  knowledge post type
    $postCategories = $this->categoryRepo->getPostCategoriesQuery(45,['status'=>1]);
    // retrieve the categories of posts id = 45
    $postCategoriesPaginate = $this->categoryRepo
    // get the categories of posts id = 45 with pagination


List of entity query functions

Scope a query to only include categories of a given type.

public function scopeOfType($query)

Scope a query to only include hot categories.

public function scopeIsHot($query)

Scope a query to only include published categories.

public function scopeIsPublished($query)

Scope a query to order categories by order column.

public function scopeSortByOrder($query, $order = 'acs')

Scope a query to order categories by name column.

public function scopeSortByName($query, $order = 'asc')

Scope a query to order categories by usage time. From hight to low.

public function scopeMostUsed($query, $categoryable_type = null)

Scope a query to order categories by usage time. From low to hight.

public function scopeLeastUsed($query, $categoryable_type = null)

Use entity query function

Use Trait.

namespace App\Model;

use VCComponent\Laravel\Category\Traits\CategoryQueryTrait;

class Category 
    use CategoryQueryTrait;

Extend VCComponent\Laravel\Category\Entities\Category Entity.

namespace App\Model;

use VCComponent\Laravel\Category\Entities\Category as BaseCategory;

class Category extends BaseCategory

Entity query function example

$category = Category::ofType('posts')->isHot()->isPublished()->mostUsed()->pageinate(15);


Your CategoryListController controller class must extends VCComponent\Laravel\Category\Http\Controllers\Web\CategoryListController as BaseCategoryListController implements VCComponent\Laravel\Category\Contracts\ViewCategoryListControllerInterface;

class CategoryListController extends BaseCategoryListController implements ViewCategoryListControllerInterface

Your CategoryDetailController controller class must extends VCComponent\Laravel\Category\Http\Controllers\Web\CategoryDetailController as BaseCategoryDetailController implements VCComponent\Laravel\Category\Contracts\ViewCategoryDetailControllerInterface;

class CategoryDetailController extends BaseCategoryDetailController implements ViewCategoryDetailControllerInterface

If you want change view default CategoryList, CategoryDetail, you must add the view your to the Category controller class.

protected function view()
    return 'view-custom';


The api endpoint should have these format:

Verb URI
GET /api/{namespace}/admin/categories
GET /api/{namespace}/admin/categories/{id}
POST /api/{namespace}/admin/categories
PUT /api/{namespace}/admin/categories/{id}
DELETE /api/{namespace}/admin/categories/{id}
PUT /api/{namespace}/admin/categories/status/bulk
PUT /api/{namespace}/admin/categories/status/{id}
---- ----
GET /api/{namespace}/categories
GET /api/{namespace}/categories/{id}
POST /api/{namespace}/categories
PUT /api/{namespace}/categories/{id}
DELETE /api/{namespace}/categories/{id}
PUT /api/{namespace}/categories/status/bulk
PUT /api/{namespace}/categories/status/{id}