Lib for generating Json Web Tokens using PHP

v1.1.1 2024-07-16 00:18 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-26 16:50:29 UTC


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How to install

composer require webdevcave/jwt

Provided signers

Algorithm Version
HS256 1.0
HS384 1.0
HS512 1.0
RS256 1.1
RS384 1.1
RS512 1.1

Provided claim validators

Claim Version Description RFC
aud 1.1 Audience
exp 1.0 Expiration time (timestamp)
iss 1.1 Issuer
nbf 1.0 Not before (timestamp)
sub 1.1 Subject
  • "typ" claim is defined as JWT by default.
  • "iat" and "nbf" claims are starts with the current timestamp by default.
  • "jti" validator isn't provided but it can be implemented by your application as presented in "Validating your private claims" section

Basic Usage

Generating a token


use Webdevcave\Jwt\Token;
use Webdevcave\Jwt\SignerFactory;
use \Webdevcave\Jwt\Secrets\HsSecret;

$secret = new HsSecret('your_secret_here');
$token = Token::create()
    ->withSigner(SignerFactory::build('HS256')) //HS256 signer is provided by default. This could be omitted
    ->with('exp', strtotime('+ 1 hour')) //Expires in one hour

Validating and reading values from a token


use Webdevcave\Jwt\Token;

$token = Token::fromString('xxxx.yyyyy.zzzzz');
$isValid = $token->validate($secret);

if ($isValid) {
    $payload = $token->getPayload();
    $headers = $token->getHeaders();

RSA Tokens:

First of all, you will need a public/private key pair. If you don't have one, you can generate it easily at the following page:

With your public/private key pair in hand, the process will be similar to the hmac tokens in the above example:


use Webdevcave\Jwt\Token;
use Webdevcave\Jwt\SignerFactory;
use \Webdevcave\Jwt\Secrets\RsSecret;

$secret = new RsSecret('private_key', 'public_key');

//Generate a token string
$tokenString = Token::create()
    ->with('exp', strtotime('+ 1 hour')) //Expires in one hour

$token = Token::fromString($tokenString);
if ($token->validate($secret)) {
    //token is valid...
    $creationDate = date(DATE_RFC3339, $token->getPayload('iat'));
    $expirationDate = date(DATE_RFC3339, $token->getPayload('exp'));
    echo "Your token was created at $creationDate.";
    echo "It will expire at $expirationDate.";

Validating your private claims

First you have to create your validator

use \Webdevcave\Jwt\Validator\Validator;

class MyClaimValidator extends Validator {
     * @return string
    public function validates() : string
        return 'my-claim'; //this will validate value inside 'my-claim', when set
     * @param mixed $value
     * @return bool
    public function validate(mixed $value) : bool
        // this claim must contain value 'a', 'b' or 'c'
        $valid = in_array($value, ['a', 'b', 'c']);
        return $valid;

Then all you have to do is assign your validator before running validate() method


use Webdevcave\Jwt\Token;

$token = Token::fromString('xxxx.yyyyy.zzzzz')
            ->assignValidator(new MyClaimValidator());

$isValid = $token->validate($mySecret);

if ($isValid) {
    $myClaim = $token->getPayload('my-claim');


You can get an Token instance directly from the Authorization header or through a query parameter with the following methods:

use Webdevcave\Jwt\Token;

//Load from authorization bearer
$token1 = Token::fromAuthorizationBearer();

//Load from get parameters
$token2 = Token::fromQueryString('token');
$token3 = Token::fromQueryString('token2');


Contributions are welcome! If you find any issues or have suggestions for improvements, please open an issue or a pull request on GitHub.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.


Original project can be found here