
Sylius plugin for PausePay payment gateway

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-26 13:23:37 UTC


Sylius PausePay Plugin

Sylius plugin for PausePay payment method.


  1. Run:

    composer require webgriffe/sylius-pausepay-plugin
  2. Add Webgriffe\SyliusPausePayPlugin\WebgriffeSyliusPausePayPlugin::class => ['all' => true] to your config/bundles.php.

    Normally, the plugin is automatically added to the config/bundles.php file by the composer require command. If it is not, you have to add it manually.

  3. Create a new file config/packages/webgriffe_sylius_pausepay_plugin.yaml:

      - { resource: "@WebgriffeSyliusPausePayPlugin/config/config.php" }
  4. Create a new file config/routes/webgriffe_sylius_pausepay_plugin.yaml:

        resource: "@WebgriffeSyliusPausePayPlugin/config/routes/shop.php"
        prefix: /{_locale}
            _locale: ^[A-Za-z]{2,4}(_([A-Za-z]{4}|[0-9]{3}))?(_([A-Za-z]{2}|[0-9]{3}))?$
        resource: "@WebgriffeSyliusPausePayPlugin/config/routes/index.php"
        resource: "@WebgriffeSyliusPausePayPlugin/config/routes/payum.php"
        resource: "@PayumBundle/Resources/config/routing/cancel.xml"
  5. Add the PaymentOrder entity. Create a new file src/Entity/Payment/PaymentOrder.php with the following content:

    namespace App\Entity\Payment;
    use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping as ORM;
    use Webgriffe\SyliusPausePayPlugin\Entity\PaymentOrder as BasePaymentOrder;
     * @ORM\Entity
     * @ORM\Table(name="webgriffe_sylius_pausepay_payment_order")
    class PaymentOrder extends BasePaymentOrder
  6. Add a new CompanyInfoResolver service that decorates the dummy service webgriffe_sylius_pausepay.resolver.company_info of the plugin. This service is used to resolve the company info "of the order" and will be passed to PausePay system upon payment creation.

    Create a new file src/Resolver/PausePay/CompanyInfoResolver.php with the following content:

    namespace App\Resolver\PausePay;
    use Sylius\Component\Core\Model\OrderInterface;
    use Webgriffe\SyliusPausePayPlugin\Resolver\CompanyInfoResolverInterface;
    use Webgriffe\SyliusPausePayPlugin\ValueObject\CompanyInfo;
    final class CompanyInfoResolver implements CompanyInfoResolverInterface
        public function resolveFromOrder(OrderInterface $order): CompanyInfo
            // TODO: your logic here

    and define it as the decoration/replacement of the service with alias webgriffe_sylius_pausepay.resolver.company_info. For example create the file config/services/resolver.yaml with content:

            class: App\Resolver\PausePay\CompanyInfoResolver

    TODO: Add sandbox logic

  7. If you have a custom implementation of the Sylius service PaymentMethodResolver, you must add the logic to check the availability of PausePay payment method by using the service PausePayAvailabilityChecker.

    TODO: Add example

  8. Run:

    php bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate
  9. Run:

    php bin/console sylius:install:assets

    Or, you can add the entry to your webpack.config.js file:


    And then override the template WebgriffeSyliusPausePayPlugin/after_pay.html.twig to include the entry:

    {% block javascripts %}
        {{ parent() }}
            window.afterUrl = "{{ afterUrl }}";
            window.paymentStatusUrl = "{{ paymentStatusUrl }}";
        {{ encore_entry_script_tags('webgriffe-sylius-pausepay-entry', null, 'sylius.shop') }}
    {% endblock %}


Access to the admin panel and go to the Payment methods section. Create a new payment method and select PausePay as gateway. Then, configure the payment method with the required parameters.


For a comprehensive guide on Sylius Plugins development please go to Sylius documentation, there you will find the Plugin Development Guide, that is full of examples.

Quickstart Installation


  1. Run composer create-project sylius/plugin-skeleton ProjectName.

  2. From the plugin skeleton root directory, run the following commands:

    $ (cd tests/Application && yarn install)
    $ (cd tests/Application && yarn build)
    $ (cd tests/Application && APP_ENV=test bin/console assets:install public)
    $ (cd tests/Application && APP_ENV=test bin/console doctrine:database:create)
    $ (cd tests/Application && APP_ENV=test bin/console doctrine:schema:create)

To be able to set up a plugin's database, remember to configure you database credentials in tests/Application/.env and tests/Application/.env.test.


  1. Execute docker compose up -d

  2. Initialize plugin docker compose exec app make init

  3. See your browser open localhost


Running plugin tests

  • PHPUnit

  • PHPSpec

    vendor/bin/phpspec run
  • Behat (non-JS scenarios)

    vendor/bin/behat --strict --tags="~@javascript"
  • Behat (JS scenarios)

    1. Install Symfony CLI command.

    2. Start Headless Chrome:

    google-chrome-stable --enable-automation --disable-background-networking --no-default-browser-check --no-first-run --disable-popup-blocking --disable-default-apps --allow-insecure-localhost --disable-translate --disable-extensions --no-sandbox --enable-features=Metal --headless --remote-debugging-port=9222 --window-size=2880,1800 --proxy-server='direct://' --proxy-bypass-list='*'
    1. Install SSL certificates (only once needed) and run test application's webserver on
    symfony server:ca:install
    APP_ENV=test symfony server:start --port=8080 --dir=tests/Application/public --daemon
    1. Run Behat:
    vendor/bin/behat --strict --tags="@javascript"
  • Static Analysis

    • Psalm

    • PHPStan

      vendor/bin/phpstan analyse -c phpstan.neon -l max src/  
  • Coding Standard

    vendor/bin/ecs check

Opening Sylius with your plugin

  • Using test environment:

    (cd tests/Application && APP_ENV=test bin/console sylius:fixtures:load)
    (cd tests/Application && APP_ENV=test bin/console server:run -d public)
  • Using dev environment:

    (cd tests/Application && APP_ENV=dev bin/console sylius:fixtures:load)
    (cd tests/Application && APP_ENV=dev bin/console server:run -d public)